Validate if a given string is numeric.

Some examples:
"0" => true
" 0.1 " => true
"abc" => false
"1 a" => false
"2e10" => true

Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You should gather all requirements up front before implementing one.

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Update (2014-12-06):
New test cases had been added. Thanks unfounder's contribution.

  1. 输入前置空格
  2. 正负号
  3. 连续的数值,包括‘.’
  4. 符号e
  5. 正负号
  6. 连续数值,不包括'.'
  7. 后续空格


#include <iostream>
using namespace std; class Solution {
bool isNumber(const char *s)
int idx =;
for(;s[idx]==' ';idx++);
if(s[idx]=='-'||s[idx]=='+') idx++;
int Point=,Num=;
if(Point>||Num<) return false;
if(s[idx]=='-'||s[idx]=='+') idx++;
for(;s[idx]>=''&&s[idx]<='';idx++) Num++;
if(Num<) return false;
for(;s[idx]==' ';idx++);
return s[idx]=='\0';
}; int main()
char a[]="-e-";
Solution sol;
return ;

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