Discoverer Table
Table gives list of Business Areas
Table gives all folders in the EUL
Table gives all Folder Joins details.
- Key_Obj_ID points to parent folder,
- FK_Obj_ID_Remote points to child folder
Table gives all Items that are in the EUL
- IT_Obj_ID is not null AND join to a row in EUL4_Objs you have a Folder Item.
They are listed as Exp_Type of 'CO' or 'CI'.
COs are database object items.
CIs are created items (like date hierarchy items, complex folder items, etc).
Table gives details about the types of objects
- Obj_Type tells you Standard (SOBJ) from Complex (COBJ) folders.
Table gives user details.
Table to use to get the list of Discoverer users that was granted access to the User Edition.
Basically, when a user has been granted privileges one row per privilege is inserted into this table.
- The column called AP_EU_ID contains the ID of the user.
- The column GP_APP_ID is the one that tells you what privilege a user has.
FROM xxdis_us.eul5_documents disco_docs, xxdis_us.eul5_access_privs disco_shares, xxdis_us.eul5_eul_users disco_users WHERE disco_docs.doc_id = disco_shares.gd_doc_id AND disco_users.eu_username(+) NOT IN ('EUL5', 'PUBLIC') AND disco_users.eu_id(+) = disco_shares.ap_eu_id AND upper(disco_docs.doc_name) LIKE 'XX%'
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