nova采用 libvirt blockcopy(python  API virDomainBlockRebase)来做live snapshot.

Create the base image:

 $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 base 1G
$ guestfish -a base.qcow2 
[. . .]
><fs> run
><fs> part-disk /dev/sda mbr
><fs> mkfs ext4 /dev/sda1
><fs> mount /dev/sda1 /
><fs> touch /foo
><fs> ls /
><fs> exit

Create another QCOW2 overlay snapshot ‘snap1’, with backing file as ‘base’:

$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b base.qcow2 \
  -o backing_fmt=qcow2 snap1.qcow2

Add a file to snap1.qcow2:

$ guestfish -a snap1.qcow2
[. . .]
><fs> run
><fs> part-disk /dev/sda mbr
><fs> mkfs ext4 /dev/sda1
><fs> mount /dev/sda1 /
><fs> touch /bar
><fs> ls /
><fs> exit

Create another QCOW2 overlay snapshot ‘snap2’, with backing file as ‘snap1’:

$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b snap1.qcow2 \
  -o backing_fmt=qcow2 snap2.qcow2

Add another test file ‘baz’ into snap2.qcow2 using guestfish (refer to previous examples above) to distinguish contents of base, snap1 and snap2.

Create a simple libvirt XML file as below, with source file pointing to snap2.qcow2 — which will be the active block device (i.e. it tracks all new guest writes):

$ cat <<EOF > /etc/libvirt/qemu/testvm.xml
<domain type='kvm'>
<memory unit='MiB'>512</memory>
<type arch='x86_64'>hvm</type>
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
<source file='/export/vmimages/snap2.qcow2'/>
<target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>

Define the guest and start it:

$ virsh define etc/libvirt/qemu/testvm.xml
  Domain testvm defined from /etc/libvirt/qemu/testvm.xml
$ virsh start testvm
Domain testvm started

Perform live disk migration
Undefine the running libvirt guest to make it transient[*]:

$ virsh dumpxml --inactive testvm > /var/tmp/testvm.xml
$ virsh undefine testvm

Check what is the current block device before performing live disk migration:

$ virsh domblklist testvm
Target Source
vda /export/vmimages/snap2.qcow2

Optionally, display the backing chain of snap2.qcow2:

$ qemu-img info --backing-chain /export/vmimages/snap2.qcow2
[. . .] # Output removed for brevity

Initiate blockcopy (live disk mirroring):

$ virsh blockcopy --domain testvm vda \
  /export/blockcopy-test/backups/copy.qcow2 \
  --wait --verbose --shallow \

Details of the above command: It creates copy.qcow2 file in the specified path; performs a --shallow blockcopy (i.e. the ‘copy’ shares the backing chain) of the current block device (vda); –pivot will pivot the live QEMU to the ‘copy’.

Confirm that QEMU has pivoted to the ‘copy’ by enumerating the current block device in use:

$ virsh domblklist testvm
Target Source
vda /export/vmimages/copy.qcow2

Again, display the backing chain of ‘copy’, it should be the resultant chain as noted in the Scenario section above).

$ qemu-img info --backing-chain /export/vmimages/copy.qcow2

Enumerate the contents of copy.qcow2:

$ guestfish -a copy.qcow2 
[. . .]
><fs> run
><fs> mount /dev/sda1 /
><fs> ls /
><fs> quit

(You can notice above: all the content from base.qcow2, snap1.qcow2, and snap2.qcow2 mirrored into copy.qcow2.)

Edit the libvirt guest XML to use the copy.qcow2, and define it:

$ virsh edit testvm
# Replace the <source file='/export/vmimages/snap2.qcow2'/>
# with <source file='/export/vmimages/copy.qcow2'/>
[. . .] $ virsh define /var/tmp/testvm.xml

[*] Reason for the undefining and defining the guest again: As of writing this, QEMU has to support persistent dirty bitmap — this enables us to restart a QEMU process with disk mirroring intact. There are some in-progress patches upstream for a while. Until they are in main line QEMU, the current approach (as illustrated above) is: make a running libvirt guest transient temporarily, perform live blockcopy, and make the guest persistent again. (Thanks to Eric Blake, one of libvirt project’s principal developers, for this detail.)

In QEMU, pre-copy storage migration has two phases:

  • add a streaming mirror to the existing image (not a snapshot+mirror);
  • reopen the image to the new mirror ("pivot" the mirror).

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