# coding=utf-8 '''Implements a simple log library. This module is a simple encapsulation of logging module to provide a more
convenient interface to write log. The log will both print to stdout and
write to log file. It provides a more flexible way to set the log actions,
and also very simple. See examples showed below: Example 1: Use default settings import log log.debug('hello, world')
log.info('hello, world')
log.error('hello, world')
log.critical('hello, world') Result:
Print all log messages to file, and only print log whose level is greater
than ERROR to stdout. The log file is located in '/tmp/xxx.log' if the module
name is xxx.py. The default log file handler is size-rotated, if the log
file's size is greater than 20M, then it will be rotated. Example 2: Use set_logger to change settings # Change limit size in bytes of default rotating action
log.set_logger(limit = 10240) # 10M # Use time-rotated file handler, each day has a different log file, see
# logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler for more help about 'when'
log.set_logger(when = 'D', limit = 1) # Use normal file handler (not rotated)
log.set_logger(backup_count = 0) # File log level set to INFO, and stdout log level set to DEBUG
log.set_logger(level = 'DEBUG:INFO') # Both log level set to INFO
log.set_logger(level = 'INFO') # Change default log file name and log mode
log.set_logger(filename = 'yyy.log', mode = 'w') # Change default log formatter
log.set_logger(fmt = '[%(levelname)s] %(message)s'
''' __author__ = "tuantuan.lv <dangoakachan@foxmail.com>"
__status__ = "Development" __all__ = ['set_logger', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error',
'critical', 'exception'] import os
import sys
import logging
import logging.handlers # Color escape string
COLOR_RESET='\033[1;0m' # Define log color
'DEBUG': '%s',
} # Global logger
g_logger = None class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter):
'''A colorful formatter.''' def __init__(self, fmt = None, datefmt = None):
logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt) def format(self, record):
level_name = record.levelname
msg = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) return LOG_COLORS.get(level_name, '%s') % msg def add_handler(cls, level, fmt, colorful, **kwargs):
'''Add a configured handler to the global logger.'''
global g_logger if isinstance(level, str):
level = getattr(logging, level.upper(), logging.DEBUG) handler = cls(**kwargs)
handler.setLevel(level) if colorful:
formatter = ColoredFormatter(fmt)
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) handler.setFormatter(formatter)
g_logger.addHandler(handler) return handler def add_streamhandler(level, fmt):
'''Add a stream handler to the global logger.'''
return add_handler(logging.StreamHandler, level, fmt, True) def add_filehandler(level, fmt, filename , mode, backup_count, limit, when):
'''Add a file handler to the global logger.'''
kwargs = {} # If the filename is not set, use the default filename
if filename is None:
filename = getattr(sys.modules['__main__'], '__file__', 'log.py')
filename = os.path.basename(filename.replace('.py', '.log'))
filename = os.path.join('/tmp', filename) kwargs['filename'] = filename # Choose the filehandler based on the passed arguments
if backup_count == 0: # Use FileHandler
cls = logging.FileHandler
kwargs['mode' ] = mode
elif when is None: # Use RotatingFileHandler
cls = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
kwargs['maxBytes'] = limit
kwargs['backupCount'] = backup_count
kwargs['mode' ] = mode
else: # Use TimedRotatingFileHandler
cls = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
kwargs['when'] = when
kwargs['interval'] = limit
kwargs['backupCount'] = backup_count return add_handler(cls, level, fmt, False, **kwargs) def init_logger():
'''Reload the global logger.'''
global g_logger if g_logger is None:
g_logger = logging.getLogger()
g_logger.handlers = [] g_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def set_logger(filename = None, mode = 'a', level='ERROR:DEBUG',
fmt = '[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s %(message)s',
backup_count = 5, limit = 20480, when = None):
'''Configure the global logger.'''
level = level.split(':') if len(level) == 1: # Both set to the same level
s_level = f_level = level[0]
s_level = level[0] # StreamHandler log level
f_level = level[1] # FileHandler log level init_logger()
add_streamhandler(s_level, fmt)
add_filehandler(f_level, fmt, filename, mode, backup_count, limit, when) # Import the common log functions for convenient
import_log_funcs() def import_log_funcs():
'''Import the common log functions from the global logger to the module.'''
global g_logger curr_mod = sys.modules[__name__]
log_funcs = ['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical',
'exception'] for func_name in log_funcs:
func = getattr(g_logger, func_name)
setattr(curr_mod, func_name, func) # Set a default logger



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