mysqlbinlog usage
mysqlbinlog Ver 3.4 for el7 at x86_64
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
the mysql command line client.
-?, --help Display this help and exit.
Determine when the output statements should be
base64-encoded BINLOG statements: 'never' disables it and
works only for binlogs without row-based events;
'decode-rows' decodes row events into commented
pseudo-SQL statements if the --verbose option is also
given; 'auto' prints base64 only when necessary (i.e.,
for row-based events and format description events). If
no --base64-output[=name] option is given at all, the
default is 'auto'.
--bind-address=name IP address to bind to.
Directory for character set files.
-d, --database=name List entries for just this database (local log only).
--rewrite-db=name Rewrite the row event to point so that it can be applied
to a new database
-#, --debug[=#] This is a non-debug version. Catch this and exit.
--debug-check This is a non-debug version. Catch this and exit.
--debug-info This is a non-debug version. Catch this and exit.
--default-auth=name Default authentication client-side plugin to use.
-D, --disable-log-bin
Disable binary log. This is useful, if you enabled
--to-last-log and are sending the output to the same
MySQL server. This way you could avoid an endless loop.
You would also like to use it when restoring after a
crash to avoid duplication of the statements you already
have. NOTE: you will need a SUPER privilege to use this
-F, --force-if-open Force if binlog was not closed properly.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-force-if-open to disable.)
-f, --force-read Force reading unknown binlog events.
-H, --hexdump Augment output with hexadecimal and ASCII event dump.
-h, --host=name Get the binlog from server.
-i, --idempotent Notify the server to use idempotent mode before applying
Row Events
-l, --local-load=name
Prepare local temporary files for LOAD DATA INFILE in the
specified directory.
-o, --offset=# Skip the first N entries.
-p, --password[=name]
Password to connect to remote server.
--plugin-dir=name Directory for client-side plugins.
-P, --port=# Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in
order of preference, my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT,
/etc/services, built-in default (3306).
--protocol=name The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket, pipe,
-R, --read-from-remote-server
Read binary logs from a MySQL server. This is an alias
for read-from-remote-master=BINLOG-DUMP-NON-GTIDS.
Read binary logs from a MySQL server through the
setting the option to either BINLOG-DUMP-NON-GTIDS or
BINLOG-DUMP-GTIDS, respectively. If
--read-from-remote-master=BINLOG-DUMP-GTIDS is combined
with --exclude-gtids, transactions can be filtered out on
the master avoiding unnecessary network traffic.
--raw Requires -R. Output raw binlog data instead of SQL
statements, output is to log files.
-r, --result-file=name
Direct output to a given file. With --raw this is a
prefix for the file names.
--secure-auth Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old
(pre-4.1.1) protocol. Deprecated. Always TRUE
--server-id=# Extract only binlog entries created by the server having
the given id.
--server-id-bits=# Set number of significant bits in server-id
--set-charset=name Add 'SET NAMES character_set' to the output.
-s, --short-form Just show regular queries: no extra info and no row-based
events. This is for testing only, and should not be used
in production systems. If you want to suppress
base64-output, consider using --base64-output=never
-S, --socket=name The socket file to use for connection.
--ssl-mode=name SSL connection mode.
--ssl Deprecated. Use --ssl-mode instead.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-ssl to disable.)
Deprecated. Use --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY instead.
--ssl-ca=name CA file in PEM format.
--ssl-capath=name CA directory.
--ssl-cert=name X509 cert in PEM format.
--ssl-cipher=name SSL cipher to use.
--ssl-key=name X509 key in PEM format.
--ssl-crl=name Certificate revocation list.
--ssl-crlpath=name Certificate revocation list path.
--tls-version=name TLS version to use, permitted values are: TLSv1, TLSv1.1
Start reading the binlog at first event having a datetime
equal or posterior to the argument; the argument must be
a date and time in the local time zone, in any format
accepted by the MySQL server for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP
types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 (you should
probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).
-j, --start-position=#
Start reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the
first binlog passed on the command line.
Stop reading the binlog at first event having a datetime
equal or posterior to the argument; the argument must be
a date and time in the local time zone, in any format
accepted by the MySQL server for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP
types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 (you should
probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).
--stop-never Wait for more data from the server instead of stopping at
the end of the last log. Implicitly sets --to-last-log
but instead of stopping at the end of the last log it
continues to wait till the server disconnects.
The slave server_id used for --read-from-remote-server
--stop-never. This option cannot be used together with
The slave server_id used for --read-from-remote-server.
This option cannot be used together with
--stop-position=# Stop reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the
last binlog passed on the command line.
-t, --to-last-log Requires -R. Will not stop at the end of the requested
binlog but rather continue printing until the end of the
last binlog of the MySQL server. If you send the output
to the same MySQL server, that may lead to an endless
-u, --user=name Connect to the remote server as username.
-v, --verbose Reconstruct pseudo-SQL statements out of row events. -v
-v adds comments on column data types.
-V, --version Print version and exit.
Used to reserve file descriptors for use by this program.
-c, --verify-binlog-checksum
Verify checksum binlog events.
The maximum size of a row-based binary log event in
bytes. Rows will be grouped into events smaller than this
size if possible. This value must be a multiple of 256.
--skip-gtids Do not preserve Global Transaction Identifiers; instead
make the server execute the transactions as if they were
Print events whose Global Transaction Identifiers were
Print all events but those whose Global Transaction
Identifiers were provided.
and boolean options {FALSE|TRUE} Value (after reading options)
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
base64-output (No default value)
bind-address (No default value)
character-sets-dir (No default value)
database (No default value)
rewrite-db (No default value)
default-auth (No default value)
disable-log-bin FALSE
force-if-open TRUE
force-read FALSE
hexdump FALSE
host localhost
idempotent FALSE
local-load (No default value)
offset 0
plugin-dir (No default value)
port 0
read-from-remote-server FALSE
read-from-remote-master (No default value)
result-file (No default value)
secure-auth TRUE
server-id 0
server-id-bits 32
set-charset (No default value)
short-form FALSE
socket /data/mysql/mysql3306/3306.sock
ssl TRUE
ssl-verify-server-cert FALSE
ssl-ca (No default value)
ssl-capath (No default value)
ssl-cert (No default value)
ssl-cipher (No default value)
ssl-key (No default value)
ssl-crl (No default value)
ssl-crlpath (No default value)
tls-version (No default value)
start-datetime (No default value)
start-position 4
stop-datetime (No default value)
stop-never FALSE
stop-never-slave-server-id -1
connection-server-id -1
stop-position 18446744073709551615
to-last-log FALSE
user root
open-files-limit 64
verify-binlog-checksum FALSE
binlog-row-event-max-size 4294967040
skip-gtids FALSE
include-gtids (No default value)
exclude-gtids (No default value)
[root@localhost mysql3306]#
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