

  1. function LinkedList() {
  2. // Node辅助类,表示要加入列表的项,element是即将添加到列表的值,next是指向列表中下一个节点项的指针
  3. let Node = function (element) {
  4. this.element = element
  5. = null
  6. }
  7. let length = 0
  8. let head = null
  9. // 向链表尾部追加元素
  10. this.append = function (element) {
  11. let node = new Node(element)
  12. let current
  13. if (head === null) { // 列表中第一个节点
  14. head = node
  15. } else {
  16. current = head
  17. while ( {
  18. current = // 找到最后一项,是null
  19. }
  20. = node // 给最后一项赋值
  21. }
  22. length++ // 更新列表的长度
  23. }
  24. // 从链表中移除指定位置元素
  25. this.removeAt = function (position) {
  26. if (position > -1 && position < length) { // 值没有越界
  27. let current = head
  28. let previous, index = 0
  29. if (position === 0) { // 移除第一项
  30. head =
  31. } else {
  32. while (index++ < position) {
  33. previous = current
  34. current =
  35. }
  36. = // 将previous与current的下一项连接起来,跳过current,从而移除
  37. }
  38. length-- // 更新列表的长度
  39. return current.element
  40. } else {
  41. return null
  42. }
  43. }
  44. // 在链表任意位置插入一个元素
  45. this.insert = function (position, element) {
  46. if (position >= 0 && position <= length) { // 检查越界值
  47. let node = new Node(element),
  48. current = head,
  49. previous,
  50. index = 0
  51. if (position === 0) { // 在第一个位置添加
  52. = current
  53. head = node
  54. } else {
  55. while (index++ < position) {
  56. previous = current
  57. current =
  58. }
  59. = current // 在previous与current的下一项之间插入node
  60. = node
  61. }
  62. length++
  63. return true
  64. } else {
  65. return false
  66. }
  67. }
  68. // 把链表内的值转换成一个字符串
  69. this.toString = function () {
  70. let current = head,
  71. string = ''
  72. while (current) {
  73. string += current.element + ' '
  74. current =
  75. }
  76. return string
  77. }
  78. // 在链表中查找元素并返回索引值
  79. this.indexOf = function (element) {
  80. let current = head,
  81. index = 0
  82. while (current) {
  83. if (element === current.element) {
  84. return index
  85. }
  86. index++
  87. current =
  88. }
  89. return -1
  90. }
  91. // 从链表中移除指定元素
  92. this.remove = function (element) {
  93. let index = this.indexOf(element)
  94. return this.removeAt(index)
  95. }
  96. this.isEmpty = function () {
  97. return length === 0
  98. }
  99. this.size = function () {
  100. return length
  101. }
  102. this.getHead = function () {
  103. return head
  104. }
  105. }
  106. let list = new LinkedList()
  107. list.append(1)
  108. list.append(2)
  109. console.log(list.toString()) // 1 2
  110. list.insert(0, 'hello')
  111. list.insert(1, 'world')
  112. console.log(list.toString()) // hello world 1 2
  113. list.remove(1)
  114. list.remove(2)
  115. console.log(list.toString()) // hello world
单链表有一个变种 - 循环链表,最后一个元素指向下一个元素的指针,不是引用null,而是指向第一个元素,只需要修改下最后的next指向为head即可。
  1. function DoubleLinkedList() {
  2. // Node辅助类,表示要加入列表的项,element是即将添加到列表的值,next是指向列表中下一个节点项的指针
  3. let Node = function (element) {
  4. this.element = element
  5. this.prev = null // 新增一个向前的指针
  6. = null
  7. }
  8. let length = 0
  9. let head = null
  10. let tail = null // 新增一个尾引用
  11. // 向链表尾部追加元素
  12. this.append = function (element) {
  13. let node = new Node(element)
  14. let current
  15. if (head === null) { // 列表中第一个节点
  16. head = node // head与tail是同一个元素
  17. tail = node
  18. } else {
  19. current = head
  20. while ( {
  21. current = // 找到最后一项,是null
  22. }
  23. = node // 给最后一项赋值
  24. node.prev = current
  25. tail = node // 修改尾引用
  26. }
  27. length++ // 更新列表的长度
  28. }
  29. // 从链表中移除指定位置元素
  30. this.removeAt = function (position) {
  31. if (position > -1 && position < length) { // 值没有越界
  32. let current = head
  33. let previous,
  34. index = 0
  35. if (position === 0) { // 移除第一项
  36. head =
  37. if (length === 1) { // 只有一项
  38. tail = null
  39. } else {
  40. head.prev = null
  41. }
  42. } else if (position === length - 1) { // 移除最后一项
  43. current = tail
  44. tail = current.prev
  45. = null
  46. }
  47. else {
  48. while (index++ < position) {
  49. previous = current
  50. current =
  51. }
  52. = // 将previous与current的下一项连接起来,跳过current,从而移除
  53. = previous
  54. }
  55. length-- // 更新列表的长度
  56. return current.element
  57. } else {
  58. return null
  59. }
  60. }
  61. // 在链表任意位置插入一个元素
  62. this.insert = function (position, element) {
  63. if (position >= 0 && position <= length) { // 检查越界值
  64. let node = new Node(element),
  65. current = head,
  66. previous,
  67. index = 0
  68. if (position === 0) { // 在第一个位置添加
  69. if (!head) {
  70. head = node
  71. tail = node
  72. }else {
  73. = current
  74. current.prev = node
  75. head = node
  76. }
  77. = current
  78. head = node
  79. } else if (position === length) {
  80. current = tail
  81. = node
  82. node.prev = current
  83. tail = node
  84. } else {
  85. while (index++ < position) {
  86. previous = current
  87. current =
  88. }
  89. = current // 在previous与current的下一项之间插入node
  90. = node
  91. current.prev = node
  92. node.prev = previous
  93. }
  94. length++
  95. return true
  96. } else {
  97. return false
  98. }
  99. }
  100. // 把链表内的值转换成一个字符串
  101. this.toString = function () {
  102. let current = head,
  103. string = ''
  104. while (current) {
  105. string += current.element + ' '
  106. current =
  107. }
  108. return string
  109. }
  110. // 在链表中查找元素并返回索引值
  111. this.indexOf = function (element) {
  112. let current = head,
  113. index = 0
  114. while (current) {
  115. if (element === current.element) {
  116. return index
  117. }
  118. index++
  119. current =
  120. }
  121. return -1
  122. }
  123. // 从链表中移除指定元素
  124. this.remove = function (element) {
  125. let index = this.indexOf(element)
  126. return this.removeAt(index)
  127. }
  128. this.isEmpty = function () {
  129. return length === 0
  130. }
  131. this.size = function () {
  132. return length
  133. }
  134. this.getHead = function () {
  135. return head
  136. }
  137. }
  138. let list = new DoubleLinkedList()
  139. list.append(1)
  140. list.append(2)
  141. console.log(list.toString()) // 1 2
  142. list.insert(0, 'hello')
  143. list.insert(1, 'world')
  144. console.log(list.toString()) // hello world 1 2
  145. list.remove(1)
  146. list.remove(2)
  147. console.log(list.toString()) // hello world


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