

class CdProduct {
public $playLength; // 播放时间
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price,
$playLength ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
$this->playLength = $playLength; } function getPlayLength() {
return $this->playLength;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
$base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;
} function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} class BookProduct {
public $numPages; // 看的页数
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price,
$numPages ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
$this->numPages = $numPages;
} function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
$base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
return $base;
} function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; $product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
print $product2->getSummaryLine();
print "\n";
cd1 ( bobbleson, bob ): playing time - 50
book1 ( harrelson, harry ): page count - 30



class ShopProduct {
public $numPages;
public $playLength;
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price,
$numPages=0, $playLength=0 ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
$this->numPages = $numPages;
$this->playLength = $playLength;
} function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "$this->title ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
return $base;
} class CdProduct extends ShopProduct { function getPlayLength() { // 增加属于自己的方法
return $this->playLength;
} function getSummaryLine() { // 改造了父类的方法
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
$base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;
} class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
$base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
return $base;
} $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, null, 50 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; $product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
print $product2->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; ?>
cd1 ( bobbleson, bob ): playing time - 50
book1 ( harrelson, harry ): page count - 30



class ShopProduct {
// 抽离出共有属性
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
} function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
return $base;
} class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
// 抽离出属于自己特有的属性
public $playLength; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $playLength ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price ); // 继承父类的构造函数
$this->playLength = $playLength; // 处理自己专有的属性
} function getPlayLength() {
return $this->playLength;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
$base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;
} class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $numPages; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $numPages ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->numPages = $numPages;
} function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "$this->title ( $this->producerMainName, ";
$base .= "$this->producerFirstName )";
$base .= ": page count - $this->numPages";
return $base;
} $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; $product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
print $product2->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; ?>
cd1 ( bobbleson, bob ): playing time - 50
book1 ( harrelson, harry ): page count - 30



class ShopProduct {
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
} function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
return $base;
} class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $playLength; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $playLength ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->playLength = $playLength;
} function getPlayLength() {
return $this->playLength;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = parent::getSummaryLine();
$base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;
} class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $numPages; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $numPages ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->numPages = $numPages;
} function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = parent::getSummaryLine();
$base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
return $base;
} $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; $product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
print $product2->getSummaryLine();
print "\n"; ?>
cd1 ( bobbleson, bob ): playing time - 50
book1 ( harrelson, harry ): page count - 30



class ShopProduct {
private $title;
private $discount = 0;
private $producerMainName;
private $producerFirstName;
protected $price; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
} function setDiscount( $num ) {
} function getPrice() {
return ($this->price - $this->discount);
} function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
return $base;
} class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $playLength; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $playLength ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->playLength = $playLength;
} function getPlayLength() {
return $this->playLength;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = parent::getSummaryLine();
$base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;
} class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $numPages; function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $numPages ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->numPages = $numPages;
} function getPrice() {
return $this->price;
} function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;
} function getSummaryLine() {
$base = parent::getSummaryLine();
$base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
return $base;
} $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 );
$product1->setDiscount( 3 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine();
print "\n";
print "price: {$product1->getPrice()}\n"; $product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
$product2->setDiscount( 3 ); // 折扣对book无效
print $product2->getSummaryLine();
print "\n";
print "price: {$product2->getPrice()}\n"; ?>
cd1 ( bobbleson, bob ): playing time - 50
price: 1
book1 ( harrelson, harry ): page count - 30
price: 4



class ShopProduct {
// 私有化属性,通过方法来设置与获取
private $title;
private $producerMainName;
private $producerFirstName;
protected $price;
private $discount = 0; public function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
} public function getProducerFirstName() {
return $this->producerFirstName;
} public function getProducerMainName() {
return $this->producerMainName;
} public function setDiscount( $num ) {
} public function getDiscount() {
return $this->discount;
} public function getTitle() {
return $this->title;
} public function getPrice() {
return ($this->price - $this->discount);
} public function getProducer() {
return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
" {$this->producerMainName}";
} public function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
return $base;
} class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
private $playLength = 0; public function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $playLength ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->playLength = $playLength;
} public function getPlayLength() {
return $this->playLength;
} public function getSummaryLine() {
$base = parent::getSummaryLine();
$base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;
} } class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
private $numPages = 0; public function __construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price, $numPages ) {
parent::__construct( $title, $firstName,
$mainName, $price );
$this->numPages = $numPages;
} public function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;
} public function getSummaryLine() {
$base = parent::getSummaryLine();
$base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
return $base;
} public function getPrice() {
return $this->price;
} $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine()."\n";
$product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
print $product2->getSummaryLine()."\n";
?> 输出:
cd1 ( bobbleson, bob ): playing time - 50
book1 ( harrelson, harry ): page count - 30



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