打造vim成类source insight
system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc“(建议放置位置)
2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
system gvimrc file: "$VIM/gvimrc"
user gvimrc file: "$HOME/.gvimrc"
2nd user gvimrc file: "~/.vim/gvimrc"
system menu file: "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim"
打开vim,输入:! echo $VIM 即可知道VIM的安装路径
1) 安装
sudo apt-get install ctags
2) ~/.vimrc配置
2) 安装:
- Download the taglist.zip file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim or the
$HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. After this step, you should
have the following two files (the directory structure should be preserved):plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file
doc/taglist.txt - documentation (help) fileRefer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |runtimepath| Vim
help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins.
2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/vimfiles/doc
directory, start Vim and run the ":helptags ." command to process the
taglist help file. Without this step, you cannot jump to the taglist help
3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the
Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.
4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal
doesn't support changing the window width then set the
'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.
5. Restart Vim.
6. You can now use the ":TlistToggle" command to open/close the taglist
window. You can use the ":help taglist" command to get more information
about using the taglist plugin.
3) ~/.vimrc配置
4、SrcExpl 插件
sudo apt-get install cscope
runtime! debian.vim if has("syntax") syntax on endif colorscheme desert set showcmd set showmatch set ignorecase set smartcase set incsearch set autowrite set hidden set mouse=a set number set hlsearch set tabstop= set softtabstop= set shiftwidth= set expandtab set autoindent set cindent "map the keys to jump from one window to another "left window nmap <C-H> <C-W>h "bottom window nmap <C-J> <C-W>j "up window nmap <C-K> <C-W>k "right window nmap <C-H> <C-W>l if filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc.local") source /etc/vim/vimrc.local endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "plugin """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "cscope would not allow this action "set autochdir "ctags setting "press F5 to generate tags in current directory nnoremap <F5> :!ctags -R .<CR> "find tags in parent directory set tags=tags;/ "taglist setting let Tlist_WinWidth= let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow= let Tlist_Use_Left_Window= let Tlist_Show_One_File= let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close= let Tlist_Process_File_Always= "Source Explorer setting " // The switch of the Source Explorer " " nmap <F8> :SrcExplToggle<CR> " " " // Set the height of Source Explorer window " let g:SrcExpl_winHeight = " " " // Set 500 ms for refreshing the Source Explorer " let g:SrcExpl_refreshTime = " " " " // In order to avoid conflicts, the Source Explorer should know what plugins " " // except itself are using buffers. And you need add their buffer names into " " // below listaccording to the command ":buffers!" let g:SrcExpl_pluginList = [ \ "__Tag_List__", \ "_NERD_tree_", \ "Source_Explorer" \ ] " // The color schemes used by Source Explorer. There are five color schemes " " // supported for now - Red, Cyan, Green, Yellow and Magenta. Source Explorer " " // will pick up one of them randomly when initialization. let g:SrcExpl_colorSchemeList = [ \ "Red", \ "Cyan", \ "Green", \ "Yellow", \ "Magenta" \ ] " // Enable/Disable the local definition searching, and note that this is not " " // guaranteed to work, the Source Explorer doesn't check the syntax for now. " " // It only searches for a match with the keyword according to command 'gd' " let g:SrcExpl_searchLocalDef = " " " // Workaround for Vim bug @https://goo.gl/TLPK4K as any plugins using autocmd for " " // BufReadPre might have conflicts with Source Explorer. e.g. YCM, Syntastic etc. " let g:SrcExpl_nestedAutoCmd = " " " // Do not let the Source Explorer update the tags file when opening " let g:SrcExpl_isUpdateTags = " // Set "<F12>" key for updating the tags file artificially " let g:SrcExpl_updateTagsKey = "<F12>" " // Use 'Exuberant Ctags' with '--sort=foldcase -R .' or '-L cscope.files' to " " // create/update a tags file " let g:SrcExpl_updateTagsCmd = "ctags --sort=foldcase -R ." " // Set "<F3>" key for displaying the previous definition in the jump list " let g:SrcExpl_prevDefKey = "<F3>" " // Set "<F4>" key for displaying the next definition in the jump list " let g:SrcExpl_nextDefKey = "<F4>" let g:SrcExpl_jumpkey = "<ENTER>"let g:SrcExpl_gobackkey = "<SPACE>" "trinity setting" Open and close all the three plugins on the same time nmap <F8> :TrinityToggleAll<CR> " Open and close the srcexpl.vim separately nmap <F9> :TrinityToggleSourceExplorer<CR> " Open and close the taglist.vim separately nmap <F10> :TrinityToggleTagList<CR> " Open and close the NERD_tree.vim separately nmap <F11> :TrinityToggleNERDTree<CR> "cscope setting"press F6 to generate cscope.out in current directory"cscope.in.out and cscope.po.out will also be generatednnoremap <F6> :!cscope -Rbkq<CR> "add cscope.outif filereadable("cscope.out") cs add cscope.outendif "key mapping, <leader> is '\' defaultif has("cscope") "Ctrl+] and Ctrl+t to jump like ctags set cscopetag "check cscope for definition of a symbol before checking ctags "set to 1 if you want to reverse search order set csto=1 "set cscopequickfix=s-, g-, d-, c-, t-, e-, i- "find where c symbols apper nmap <leader>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"find where symbols define, like ctags nmap <leader>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"find the function called by this function nmap <leader>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"find the function call this function nmap <leader>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"find string nmap <leader>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"like egrep but fast nmap <leader>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"find and open file, like find in vim nmap <leader>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"find the file containing this file nmap <leader>i :cs find i <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
exe "set autochdir"
1) 安装
http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ 下载ctags58
2) ~/.vimrc配置
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