py2exe使用方法 (含一些调试技巧,如压缩email 类)
py2exe已经被用于创建wxPython,Tkinter,Pmw,PyGTK,pygame,win32com client和server,和其它的独立程序。py2exe是发布在开源许可证下的。
从 下载并运行与你所安装的Python对应的py2exe版本的installer,这将安装py2exe和相应的例子;这些例子被安装在lib\site-packages\py2exe\samples目录下。
如果你有一个名为helloworld.py的python脚本,你想把它转换为运行在windows上的可执行程 序,并运行在没有安装python的 windows系统上,那么首先你应写一个用于发布程序的设置脚本例如,在其中的setup函数前插入语句 import py2exe 。
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- setup(console=[""])
如果显示错误提示的话 “ msvcp90.dll: no such file or directory”
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- setup(
- console=[""],
- options = { "py2exe": { "dll_excludes": ["MSVCP90.dll"] } }
- )
然后按下面的方法运行 (dos: cmd => cd desktop => py2exe)
python py2exe
python py2exe --help
- Global options:
- --verbose (-v) run verbosely (default)
- --quiet (-q) run quietly (turns verbosity off)
- --dry-run (-n) don't actually do anything
- --help (-h) show detailed help message
- Options for 'py2exe' command:
- --optimize (-O) optimization level: -O1 for "python -O", -O2 for
- "python -OO", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]
- --dist-dir (-d) directory to put final built distributions in (default
- is dist)
- --excludes (-e) comma-separated list of modules to exclude
- --dll-excludes comma-separated list of DLLs to exclude
- --ignores comma-separated list of modules to ignore if they are
- not found
- --includes (-i) comma-separated list of modules to include
- --packages (-p) comma-separated list of packages to include
- --compressed (-c) create a compressed zipfile
- --xref (-x) create and show a module cross reference
- --bundle-files (-b) bundle dlls in the zipfile or the exe. Valid levels
- are 1, 2, or 3 (default)
- --skip-archive do not place Python bytecode files in an archive, put
- them directly in the file system
- --ascii (-a) do not automatically include encodings and codecs
- --custom-boot-script Python file that will be run when setting up the
- runtime environment
- usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
- or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
- or: --help-commands
- or: cmd --help
如果在安装脚本中用data_files可选项指定了那些额外的文件,那么py2exe能将这些文件拷贝到dist子目录中。data_files应包含一个元组(target-dir, files)列表,其中的files是这些额外的文件的列表。
PythonCode: #
- from distutils.core import setup
- import glob
- import py2exe
- setup(console=[""],
- data_files=[("bitmaps",
- ["bm/large.gif", "bm/small.gif"]),
- ("fonts",
- glob.glob("fonts\\*.fnt"))],
- )
五、Windows NT services
你可以通过传递一个service关键字参数给setup函数来建造Windows NT services
PythonCode: #
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- setup(service=["MyService"])
六、COM servers
你可以通过传递一个com_server 关键字参数给setup函数来建造Windows NT services
,这个service参数的值必须是一个Python模块名(包含一个或多个COM server 类)的列表。
PythonCode: #
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- setup(com_server=["win32com.server.interp"])
默认情况下,DLL和EXE servers被建造,你不需要它们的话你可以简单的删除它们。
一个标准的py2exe setup文件编写
- -*- coding: cp936 -*-
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- includes = ["encodings", "encodings.*"]
- #要包含的其它库文件
- options = {"py2exe":
- {"compressed": 1, #压缩
- "optimize": 2,
- "ascii": 1,
- "includes":includes,
- "bundle_files": 1 #所有文件打包成一个exe文件 }
- }
- setup(
- options = options,
- zipfile=None, #不生成library.zip文件
- console=[{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "hello.ico")] }]#源文件,程序图标
- )
新 版本已经可以打包为一个文件了,以前都是一堆dll,pyd的。具体的变化其实只有一个地方。就是options里增加bundle_files项,值为 1表示pyd和dll文件会被打包到exe文件中,且不能从文件系统中加载python模块;值为2表示pyd和dll文件会被打包到exe文件中,但是 可以从文件系统中加载python模块。另外setup中使用zipfile=None可以不生成。
例如原来 的:
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- includes = ["encodings", "encodings.*"]
- options = {"py2exe":
- { "compressed": 1,
- "optimize": 2,
- "includes": includes,
- }
- }
- setup(
- version = "0.1.0",
- description = "search panda",
- name = "search panda",
- options = options,
- windows=[{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "search.ico")] }],
- )
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- includes = ["encodings", "encodings.*"]
- options = {"py2exe":
- { "compressed": 1,
- "optimize": 2,
- "includes": includes,
- "bundle_files": 1
- }
- }
- setup(
- version = "0.1.0",
- description = "search panda",
- name = "search panda",
- options = options,
- zipfile=None,
- windows=[{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "search.ico")] }],
- )
- # -*- coding: gbk -*-
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- includes = ["encodings", "encodings.*"]
- options = {"py2exe":
- {"compressed": 1,
- "optimize": 2,
- "ascii": 1,
- "includes":includes,
- "bundle_files": 1}
- }
- setup(
- options = options,
- zipfile=None,
- name = "HelloGuys.",
- description = "this is a py2exe test",
- windows=[{"script": "F:\我的程序\Python\CSDN Code Edit\",
- "icon_resources": [(1, "F:\书籍\我的图标\图标xp\Convert.ico")]
- }]
- )
下面列出他的一些 options
keyword |
description |
list of "data" files that you are going to need to run your executable such as .pngs, .jpgs |
Py2exe extends Distutils setup keywords
In addition to the standard distutils setup keywords, the following py2exe keywords specify what and how to build.
keyword |
description |
console |
list of scripts to convert into console exes |
windows |
list of scripts to convert into GUI exes |
service |
list of module names containing win32 service classes |
com_server |
list of module names containing com server classes |
ctypes_com_server |
list of module names containing com server classes |
zipfile |
name of shared zipfile to generate; may specify a subdirectory; defaults to ''. If zipfile is set to None , the files will be bundled within the executable instead of ''. |
options |
dictionary { "py2exe": { "opt1": val1, "opt2": val2, ... } } |
The options dictionary of py2exe
The option keyword takes the following set of dictionary key: value pairs. The dictionary "key" names and the "value" types are listed in the table below.
key |
value |
unbuffered |
if true, use unbuffered binary stdout and stderr |
optimize |
string or int of optimization level (0, 1, or 2) 0 = don’t optimize (generate .pyc) 1 = normal optimization (like python -O) 2 = extra optimization (like python -OO) See for more info. |
includes |
list of module names to include |
packages |
list of packages to include with subpackages |
ignores |
list of modules to ignore if they are not found |
excludes |
list of module names to exclude |
dll_excludes |
list of dlls to exclude |
dist_dir |
directory in which to build the final files |
typelibs |
list of gen_py generated typelibs to include |
compressed |
(boolean) create a compressed zipfile |
xref |
(boolean) create and show a module cross reference |
bundle_files |
bundle dlls in the zipfile or the exe. Valid values for bundle_files are: 3 = don't bundle (default) 2 = bundle everything but the Python interpreter 1 = bundle everything, including the Python interpreter |
skip_archive |
(boolean) do not place Python bytecode files in an archive, put them directly in the file system |
ascii |
(boolean) do not automatically include encodings and codecs |
custom-boot-script |
Python file that will be run when setting up the runtime environment |
- setup(
- windows=[''],
- options={
- "py2exe":{
- "unbuffered": True,
- "optimize": 2,
- "excludes": ["email"]
- }
- }
- )
For more information enter the following at the python command line:
- >>> from distutils.core import setup
- >>> help(setup)
注意 windows 的用法,他可以代替 console, 如果你要集成 wxpython 的时候,一定会用的 !
如果程序中含有email类,并且压缩时出现类似 “ImportError: No module named multipart ” 的错误,你需要如下的设置:
1. 尝试将Lib下的email包,复制到当前文件夹中
2. 把['emai'] 放入includes中
3. 把['email']放入packages中
4. 继续运行py2exe
- from distutils.core import setup
- import py2exe
- includes = ["encodings", "encodings.*",'email']
- options = {"py2exe":
- { "compressed": 1,
- "optimize": 2,
- "includes": includes,
- "bundle_files": 1,
- "packages": ['email'],
- "dll_excludes": ["MSVCP90.dll"]
- }
- }
- setup(
- version = "0.1.0",
- description = "3th",
- name = "For My Lover",
- options = options,
- zipfile=None,
- windows=[{"script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "roses.ico")] }],
- )
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