
上一篇 《Socket与站点保密应用 (隐藏链接的视频下载)》大大咧咧地从 WEB 讲 Socket。再到 TCP/IP
等协议,又再讲到 Wireshark 怎样抓IP包分析。最还要复习一下路由与网络的知识。真的涉及面太广了,仅仅能蜻蜓点水一一带过,只是将多领域的知识串烧也是不错的,能够起到一个归纳的作用。这篇针对 Flash 来进行。写作思路以解决这个问题的过程行为线索。

依次展示怎样使用 Flex Air 的 ServerSocket 和 Socket 实现简化版本号的 HTTP server,以及怎样载入外部的 SWF 文件并进行操作。

在 mplayer.swf 内部,使用 FlasCC 集成 C 代码做保护。使用了 Hessian 做对象序列化。Hessian是一个由Caucho Technology开发的轻量级二进制RPC协议。Hessian 自称为 binary web service protocol

。看来加了个 protocol 的都不简单了,好几个平台的版本号都出来了。FlasCC 的加密部分似乎和 cmodule.usemd5 包下的 FSM_encode 这个类有关,这里截一片代码出来。看有没人了解一二:

  1. this.i2 = mstate.ebp + -96;
  2. this.i2 = this.i2 + 24;
  3. this.i11 = this.i2 + this.i12;
  4. this.i14 = this.i8;
  5. this.i15 = this.i13;
  6. memcpy(this.i11, this.i14, this.i15);
  7. mstate.esp = mstate.esp - 8;
  8. mstate.esp = mstate.esp - 4;
  9. this.start();
  10. mstate.esp = mstate.esp + 8;
  11. this.i2 = this.i13 + 64;

因为没有全然掌握 FlasCC ,所以没有深入,这里路过一下了。还是从 SWF 加载流程出发。通过调试得到。mvplayer 的运行是从这里開始的 com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.player.InPlayer > Player。抓主线,理清了 videoId 是怎样和视频信息关联的。主要代码贴一贴,有点长。但这部分是最小功能 F**K CODE 之前,来两张AOA福利滋润一下各位看官:)。

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="">

  1. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.player.player extends Sprite implements IPlayer
  2. public function loadByVideoId(id:String) : void
  3. {
  4. var key:String = null;
  5. var url:String = null;
  6. var req:GetRequest = null;
  7. var cLoader:* = new CLibInit();
  8. var cLib:* = cLoader.init();
  9. var stamp:String = UTCDateCreator.utcfiveminute();
  10. key = cLib.encode(":" + id + ":" + stamp + ":" + PlayerVersion.version);
  11. // cLib.encode(":2344403:4797398:") => ee4fb9b09346bd933dd22e37fe978741 32Byte
  12. var reg:RegExp = /^(http:\/\/.*?)\/.*/;
  13. if (ServiceConfig.GET_VIDEOINFO_URL.indexOf("http") >= 0)
  14. {
  15. url = ServiceConfig.GET_VIDEOINFO_URL;
  16. }
  17. else
  18. {
  19. url = RootReference.stage.loaderInfo.url.replace(reg, "$1") + ServiceConfig.GET_VIDEOINFO_URL;
  20. }
  21. req = new GetRequest(url);
  22. req.addEventListener(RequestEvent.RESPONSE, this.onAfterGetVideoInfo);
  23. req.doRequest({videoId:id, sc:key, t:stamp, v:PlayerVersion.version});
  24. // http://www.yinyuetai.com/main/get-mv-info?
  26. // flex=true&sc=ee4fb9b09346bd933dd22e37fe978741&t=4797398&v=
  27. // Content-Type:binary/hessian; charset=UTF-8
  28. // data["videoInfo"] as MvSiteVideoInfo;
  29. return;
  30. }
  32. private function onAfterGetVideoInfo(event:RequestEvent) : void
  33. {
  34. var videoInfo:MvSiteVideoInfo = null;
  35. var coreVInfo:CoreVideoInfo = null;
  36. var pe:PlayerEvent = null;
  37. var evInfo:ExVideoInfo = null;
  38. var listItem:PlaylistItem = null;
  39. var o:Object = event.responseData;
  40. var isNOK:Boolean = o["error"] as Boolean;
  41. var msg:String = o["message"] as String;
  42. if (!isNOK)
  43. {
  44. videoInfo = o["videoInfo"] as MvSiteVideoInfo;
  45. coreVInfo = videoInfo.coreVideoInfo;
  46. if (coreVInfo.error)
  47. {
  48. pe = new PlayerEvent(PlayerEvent.MVPLAYER_ERROR, coreVInfo.errorMsg);
  49. dispatchEvent(pe);
  50. }
  51. else
  52. {
  53. evInfo = new ExVideoInfo(videoInfo);
  54. this.config.exVideoInfo = evInfo;
  55. listItem = new PlaylistItem();
  56. listItem.init(coreVInfo);
  57. this.load(listItem);
  58. this.model.config.setConfig(coreVInfo);
  59. }
  60. }
  61. else
  62. {
  63. pe = new PlayerEvent(PlayerEvent.MVPLAYER_ERROR, msg);
  64. dispatchEvent(pe);
  65. }
  66. return;
  67. }
  69. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.model.ExVideoInfo extends Object
  70. public var pageUrl:String;
  71. public var headImage:String;
  72. public var bigHeadImage:String;
  74. public function ExVideoInfo(o:Object)
  75. {
  76. var reg:RegExp = /^(http:\/\/.*?)\/.*/;
  77. var srvURL:String = ServiceConfig.REMOTE_SERVER_URL;
  78. if (o.hasOwnProperty("bigHeadImage") && o["bigHeadImage"])
  79. {
  80. if (o["bigHeadImage"].indexOf("http") < 0)
  81. {
  82. this.bigHeadImage = (srvURL.indexOf("http") < 0 ?
  83. (RootReference.stage.loaderInfo.url.replace(reg, "$1")) : ("")) +
  84. srvURL + StringUtil.trim(o["bigHeadImage"]);
  85. }
  86. else
  87. {
  88. this.bigHeadImage = StringUtil.trim(o["bigHeadImage"]);
  89. }
  90. }
  91. if (o.hasOwnProperty("pageUrl") && o["pageUrl"])
  92. {
  93. this.pageUrl = o["pageUrl"].indexOf("http") < 0 ?
  94. (srvURL + StringUtil.trim(o["pageUrl"])) : (StringUtil.trim(o["pageUrl"]));
  95. }
  96. if (o.hasOwnProperty("headImage") && o["headImage"])
  97. {
  98. this.headImage = o["headImage"].indexOf("http") < 0 ?
  100. (srvURL + StringUtil.trim(o["headImage"])) : (StringUtil.trim(o["headImage"]));
  101. }
  102. if (o.hasOwnProperty("secretKeyUri") && o["secretKeyUri"])
  103. {
  104. ServiceConfig.secretKeyURL = o["secretKeyUri"];
  105. }
  106. return;
  107. }
  109. //com.yinyuetai.flex.GetRequest extends RequestBase
  111. public function GetRequest(param1:String = null, param2:URLVariables = null, param3:IUpdatable = null, param4:IResponseDecoder = null) : void
  112. {
  113. super(URLRequestMethod.GET, param1, param2, param3, param4);
  114. return;
  115. }
  117. //com.yinyuetai.flex.RequestBase extends EventDispatcher
  119. private var _method:String;
  120. private var _url:String;
  121. private var _params:URLVariables;
  122. private var _updatable:IUpdatable;
  123. private var _decoder:IResponseDecoder;
  124. private static var _addFlexParam:Boolean = true;
  126. public function RequestBase(m:String, url:String, data:URLVariables = null,
  127. up:IUpdatable = null, deco:IResponseDecoder = null) : void
  128. {
  129. this._method = m;
  130. this._url = url;
  131. this._params = data;
  132. this._updatable = up;
  133. this._decoder = deco;
  134. }
  136. protected function onComplete(event:Event) : void
  137. {
  138. var requestEvent:RequestEvent;
  139. var responseData:Object;
  140. var event:* = event;
  141. var stream:* = event.target as URLStream;
  142. var buffer:* = new ByteArray();
  143. var offset:uint;
  144. do
  145. {
  146. stream.readBytes(buffer, offset, stream.bytesAvailable);
  147. offset = offset + stream.bytesAvailable;
  148. var ba:int = stream.bytesAvailable;
  149. }while (ba > 0)
  150. stream.close();
  151. if (!this._decoder)
  152. {
  153. this._decoder = new HessianDecoder();
  154. }
  155. try
  156. {
  157. responseData = this._decoder.decode(buffer);
  158. if (this._updatable)
  159. {
  160. this._updatable.responseData = responseData;
  161. }
  162. requestEvent = new RequestEvent(RequestEvent.RESPONSE);
  163. requestEvent.responseData = responseData;
  164. dispatchEvent(requestEvent);
  165. }
  166. catch (ex:DecodeError)
  167. {
  168. requestEvent = new RequestEvent(RequestEvent.ERROR);
  169. requestEvent.errorMessage = ex.message;
  170. dispatchEvent(requestEvent);
  171. if (_updatable)
  172. {
  173. _updatable.error(ex.message);
  174. }
  175. }
  176. dispatchEvent(new RequestEvent(RequestEvent.END));
  177. if (this._updatable)
  178. {
  179. this._updatable.end();
  180. }
  181. return;
  182. }// end function
  184. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.utils.UTCDateCreator extends Object
  185. public static function get utcfiveminute() : String
  186. {
  187. var r:int = null;
  188. var d:Date = new Date();
  189. r = int(d.getTime() / 300000).toString();
  190. return r;
  191. }
  193. //package com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.player.PlayerVersion extends Object
  194. static const VERSION:String = "";
  196. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.ServiceConfig extends Object
  197. public static const REMOTE_SERVER_URL:String = "http://www.yinyuetai.com";
  198. public static const GET_VIDEOINFO_URL:String = REMOTE_SERVER_URL + "/main/get-mv-info";
  199. public static var secretKeyURL:String;
  201. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.pojos.MvSiteVideoInfo extends Object
  202. public var coreVideoInfo:CoreVideoInfo;
  203. public var secretKeyUri:String;
  204. public var pageUrl:String;
  206. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.pojos.CoreVideoInfo extends Object
  207. public var artistIds:String = "";
  208. public var artistNames:String = "";
  209. public var headImage:String = "";
  210. public var bigHeadImage:String = "";
  211. public var duration:int = 0;
  212. public var error:Boolean = false;
  213. public var errorMsg:String = "";
  214. public var like:Boolean = false;
  215. public var threeD:Boolean = false;
  216. public var videoId:int = 0;
  217. public var videoName:String = "";
  218. public var videoUrlModels:Array = null;
  220. //com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.pojos.VideoUrlModel extends Object
  221. public var qualityLevelName:String;
  222. public var videoUrl:String;
  223. public var bitrateType:int;
  224. public var bitrate:int;
  225. public var sha1:String;
  226. public var fileSize:int;
  227. public var md5:String;

以上代码通过追踪 loadByVideoId,能够发现 RequestBase 这个非常关键的类。它使用了 IResponseDecoder 接口,实现了对象的逆序列化,这个过程是 hessian 类包实现的功能。主要是使用 Hessian2Input.readObject(), hessian-flash-4_0-snap.swc 就是应如今使用的版本号。假设使用低版本号会不认识MAGIC 0x48:

  1. Error: unknown code: 0x48 H
  2. at hessian.io::Hessian2Inpu

有了这些后面会比較好办,稍为花点心思。先来用 Loader 将 mvplayer.swf 载入往来,然后调用它的 loadByVideoId。所以仅仅须要提供一个 ID 就能够得到连接信息了,一条含有 get-mv-info 的数据请求,FlasCC 的逆向也免了。当然。使用这样的方法也面临两个难题:

1. 沙箱安全约束。

2. 本地载入时。不同意使用 allowDomain() 方法,所以须要以服务端载入。

由于沙箱安全约束,即使用载入 mvplayer.swf 也不能使它读取到 yinyuetai.com server的数据,由于改变了 mvplayer.swf 的位置后,原来的 yinyuetai.com 已经变成第三方站点了,所以要在它身上取数据,就要通过 crossDomain.xml 策略文件来授权。

这个授权有点问题, 我试了一下本地做了一个 hack 版本号:

  1. <cross-domain-policy>
  2. <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
  3. </cross-domain-policy>

上面这个策略文件就是一个全然开放许可,我须要做的就是把本地 hosts 文件改动一下,增加以下一行:   www.yinyuetai.com

再次调用 mvplayer.swf 时,它依旧是从 www.yinyuetai.com 请求数据,仅仅是这次它的请求被路由到了本地的环回接口。我仅仅需做一个 HTTP 服务提供上面的策略文件即能够解决授权。当 mvpayer.swf 觉得得到授权后,还须要它来获取数据,所以要再次改动 hosts 文件,去掉之前的改动内容。这样就麻烦是有点。只是它真的 WORKING 了!

退一步来考虑,能够不须要 mvplayer.swf 获取数据,仅仅要得到它间接产生的数据链接即能够达到破解的目的了。

于是,我做了一个通过 ServerSocket 实现的 HTTP 服务,mvplayer.swf 就从这个 HTTP 服务载入。然后就让它产生一个数据请求,我须要做的是捕捉这个即将产生异常的数据请求。

可惜的是,通过全局异常捕捉能够处理文档类 Player 产生的异常,但进入到 RequestBase 类后。Flash UncaughtErrorEvents 全局异常处理就真的异常了,全然不工作。

AIR 执行时,根本连异常的警告窗都不弹出来,所以实用的数据连接全然处理不了:

  1. =========================================================================
  2. Error #2044: Unhandled SecurityErrorEvent:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: cannot load data from http://www.yinyuetai.com/main/get-mv-info?
  4. flex=true&sc=54e4b6daef63eb263d80e97ae4bb775a&t=4797652&v=
  5. at com.yinyuetai.flex::RequestBase/doRequest()
  6. at com.yinyuetai.mvplayer.player::Player/loadByVideoId()
  7. at Main/parseCMD()
  8. at Main/doKeyUp()
  9. =========================================================================

到这里。问题似乎变得更复杂了,难道非要走上抓 IP 包的不归路?好吧。看 TCPViewr 这个小工具是怎么做的,看看怎样自己写代码做一个 Tiny Sniffer,这仅仅能先想想的法子。基本上也是一条不归路吧,以后有空再去搞。先要以简单的方法来解决这个问题。想想,想想,再想想!真的还是有的,并且极为便利,能够说随手拈来。那就是让 mvplayer.swf 请求数据时。去本地的server取数据了,本地server最多就是产生一条 404 回复,因此就不会产生不能够处理的异常了,太好了。就这样干了。使用 Hex Workshop
来找找 www.yinyuetai.com 来改掉:

  1. =========================================================================
  2. 00033F40 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 70 70 6C 73 69 73 2E 63 68 69 ttp://pplsis.chi
  3. 00033F50 6E 61 63 61 63 68 65 2E 6E 65 74 2F 66 69 6C 65 nacache.net/file
  4. 00033F60 11 52 45 4D 4F 54 45 5F 53 45 52 56 45 52 5F 55 .REMOTE_SERVER_U
  5. 00033F70 52 4C 18 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 31 32 37 2E 31 30 RL.http://127.10
  6. 00033F80 30 2E 31 30 30 2E 31 30 3A 38 30 18 52 45 4D 4F 0.100.10:80.REMO
  7. 00033F90 54 45 5F 53 54 41 54 49 43 5F 53 45 52 56 45 52 TE_STATIC_SERVER
  8. 00033FA0 5F 55 52 4C 18 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 73 2E 63 2E _URL.http://s.c.
  9. =========================================================================

看上的server已经变成 了,处理后让 YueTai VIP 跑跑看,我的小工具叫“月台微挨披”。list 是命令,输入命令 list ID 就获取相应 ID 的视频数据:

  1. =========================================================================
  2. list 2344403
  3. Parsing command: list 2344403
  4. Parse request: GET /main/get-mv-info?flex=true&sc=57dc2e7b639a3d74f87a295f22abc04a&t=4797738&v= HTTP/1.1
  6. GET: /main/get-mv-info?flex=true&sc=57dc2e7b639a3d74f87a295f22abc04a&t=4797738&v=
  8. parseVideo Info: http://www.yinyuetai.com/main/get-mv-info?flex=true&sc=57dc2e7b639a3d74f87a295f22abc04a&t=4797738&v=
  10. Length: 1753
  11. Video info: [object Object]
  12. CoreVideoInfo: [object Object]
  13. videoUrlModels: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
  14. =========================================================================

这个 ID 的节目是 AOA专訪 - 王牌天使 怦然心动! 15/08/04。

看到 videoUrlModels 成员相应出现了四个 Object。离成功就不远了,提取一个 VideoUrlModel 数据来欣赏:

  1. =========================================================================
  2. qualityLevelName:String "流畅"
  3. videoUrl:String "http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/3132014EF85A8CE3ADF791CC5E279802.flv?
  5. sc=8600027e500abf9b&br=779&vid=2344403&aid=30971&area=ML&vst=6"
  6. bitrateType:int 1
  7. bitrate:int 779
  8. sha1:String "b83ad22372f9522e4803e7c0cd370fad08ffb3bd"
  9. fileSize:int 53090582
  10. md5:String "82878eee0fc9a36d41beadc4557f533b"
  11. =========================================================================

考虑到我的代码伤害性较大。就不全贴了。这里取一段展示怎样使用傅 URLStream 载入 Hessian 序列化数据,并进行逆向序列。然后还有通过 ServerSocket 和 Socket 实现仅仅支持 GET 动作的超简版本号 HTTP server。

  1. private function parseVideoInfo(msg:String, index:int):void
  2. {
  3. //get-mv-info
  4. var gmi:String = YYT + msg.substr(index);
  5. log("parseVideo Info: " + gmi);
  6. var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(gmi);
  7. var lod:URLStream = new URLStream();
  8. req.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
  9. lod.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, doMVInfo);
  10. //lod.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
  11. lod.load(req);
  12. }
  14. private function doMVInfo(e:Event):void
  15. {
  16. var lod:URLStream = URLStream(e.target);
  17. var buf:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
  18. log("Length: " + lod.bytesAvailable);
  19. var inf:Object = new Hessian2Input(lod).readObject();
  20. if ( inf.videoInfo && !inf.error) { // inf.logined
  21. var mvInfo:MvInfoModel = MvInfoModel(inf.videoInfo);
  22. var vInfo:MvInfo = mvInfo.coreVideoInfo;
  23. var vModels:Array = vInfo.videoUrlModels;
  24. log("Video info: " + vInfo.artistNames + " - " + vInfo.videoName);
  25. var i:String, mb:int = 1024*1024;
  26. for ( i in vModels) {
  27. var v:VideoUrlModel = vModels[i];
  28. log( v.qualityLevelName + " " +(v.fileSize / mb).toFixed(2) + "MB " + v.videoUrl);
  29. }
  30. }
  31. }


  1. ======================================================================
  2. list 2344403
  3. Parsing command: list 2344403
  4. Close client <>.
  6. connect to <>
  8. Parse request: GET /main/get-mv-info?flex=true&sc=2019a249b4fc9065dba9a05a794571e2&t=4797752&v= HTTP/1.1
  10. GET: /main/get-mv-info?flex=true&sc=2019a249b4fc9065dba9a05a794571e2&t=4797752&v=
  12. parseVideo Info: http://www.yinyuetai.com/main/get-mv-info?
  14. flex=true&sc=2019a249b4fc9065dba9a05a794571e2&t=4797752&v=
  16. Length: 1753
  17. Video info: STAR!调查团,AOA - AOA专訪 - 王牌天使 怦然心动! 15/08/04
  18. 流畅 50.63MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/3132014EF85A8CE3ADF791CC5E279802.flv?sc=5514cfbb95a8d0cd&br=779&vid=2344403&aid=30971&area=ML&vst=6
  19. 高清 71.40MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/757B014EF85F24E2341DCCA341D31C53.flv?
  21. sc=affff575aed9948a&br=1099&vid=2344403&aid=30971&area=ML&vst=6
  22. 超清 203.08MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/1816014EF85F24DBDDA5B109E2710BA3.flv?
  24. sc=56451050f885c3c0&br=3125&vid=2344403&aid=30971&area=ML&vst=6
  25. 会员 397.74MB http://sh.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/EF43014EF85F24D5360F07B4721B30D6.mp4?sc=9ef45657ec52ff16&br=6122&vid=2344403&aid=30971&area=ML&vst=6
  26. ======================================================================


外部 SWF 文件载入,完毕载入后 SWF成员就指向外部文件的文档类。

  1. package
  2. {
  3. import flash.display.*;
  4. import flash.events.*;
  5. import flash.net.URLRequest;
  6. import flash.display.Loader;
  7. import flash.system.LoaderContext;
  8. import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
  10. /**
  11. * ...
  12. * @author Jimbowhy
  13. */
  14. public class ContextAgent extends EventDispatcher
  15. {
  16. public static const ON_INIT:String = "oninit";
  18. public var SWF:Object; // This is the reference to the main class of swf file
  19. public var URL:String = "http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/browserapi/air.swf";
  20. // localhost version is ok "http://localhost/JSocketSrv/bin/air.swf");
  21. // local sanbox not allow use Security.allowDomain()
  22. // SecurityError: Error #3207: Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature.
  23. private var SWFLoader:Loader = new Loader(); // Used to load the SWF
  24. private var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
  25. private var doInit:Function;
  27. public function ContextAgent(url:String, fun:Function):void
  28. {
  29. if ( fun!=null ) {
  30. addEventListener(ContextAgent.ON_INIT, fun);
  31. doInit = fun;
  32. }
  33. if( url ) load(url)
  34. }
  36. public function load(url:String):void
  37. {
  38. URL = url || URL;
  39. // Used to set the application domain
  40. loaderContext.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
  41. SWFLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onInit);
  42. SWFLoader.load(new URLRequest(URL), loaderContext);
  43. }
  45. private function onInit(e:Event):void
  46. {
  47. SWF = e.target.content;
  48. dispatchEvent( new Event(ON_INIT) );
  49. if ( doInit!=null ) {
  50. removeEventListener(ContextAgent.ON_INIT, doInit);
  51. doInit = null;
  52. }
  53. }
  54. }
  56. }

微版HTTP。实现 crossDomain.xml 分发,能够运行 HTTP GET 动作。

  1. package
  2. {
  3. import flash.events.*;
  4. import flash.events.*;
  5. import flash.filesystem.File;
  6. import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
  7. import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
  8. import flash.net.*;
  9. import flash.utils.ByteArray;
  10. import flash.utils.setInterval;
  12. /**
  13. * ...
  14. * @author Jimbowhy
  15. */
  16. public class HttpAgent extends EventDispatcher
  17. {
  18. public static const ON_MESSAGE:String = "onMessage";
  20. public var message:String;
  22. private var sovsok:ServerSocket;
  23. private var sovsokSecu:ServerSocket;
  24. private var clients:Array = new Array();
  25. private var HOST:String = ""
  26. private var PORT:int = 80;
  27. private var portSecu:int = 843;
  28. private var crossDomain:String = "<policy-file-request/>";
  29. private var crossDomainXML:String =
  30. "<cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"*\"/></cross-domain-policy>";
  32. public function HttpAgent(host:String = "", port:int = 80):void
  33. {
  34. HOST = host;
  35. PORT = port;
  36. log( "Do Invoke <host:port>".replace("host", HOST).replace("port", PORT) );
  37. //new ContextAgent("http://localhost/JSocketSrv/bin/air.swf");
  39. if ( !ServerSocket.isSupported )
  40. {
  41. log("ServerSocket is not supported.");
  42. return;
  43. }
  44. if ( sovsok ) clearAll();
  45. try{
  46. sovsokSecu = new ServerSocket();
  47. sovsokSecu.addEventListener(ServerSocketConnectEvent.CONNECT, doConnectSecurity);
  48. sovsokSecu.bind(portSecu, HOST);
  49. sovsokSecu.listen();
  50. log("Bound Security Server to <VA:VB>".replace("VA", HOST).replace("VB", portSecu));
  51. sovsok = new ServerSocket();
  52. sovsok.addEventListener(ServerSocketConnectEvent.CONNECT, doConnect);
  53. //sovsok.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, doSocketClose);
  54. sovsok.bind(PORT, HOST);
  55. log("Bound to <VA:VB>".replace("VA", HOST).replace("VB", PORT));
  56. sovsok.listen();
  57. }catch (e:Error) {
  58. log(e.getStackTrace());
  59. }
  60. if ( !sovsok || !sovsok.bound ) {
  61. log("Fail to bounding, check host address and port:"+PORT+","+portSecu);
  62. }
  63. }
  65. private function clearAll():void
  66. {
  67. if ( sovsok.bound ) sovsok.close();
  68. sovsok.removeEventListener(ServerSocketConnectEvent.CONNECT, doConnect);
  69. if ( sovsokSecu.bound ) sovsokSecu.close();
  70. sovsokSecu.removeEventListener(ServerSocketConnectEvent.CONNECT, doConnectSecurity);
  71. var i:int;
  72. for (i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
  73. var s:Socket = Socket(clients[i]);
  74. s.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, doSocketClient);
  75. s.removeEventListener(Event.CLOSE, doSocketClose);
  76. s.removeEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, doSocketXML);
  77. s.close();
  78. }
  79. clients = new Array();
  80. }
  82. private function doSocketClose(e:Event):void
  83. {
  84. var sok:Socket = Socket(e.target);
  85. var s:Socket ;
  86. var c:Array = new Array();
  87. while ( s = clients.shift() ) {
  88. if ( s != sok ) c.push(s);
  89. s.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, doSocketClient);
  90. s.removeEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, doSocketXML);
  91. s.removeEventListener(Event.CLOSE, doSocketClose);
  92. log(" Close client <VA:VB>.".replace("VA", s.remoteAddress).replace("VB", s.remotePort) );
  93. }
  94. }
  96. private function doConnectSecurity(e:ServerSocketConnectEvent):void
  97. {
  98. var policier:Socket = e.socket;
  99. policier.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, doSocketDataSecu);
  100. log( " Policier connected via port VA.".replace("VA", portSecu) );
  101. }
  103. private function doConnect(e:ServerSocketConnectEvent):void
  104. {
  105. var client:Socket = e.socket;
  106. var msg:String = e.type + " to <VA:VB>";
  107. log( msg.replace("VA", client.remoteAddress).replace("VB", client.remotePort) );
  108. clients.push(client);
  109. client.addEventListener( ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, doSocketClient );
  110. //client.addEventListener( DataEvent.DATA, doSocketXML );
  111. client.addEventListener( Event.CLOSE, doSocketClose );
  112. }
  114. private function bin2hex(bytes:ByteArray):String
  115. {
  116. bytes.position = 0;
  117. var r:String = "";
  118. var i:int;
  119. for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) r += "0x0" + i.toString(16)+" ";
  120. r += "\n";
  121. for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
  122. var v:int = bytes.readByte();
  123. r += (v>0x0F? "0x":"0x0") + v.toString(16)+" ";
  124. }
  125. return r;
  126. }
  128. private function doSocketClient(e:ProgressEvent):void
  129. {
  130. var sok:Socket = Socket(e.target);
  131. var buf:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
  132. var len:int = e.bytesLoaded;
  133. sok.readBytes(buf, 0, len);
  135. var txt:String = buf.readUTFBytes(len);
  136. while( txt.length<len){ // skip \0 between XMLSocket send
  137. txt += buf.readUTFBytes(buf.bytesAvailable);
  138. txt += "\n";
  139. buf.position = txt.length;
  140. }
  141. trace( "Bin2Hex:\n" + bin2hex(buf) );
  143. //if(txt.length>512) txt = "...";
  144. var msg:String = "Socket cient <VA:VB> " + txt.length + " " + e.bytesLoaded + "/" + e.bytesTotal + " :" + txt;
  145. //log( msg.replace("VA", sok.remoteAddress).replace("VB", sok.remotePort) );
  146. if ( txt == crossDomain ) {
  147. responsePolicier(sok);
  148. trace("Response with crossDomain.xml");
  149. }else {
  150. parseRequest(sok, txt);
  151. }
  152. }
  154. private function parseRequest(sok:Socket, req:String):void
  155. {
  156. var ls:Array = req.split("\n");
  157. log("Parse request: " + ls[0]);
  159. var r:Array = HTTP1P1.RGET.exec(ls[0]);
  160. if ( r ) {
  161. log("GET: " + r[2]);
  162. http_get(sok, r[2], req);
  163. }else {
  164. log(HTTP1P1.HTTP501+": " + ls[0]);
  165. sok.writeUTFBytes(HTTP1P1.HTTP501);
  166. sok.writeUTFBytes(HTTP1P1.HEADSPLITER);
  167. sok.flush();
  168. }
  169. }
  171. private function http_get(sok:Socket, path:String, req:String):void
  172. {
  173. path = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("./"+path).nativePath;
  174. var file:File = new File(path);
  175. if ( !file.exists ) {
  176. log( HTTP1P1.HTTP404 + path);
  177. HTTP1P1.setHttpStatus(sok, 404);
  178. HTTP1P1.setContentLength(sok, 0);
  179. HTTP1P1.setMime(sok, "html");
  180. HTTP1P1.setServerMark(sok);
  181. HTTP1P1.setHeaderFinish(sok);
  182. }else{
  183. var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
  184. var stem:FileStream = new FileStream();
  185. log("HTTP GET: " + path);
  186. stem.open(file, FileMode.READ);
  187. stem.readBytes(buff);
  188. HTTP1P1.setHttpStatus(sok, 200);
  189. //HTTP1P1.setHeader(sok, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
  190. HTTP1P1.setServerMark(sok);
  191. log( HTTP1P1.setMime(sok, file.extension) );
  192. HTTP1P1.setContentLength(sok, buff.length);
  193. HTTP1P1.setHeaderFinish(sok);
  194. sok.writeBytes(buff);
  195. }
  196. sok.flush();
  197. }
  199. private function doSocketXML(e:DataEvent):void
  200. {
  201. var sok:Socket = Socket(e.target);
  202. var txt:String = sok.readUTFBytes(sok.bytesAvailable);
  203. var msg:String = "XMLSocket cient <VA:VB> " + sok.bytesAvailable +" :" + txt;
  204. log( msg.replace("VA", sok.remoteAddress).replace("VB", sok.remotePort) );
  205. if ( txt == crossDomain ) responsePolicier(sok);
  206. }
  208. private function doSocketDataSecu(e:ProgressEvent):void
  209. {
  210. var msg:String = "Security server receiving (VA)";
  211. trace(msg.replace("VA", e.bytesLoaded)); //e.bytesTotal alway 0 for Socket
  212. var policier:Socket = Socket( e.target );
  213. var req:String = policier.readUTFBytes(policier.bytesAvailable);
  214. trace("Policier request: " + req);
  215. if ( req == crossDomain ) responsePolicier(policier);
  216. policier.close();
  217. }
  219. public function responsePolicier(policier:Socket):void
  220. {
  221. trace("Response: " + crossDomainXML);
  222. policier.writeUTFBytes( crossDomainXML );
  223. policier.writeByte(0); // \0 for XMLSocket policy
  224. policier.flush();
  225. }
  227. private function log(msg:String):void
  228. {
  229. message = msg+("\n");
  230. var e:Event = new Event(HttpAgent.ON_MESSAGE);
  231. dispatchEvent(e);
  232. }
  233. }
  235. }

HTTP1P1 类文件,保存HTTP状态常数。实现基础方法。

  1. package
  2. {
  3. import flash.net.Socket;
  5. /**
  6. * ...
  7. * @author Jimbowhy
  8. */
  9. public class HTTP1P1
  10. {
  11. public static const HTTP200:String = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
  12. public static const HTTP201:String = "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\n";
  13. public static const HTTP202:String = "HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted\r\n";
  14. public static const HTTP203:String = "HTTP/1.1 203 Non-Authoritative Information\r\n";
  15. public static const HTTP204:String = "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n";
  16. public static const HTTP205:String = "HTTP/1.1 205 Reset Content\r\n";
  17. public static const HTTP206:String = "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content\r\n";
  19. public static const HTTP300:String = "HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices\r\n";
  20. public static const HTTP301:String = "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n";
  21. public static const HTTP302:String = "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n";
  22. public static const HTTP303:String = "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other\r\n";
  23. public static const HTTP304:String = "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\r\n";
  24. public static const HTTP305:String = "HTTP/1.1 305 Use Proxy\r\n";
  25. public static const HTTP306:String = "HTTP/1.1 306 (Unused)\r\n";
  26. public static const HTTP307:String = "HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect\r\n";
  28. public static const HTTP400:String = "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n";
  29. public static const HTTP401:String = "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n";
  30. public static const HTTP402:String = "HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required\r\n";
  31. public static const HTTP403:String = "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n";
  32. public static const HTTP404:String = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n";
  33. public static const HTTP405:String = "HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n";
  34. public static const HTTP406:String = "HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable\r\n";
  35. public static const HTTP407:String = "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\n";
  36. public static const HTTP408:String = "HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout\r\n";
  37. public static const HTTP409:String = "HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict\r\n";
  38. public static const HTTP410:String = "HTTP/1.1 410 Gone\r\n";
  39. public static const HTTP411:String = "HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required\r\n";
  40. public static const HTTP412:String = "HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed\r\n";
  41. public static const HTTP413:String = "HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large\r\n";
  42. public static const HTTP414:String = "HTTP/1.1 414 Request-URI Too Long\r\n";
  43. public static const HTTP415:String = "HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type\r\n";
  44. public static const HTTP416:String = "HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable\r\n";
  45. public static const HTTP417:String = "HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed\r\n";
  47. public static const HTTP500:String = "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n";
  48. public static const HTTP501:String = "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented\r\n";
  49. public static const HTTP502:String = "HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway\r\n";
  50. public static const HTTP503:String = "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n";
  51. public static const HTTP504:String = "HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout\r\n";
  52. public static const HTTP505:String = "HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\n";
  54. public static const HTTP520:String = "HTTP/1.1 520 Error setHttpStatus VA\r\n";
  56. public static const ContentLength:String = "Content-Length: VA\r\n";
  58. public static const HEADSPLITER:String = "\r\n";
  59. public static const RGET:RegExp = /^(GET) (.+) (HTTP\/1.1)$/;
  61. public static const SERVER:String = "Server: ServerSocket by Jimbowhy\r\n";
  63. public static function setHeader(sok:Socket, name:String, value:String):void
  64. {
  65. sok.writeUTFBytes(name + ": " + value + "\r\n");
  66. }
  67. public static function setHttpStatus(sok:Socket, statusCode:int):void
  68. {
  69. var s:String = HTTP1P1["HTTP" + statusCode];
  70. if ( s == null) {
  71. sok.writeUTFBytes( HTTP520.replace("VA", statusCode) );
  72. return;
  73. }
  74. sok.writeUTFBytes( s );
  75. }
  77. public static function setServerMark(sok:Socket):void
  78. {
  79. sok.writeUTFBytes(SERVER);
  80. }
  82. public static function setMime(sok:Socket, ext:String):String
  83. {
  84. var ex:String = ext.split(".").pop();
  85. var m:String = Mime["M_" + ex.toLowerCase()];
  86. if ( m == null ) m = Mime.M_BIN;
  87. sok.writeUTFBytes("Content-Type: "+m);
  88. return m;
  89. }
  91. public static function setContentLength(sok:Socket, len:int):void
  92. {
  93. sok.writeUTFBytes(ContentLength.replace("VA", len));
  94. }
  96. public static function setHeaderFinish(sok:Socket):void
  97. {
  98. sok.writeUTFBytes(HEADSPLITER);
  99. }
  100. }
  102. }

Mime 类。记录文件相关的 MIME信息

  1. package
  2. {
  3. /**
  4. * ...
  5. * @author Jimbowhy
  6. */
  7. public class Mime
  8. {
  9. public static const M_001:String = "application/x-001\r\n";
  10. public static const M_301:String = "application/x-301\r\n";
  11. public static const M_323:String = "text/h323\r\n";
  12. public static const M_906:String = "application/x-906\r\n";
  13. public static const M_907:String = "drawing/907\r\n";
  14. public static const M_BIN:String = "application/octet-stream\r\n";
  15. public static const M_IVF:String = "video/x-ivf\r\n";
  16. public static const M_a11:String = "application/x-a11\r\n";
  17. public static const M_acp:String = "audio/x-mei-aac\r\n";
  18. public static const M_ai:String = "application/postscript\r\n";
  19. public static const M_aif:String = "audio/aiff\r\n";
  20. public static const M_aifc:String = "audio/aiff\r\n";
  21. public static const M_aiff:String = "audio/aiff\r\n";
  22. public static const M_anv:String = "application/x-anv\r\n";
  23. public static const M_apk:String = "application/vnd.android.package-archive\r\n";
  24. public static const M_asa:String = "text/asa\r\n";
  25. public static const M_asf:String = "video/x-ms-asf\r\n";
  26. public static const M_asp:String = "text/asp\r\n";
  27. public static const M_asx:String = "video/x-ms-asf\r\n";
  28. public static const M_au:String = "audio/basic\r\n";
  29. public static const M_avi:String = "video/avi\r\n";
  30. public static const M_awf:String = "application/vnd.adobe.workflow\r\n";
  31. public static const M_biz:String = "text/xml\r\n";
  32. public static const M_bmp:String = "application/x-bmp\r\n";
  33. public static const M_bot:String = "application/x-bot\r\n";
  34. public static const M_c4t:String = "application/x-c4t\r\n";
  35. public static const M_c90:String = "application/x-c90\r\n";
  36. public static const M_cal:String = "application/x-cals\r\n";
  37. public static const M_cat:String = "application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat\r\n";
  38. public static const M_cdf:String = "application/x-netcdf\r\n";
  39. public static const M_cdr:String = "application/x-cdr\r\n";
  40. public static const M_cel:String = "application/x-cel\r\n";
  41. public static const M_cer:String = "application/x-x509-ca-cert\r\n";
  42. public static const M_cg4:String = "application/x-g4\r\n";
  43. public static const M_cgm:String = "application/x-cgm\r\n";
  44. public static const M_cit:String = "application/x-cit\r\n";
  45. public static const M_class:String = "java/*\r\n";
  46. public static const M_cml:String = "text/xml\r\n";
  47. public static const M_cmp:String = "application/x-cmp\r\n";
  48. public static const M_cmx:String = "application/x-cmx\r\n";
  49. public static const M_cot:String = "application/x-cot\r\n";
  50. public static const M_crl:String = "application/pkix-crl\r\n";
  51. public static const M_crt:String = "application/x-x509-ca-cert\r\n";
  52. public static const M_csi:String = "application/x-csi\r\n";
  53. public static const M_css:String = "text/css\r\n";
  54. public static const M_cut:String = "application/x-cut\r\n";
  55. public static const M_dbf:String = "application/x-dbf\r\n";
  56. public static const M_dbm:String = "application/x-dbm\r\n";
  57. public static const M_dbx:String = "application/x-dbx\r\n";
  58. public static const M_dcd:String = "text/xml\r\n";
  59. public static const M_dcx:String = "application/x-dcx\r\n";
  60. public static const M_der:String = "application/x-x509-ca-cert\r\n";
  61. public static const M_dgn:String = "application/x-dgn\r\n";
  62. public static const M_dib:String = "application/x-dib\r\n";
  63. public static const M_dll:String = "application/x-msdownload\r\n";
  64. public static const M_doc:String = "application/msword\r\n";
  65. public static const M_dot:String = "application/msword\r\n";
  66. public static const M_drw:String = "application/x-drw\r\n";
  67. public static const M_dtd:String = "text/xml\r\n";
  68. //public static const M_dwf:String = "Model/vnd.dwf\r\n";
  69. public static const M_dwf:String = "application/x-dwf\r\n";
  70. public static const M_dwg:String = "application/x-dwg\r\n";
  71. public static const M_dxb:String = "application/x-dxb\r\n";
  72. public static const M_dxf:String = "application/x-dxf\r\n";
  73. public static const M_edn:String = "application/vnd.adobe.edn\r\n";
  74. public static const M_emf:String = "application/x-emf\r\n";
  75. public static const M_eml:String = "message/rfc822\r\n";
  76. public static const M_ent:String = "text/xml\r\n";
  77. public static const M_epi:String = "application/x-epi\r\n";
  78. public static const M_eps:String = "application/postscript\r\n";
  79. public static const M_etd:String = "application/x-ebx\r\n";
  80. public static const M_exe:String = "application/x-msdownload\r\n";
  81. public static const M_fax:String = "image/fax\r\n";
  82. public static const M_fdf:String = "application/vnd.fdf\r\n";
  83. public static const M_fif:String = "application/fractals\r\n";
  84. public static const M_fo:String = "text/xml\r\n";
  85. public static const M_frm:String = "application/x-frm\r\n";
  86. public static const M_g4:String = "application/x-g4\r\n";
  87. public static const M_gbr:String = "application/x-gbr\r\n";
  88. public static const M_gif:String = "image/gif\r\n";
  89. public static const M_gl2:String = "application/x-gl2\r\n";
  90. public static const M_gp4:String = "application/x-gp4\r\n";
  91. public static const M_hgl:String = "application/x-hgl\r\n";
  92. public static const M_hmr:String = "application/x-hmr\r\n";
  93. public static const M_hpg:String = "application/x-hpgl\r\n";
  94. public static const M_hpl:String = "application/x-hpl\r\n";
  95. public static const M_hqx:String = "application/mac-binhex40\r\n";
  96. public static const M_hrf:String = "application/x-hrf\r\n";
  97. public static const M_hta:String = "application/hta\r\n";
  98. public static const M_htc:String = "text/x-component\r\n";
  99. public static const M_htm:String = "text/html\r\n";
  100. public static const M_html:String = "text/html\r\n";
  101. public static const M_htt:String = "text/webviewhtml\r\n";
  102. public static const M_htx:String = "text/html\r\n";
  103. public static const M_icb:String = "application/x-icb\r\n";
  104. public static const M_ico:String = "application/x-ico\r\n";
  105. //public static const M_ico:String = "image/x-icon\r\n";
  106. public static const M_iff:String = "application/x-iff\r\n";
  107. public static const M_ig4:String = "application/x-g4\r\n";
  108. public static const M_igs:String = "application/x-igs\r\n";
  109. public static const M_iii:String = "application/x-iphone\r\n";
  110. public static const M_img:String = "application/x-img\r\n";
  111. public static const M_ins:String = "application/x-internet-signup\r\n";
  112. public static const M_ipa:String = "application/vnd.iphone\r\n";
  113. public static const M_isp:String = "application/x-internet-signup\r\n";
  114. public static const M_java:String = "java/*\r\n";
  115. public static const M_jfif:String = "image/jpeg\r\n";
  116. //public static const M_jpe:String = "application/x-jpe\r\n";
  117. public static const M_jpe:String = "image/jpeg\r\n";
  118. public static const M_jpeg:String = "image/jpeg\r\n";
  119. //public static const M_jpg:String = "application/x-jpg\r\n";
  120. public static const M_jpg:String = "image/jpeg\r\n";
  121. public static const M_js:String = "application/x-javascript\r\n";
  122. public static const M_jsp:String = "text/html\r\n";
  123. public static const M_la1:String = "audio/x-liquid-file\r\n";
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  348. public static const M_zip:String = "application/x-zip-compressed\r\n";
  350. public function Mime()
  351. {
  353. }
  355. }
  357. }



全部 get-mv-info 前缀为: http://www.yinyuetai.com/main/

AKB48 - 真夏のSounds good !


流畅 40MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/F466013AB6C9120E52E98349C292DE47.flv

高清 56MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/2C65013AD50F006FD35FE181C9551007.flv

AOA专訪 - 王牌天使 怦然心动! 


LT    50MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/3132014EF85A8CE3ADF791CC5E279802.flv

SD   71MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/757B014EF85F24E2341DCCA341D31C53.flv

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VIP 398MB http://sh.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/EF43014EF85F24D5360F07B4721B30D6.mp4

AOA - 胸キュン 完整版


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HD  http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/63EB014EDD6964447B14EE32E183CEEF.fl

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VIP http://sh.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/E761014EDD6964382D7A2B5F9C5FBEC9.mp4

少女时代 - &#29;Party - MBC 音乐中心 现场版 






爱してる-- 高铃:

LT 26MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/32A00127BA9B8DBB4FA3B950FEC648DF.flv



Visual Dreams-- 少女时代


君の第二章-- AKB48

AKB48 - Bガーデン       v.yinyuetai.com/video/2054540

AKB48 - Green Flash     v.yinyuetai.com/video/2242261

AKB48 - 掌が語ること    v.yinyuetai.com/video/635854

AKB48 - 心のプラカード  v.yinyuetai.com/video/2107919

AKB48 - 希望的リフレインv.yinyuetai.com/video/2173512

AKB48 SHOW! Ep49 らしくない v.yinyuetai.com/video/2180838

AKB48 - 真夏のSounds good! v.yinyuetai.com/video/398619

NMB48 - らしくない      v.yinyuetai.com/video/2157631

NMB48 - ドリアン少年    v.yinyuetai.com/video/2315990

NMB48 - イビサガール    v.yinyuetai.com/video/2086511

AKB48 - 旅立ちのとき    v.yinyuetai.com/video/545647

AKB48 - 恋するフォーチュンクッキー  v.yinyuetai.com/video/731559

AKB48 - 今日までのメロディー        v.yinyuetai.com/video/2054363

AKB48 - ラブラドール.レトリバー     v.yinyuetai.com/video/2043120

AKB48 - チューインガムの味がなくなるまで v.yinyuetai.com/video/2120433

Video info: AKB48 - 希望的リフレイン 完整版

流畅 30.96MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/E718014978E084B90CE9F71076C68CB9.flv?


高清 43.71MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/153F014978F9C6BFBE66E465A6EFACD0.flv?


超清 124.29MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/B25D014978F9C6C59D7F1DB4CBD81D78.flv?sc=b46f38dffaa8fb5b&br=3138&vid=2173512&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: AKB48 - Bガーデン 中日字幕 (无限狂犬章鱼嘴字幕组)

流畅 29.28MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/123C01460D36E79BA0CF1EB7801954E1.flv?sc=88d8f21facfd54dc&br=779&vid=2054540&aid=994&area=JP&vst=4

高清 41.34MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/1828035_hd_409D01460D813B85D457721FDF0BCED7.flv?sc=6146b06d075a55be&br=1099&vid=2054540&aid=994&area=JP&vst=4

超清 85.02MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/1828035_he_94F301460D813B8C82EF7049AE6E3641.flv?sc=93c883b492699e95&br=2261&vid=2054540&aid=994&area=JP&vst=4

Video info: AKB48 - 掌が語ること

流畅 30.17MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/D32E013DB6069FA9E5669F3C09597C2F.flv?sc=6c517ac82afd9318&br=778&vid=635854&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

高清 42.55MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/4A0F013DB616310C06430E9D5B81E6B6.flv?


超清 59.35MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/EBE6013DB61AC60DF68FFAEEE4C636AB.flv?sc=be9cab6dbe2224df&br=1530&vid=635854&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: AKB48 - 心のプラカード

流畅 30.51MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/FD190147A1C4444C727E398C5700C874.flv?sc=f3b134b4663d479b&br=775&vid=2107919&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

高清 43.04MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/40D00147A1CB8FBF1A899AA7D7B25843.flv?


超清 123.04MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/6E690147A1CB8FC4562EF18A3F4556FF.flv?sc=0a3ff0ebe4b3a5bc&br=3125&vid=2107919&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: NMB48 - ドリアン少年

流畅 27.27MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/478A014E2A12C9521AA21DAE4D69408E.flv?sc=27179278bf4b2b78&br=778&vid=2315990&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

高清 38.43MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/DEB9014E2A23DB3D4227591FCCABD2B9.flv?


超清 109.58MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/AF97014E2A23DB363107D1FCC7483739.flv?sc=423404a31c08057c&br=3127&vid=2315990&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

会员 214.35MB http://sh.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/970F014E2A23DB2F312EB23D90B716B3.mp4?sc=8ee7e00ee0977f1f&br=6117&vid=2315990&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: AKB48 - Green Flash

流畅 26.96MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/62B2014D714C60AD12EBE21F23763805.flv?sc=10c559f249b103b2&br=784&vid=2242261&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

高清 38.05MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/DD19014D74444ACDA8C892F15E78D849.flv?sc=7b5e74633fe111ff&br=1106&vid=2242261&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

超清 107.22MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/4BC8014D74444AC78A20BEB44D8FF0C8.flv?


Video info: NMB48 - イビサガール

流畅 28.08MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/1CA90146FE9B2A7B98D1E746DA4DA4A3.flv?sc=785e659580d6aa5a&br=778&vid=2086511&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

高清 39.59MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/13210146FEE0FD90E450F63DE2C972A5.flv?sc=8c1883d8fc933027&br=1098&vid=2086511&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

超清 102.97MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/13B60146FEE0FD95B8CD43F8BB83B068.flv?


Video info: AKB48 - 真夏のSounds good !

流畅 39.88MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/F466013AB6C9120E52E98349C292DE47.flv?


高清 56.27MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/2C65013AD50F006FD35FE181C9551007.flv?sc=9aa6c4fedac1eeeb&br=1096&vid=398619&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: NMB48 - らしくない

流畅 296.65MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/3B930149210B29D2599600DD9BFE0651.flv?sc=0fba620e1635f4c0&br=8234&vid=2157631&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

高清 39.55MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/462501492111EEFA6E4FE56FE7331489.flv?sc=cbeab4fab36f91e2&br=1096&vid=2157631&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

超清 112.77MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/8E8901492111EFFC597B3BB1BA60A78F.flv?sc=b81ef8eb309b6918&br=3127&vid=2157631&aid=18043&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: AKB48 - AKB48 SHOW! Ep49 中文字幕 14/11/08 (触角革命字幕组)

流畅 161.69MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/F2FA0149ABD98A87CB7DE11EF0F2C695.flv?sc=5a83ae29e265a49c&br=779&vid=2180838&aid=994&area=JP&vst=3

高清 228.05MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/F5D60149ABFE8BF6DB45FE7E4EE5EE89.flv?sc=488453e9ad357568&br=1099&vid=2180838&aid=994&area=JP&vst=3

超清 833.07MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/402F0149ABFE8BFBBDB4627A2B936D39.flv?sc=38e1dd69cc25ba69&br=4015&vid=2180838&aid=994&area=JP&vst=3

Video info: AKB48 - 旅立ちのとき 完整版

流畅 24.33MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/2E93013AF3FF446A4997C271330CF78A.flv?sc=2a25decbc06c57d6&br=771&vid=545647&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

高清 34.38MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/62A2013AF47188150A7C98AAC3F24477.flv?


超清 98.58MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/B434013AF4823BDD13EDCB25BB873B92.flv?sc=6ba71b97c71b9d1e&br=3125&vid=545647&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: AKB48 - 今日までのメロディー

流畅 82.47MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/8E7A01460AD9BE849D027A47AA1598D5.flv?


高清 116.39MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/1827834_hd_253B01460B400D6633C0A478EEE914C4.flv?


Video info: AKB48 - チューインガムの味がなくなるまで

流畅 22.92MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/581801480B9C3929162E344080FC89CD.flv?sc=f9547bd05643a731&br=746&vid=2120433&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

高清 32.34MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/25CD01480BC7162D6E0DB2052E18747B.flv?sc=8defa622e824f5af&br=1053&vid=2120433&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

超清 92.11MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/36E301480BC7163282882A4D12724632.flv?sc=844a22abef1a79cb&br=3001&vid=2120433&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

Video info: AKB48 - ラブラドール.レトリバー 完整版

流畅 35.88MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/ACA00145B72891160D7ACC896AC944CC.flv?sc=e8d58f0d9086180c&br=775&vid=2043120&aid=994&area=JP&vst=0

高清 50.68MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/BE350145B74A71A3A39585E2DC896AFB.flv?


超清 144.83MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/86860145B751C4007B3F238C2D437DF7.flv?


Video info: AKB48 - 恋するフォーチュンクッキー 完整版

流畅 29.94MB http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/DF1B01405442843CF3B18B9B857564AC.flv?


高清 42.37MB http://hd.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/D9BA0140544C96595BE5FEA8682D6166.flv?


超清 120.84MB http://he.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/C4BF014054512A3BDFD3581FFEFEF0FD.flv?





Network Sniffer and Connection Analyzer


SharpPcap A Packet Capture Framework for NET


Getting the active TCP/UDP connections using the GetExtendedTcpTable function


Getting active TCP/UDP connections on a box


《【原创】Sysinternal出品工具TcpView的驱动逆向源码》 vxasm


Hessian Flash-only (不须要Flex框架支持):








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