使用TopShelf做windows服务安装 ---安装参数解释
Topshelf Command-Line Reference
Once a service has been created using Topshelf, an extensive command-line vocabulary is available which can be used to install, uninstall, start, and configure the service.
The command-line help can be displayed at any time by entering myService.exe help
on the command-line.
Help Text
The help text from the command line is shown below for easy reference.
service.exe [verb] [-option:value] [-switch]
run Runs the service from the command line (default)
help or –help Displays help
install Installs the service
-username The username to run the service -password The password for the specified username -instance An instance name if registering the service multiple times --autostart The service should start automatically (default) --disabled The service should be set to disabled --manual The service should be started manually --delayed The service should start automatically (delayed) --localsystem Run the service with the local system account --localservice Run the service with the local service account --networkservice Run the service with the network service permission --interactive The service will prompt the user at installation for the service credentials --sudo Prompts for UAC if running on Vista/W7/2008 -servicename The name that the service should use when installing -description The service description the service should use when installing. Eg: -description: MyService Eg: -description “My Service” -displayname The display name the the service should use when installing Eg: -displayname: MyService Eg: -displayname “My Service” start Starts the service if it is not already running
-instance The instance to start stop Stops the service if it is running
-instance The instance to stop uninstall Uninstalls the service
-instance An instance name if registering the service multiple times --sudo Prompts for UAC if running on Vista/W7/2008
Basic Service Installation
MyService.exe install -username:DOMAINServiceAccount -password:itsASecret -servicename:AwesomeService –autostart
Service Installation with Quoted Arguments
MyService.exe install -username “DOMAINService Account” -password:”Its A Secret” -servicename “Awesome Service” –autostart
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