Inner Vertices
Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 2447   Accepted: 678
Case Time Limit: 2000MS


There is an infinite square grid. Some vertices of the grid are black and other vertices are white.

A vertex V is called inner if it is both vertical-inner and horizontal-inner. A vertex V is called horizontal-inner if there are two such black vertices in the same row that V is located between them. A vertex V is called vertical-inner if there are two such black vertices in the same column that V is located between them.

On each step all white inner vertices became black while the other vertices preserve their colors. The process stops when all the inner vertices are black.

Write a program that calculates a number of black vertices after the process stops.


The first line of the input file contains one integer number n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — number of black vertices at the beginning.

The following n lines contain two integer numbers each — the coordinates of different black vertices. The coordinates do not exceed 109 by their absolute values.


Output the number of black vertices when the process stops. If the process does not stop, output -1.

Sample Input

0 2
2 0
-2 0
0 -2

Sample Output











using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N_MAX = +;
int N;
int X[N_MAX], Y[N_MAX];
bool visited[N_MAX];
ll bit0[N_MAX], bit1[N_MAX]; ll sum(ll *b,int i) {
ll s = ;
while (i>) {
s += b[i];
i -= i&-i;
return s;
} void add(ll *b,int i,ll x) {
while (i <= N_MAX) {
b[i] += x;
i += i&-i;
} ll sum(int to) {
return sum(bit1, to)*to + sum(bit0, to);
} ll sum(ll*b,int from,int to) {//计算区间(from,to]的和
return sum( to) - sum( from);
} void add(int from,int to,ll x) {//对[from,to]区间同时加上值x
} int compress(int *x) {//离散化,每一个x坐标的含义新定义为:所有的x坐标中排第几,1为下标起点
for (int i = ; i < N;i++) {
v[i] = x[i];
sort(v.begin(), v.end());
v.erase(unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end());
for (int i = ; i < N;i++) {//!!!!!!!1
x[i] = distance(v.begin(), lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), x[i])) + ;
return v.size();
} int main() {
for (int i = ; i < N;i++) {
int h = compress(Y);
int w = compress(X);
for (int i = ; i < N; i++) {//离散化后,把坐标存起来,之后即可一行一行的考虑
ll res = N;//res记录最终的黑点数
for (int i = ; i <= h;i++) {//!!!!
vector<int>&xs = line[i];//对于每一行,查找黑点之间的白点个数
sort(xs.begin(),xs.end()); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for (vector<int>::iterator it = xs.begin(); it != xs.end();it++) {
int x = *it;
ll s = sum(bit0, x - , x);//首先判断有没有以该值作为横坐标的白点,记录个数
if (visited[x]) {//如果这个横坐标以前到达过,再次到达就会封闭包围白点
res += s;
visited[x] = true;
if ((it + ) != xs.end()) {
add(x + , *(it + )-, );
else if (x + == *(it + ) - ) {
add(bit0, x + , );//中间只有一个黑点
return ;

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