
1.    msstatePAN    Last Updated: Mar 6, 2007


Robert Reese 也出了本书《Finite State Machine Datapath Design, Optimization, and Implementation》


2.    freaklabs


硬件支持CPU: Freescal MC13244 / Atmel AT86RF230  +  RF: TI  CC2420/2520

防止翻译失真,还是附上原文。 ... e-Zigbee-Stack.html


One of the problems with the current state of Zigbee is that the software is either provided by semiconductor suppliers and bound to their hardware, or is proprietary and requires heavy licensing fees. This causes some major issues that I have a problem with:

1) It's very difficult for individual electronics enthusiasts to create their own Zigbee designs since they usually cannot afford the licensing fees or the costs of the proprietary tools (compilers, debuggers, etc) associated with developing a Zigbee application. In many cases, some of the most innovative creations come from individual enthusiasts or people with specific domain knowledge that might not be addressed by software or semiconductor vendors. I'm hoping that having a free stack with full source code access will allow people the freedom to create interesting things and hopefully create projects that can improve other people's lives.

2) It's almost impossible to mix and match hardware to optimize an application. Some designs are limited to using an ARM microcontroller since it may be part of an SOC that's needed for a specific application, ie: MP3 or video decoding. However the application would benefit from the addition of wireless communications. There currently isn't an easy way to take an MCU such as an ARM based one and mix it with an 802.15.4 radio from a different vendor to make a Zigbee application. This is because the Zigbee software given away by semiconductor vendors is either in binary form or contains a license clause which only permits the use of the software with their hardware. Software companies selling proprietary stacks usually charge stack licensing fees that can go upwards of $50k and also require fees for driver modification for specific MCUs. One of the goals of this project is to provide a free Zigbee stack which will give designer's flexibility in choosing their components with no proprietary lock-in.

3.   TinyOS  :


TinyOS is an open-source operating system designed for wireless embedded sensor networks. It features a component-based architecture which enables rapid innovation and implementation while minimizing code size as required by the severe memory constraints inherent in sensor networks. TinyOS's component library includes network protocols, distributed services, sensor drivers, and data acquisition tools – all of which can be used as-is or be further refined for a custom application. TinyOS's event-driven execution model enables fine-grained power management yet allows the scheduling flexibility made necessary by the unpredictable nature of wireless communication and physical world interfaces.

成立了 TinyOS ZigBee Working Group  已经开始设计开源的zigbee,期待中.......


  1. zigbee学习之路(十二):zigbee协议原理介绍

    一.前言 从今天开始,我们要正式开始进行zigbee相关的通信实验了,我所使用的协议栈是ZStack 是TI ZStack-CC2530-2.3.0-1.4.0版本,大家也可以从TI的官网上直接下载T ...

  2. ZigBee协议基本介绍

    ZigBee是一种短距离(10~100米).低速率(20~250Kbps).底成本.低功耗的无线网络技术,主要用于近离无线通讯.能够做到在数千个微小的传感器之间相互协调实现通讯,这些传感器只需要很少的 ...

  3. ZigBee协议学习之网络层

    ZigBee的体系结构中,底层采用IEEE 802.15.4的物理层和媒介层,再次基础上,ZigBee联盟建立了自己的网络层(NWL)和应用层框架. ZigBee网络层的主要功能包括设备的连接和断开. ...

  4. 【转】zigbee协议的多种profile

  5. 基于zigbee协议的空中下载技术(OTA)

    首先镜像服务器的解释: 镜像服务器(Mirror server)与主服务器的服务内容都是一样的,只是放在一个不同的地方,分担主机的负载. 简单来说就是和照镜子似的,能看,但不是原版的.在网上内容完全相 ...

  6. 【转】ZigBee是如何组网的?

    组网方案设计:组建一个完整的zigbee网状网络包括两个步骤:网络初始化.节点(路由器或终端)加入网络,其中节点加入网络又包括两个步骤:通过与协调器连接入网和通过已有父节点入网. 一.网络初始化:  ...

  7. zigbee学习之路(十五):基于协议栈的按键实验

    一.前言 经过上次的学习,相信大家已经初步学会使用zigbee协议进行发送和接受数据了.今天,我们要进行的实验是按键的实验,学会如何在协议栈里实现按键中断. 二.实验功能 在协议栈上实现按键中断,BU ...

  8. zigbee学习之路(十三):基于协议栈的Usart 实验

    一.前言 这次实验我们来学习基于zigbee的串口通信实验,揭开zigbee神秘的面纱,让大家可以用zigbee协议编制属于自己的程序,这次实验只是串口发送数据,并没有进行无线的数据传输,为的是使大家 ...

  9. ZigBee 安全探究

    ZigBee 安全探究 0x02 ZigBee安全机制 (注:对于本节内容,可能在新版ZigBee协议标准中会有所变化,请以新版为准.) ZigBee主要提供有三个等级的安全模式: 1. 非安全模式: ...


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