flash player版本号:

产品名称:Adobe® Flash® Player Installer/Uninstaller

系统:windows xp sp3





eax=00000000 ebx=01ed75f0 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=01ed75f0 edi=00000000
eip=00409db5 esp=0012fc1c ebp=0012fc30 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00200246
00409db5 f7f1 div eax,ecx


0:000> kb
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
0012fc30 0040c1e6 00000001 00000064 00000000 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0x9db5
0012fcd0 77d18734 00010652 00000464 00000001 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0xc1e6
0012fcfc 77d18816 0040c190 00010652 00000464 USER32!GetDC+0x6d
0012fd64 77d189cd 00000000 0040c190 00010652 USER32!GetDC+0x14f
0012fdc4 77d18a10 0012fdec 00000000 0012fe0c USER32!GetWindowLongW+0x127
0012fdd4 0040c5c9 0012fdec 0042c0b8 01be42b8 USER32!DispatchMessageW+0xf
0012fe0c 00406975 01be2ad8 01be42b8 01be2d80 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0xc5c9
0012fe80 00404b5b 0040150e 01be2a08 00404ba7 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0x6975
0012fe84 0040150e 01be2a08 00404ba7 01be2ad8 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0x4b5b
0012fe8c 00404ba7 01be2ad8 01be42b8 01be2d80 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0x150e
0012feb8 0040120a 01ed7298 01eeefc8 00000000 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0x4ba7
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FlashUtil32_14_0_0_125_Plugin+0x120a

从“coredump信息”里能够。 因为ecx=00000000所以导致div     eax,ecx出现除0异常。



.text:00409DA4 loc_409DA4:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_4099CA+2BEj
.text:00409DA4 mov edi, [ebp+arg_8]
.text:00409DA7 movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+arg_8]
.text:00409DAB shr edi, 10h
.text:00409DAE mov eax, edi
.text:00409DB0 imul eax, 64h
.text:00409DB3 xor edx, edx
.text:00409DB5 div ecx


0:000> dd ebp L 8
0012fc30 0012fcd0 0040c1e6 00000001 00000064
0012fc40 00000000 0012fd38 0040c190 00000000



.text:0040C190 ; LRESULT __stdcall PrevWndFunc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM)
.text:0040C190 PrevWndFunc proc near ; DATA XREF: sub_40C605+4Ao
.text:0040C190 ; sub_40C796+30o
.text:0040C190 x = dword ptr -80h
.text:0040C190 y = dword ptr -7Ch
.text:0040C190 var_78 = dword ptr -78h
.text:0040C190 var_74 = dword ptr -74h
.text:0040C190 var_70 = dword ptr -70h
.text:0040C190 var_6C = dword ptr -6Ch
.text:0040C190 var_68 = dword ptr -68h
.text:0040C190 ho = dword ptr -64h
.text:0040C190 rc = RECT ptr -60h
.text:0040C190 var_50 = dword ptr -50h
.text:0040C190 var_4C = dword ptr -4Ch
.text:0040C190 var_46 = byte ptr -46h
.text:0040C190 var_45 = byte ptr -45h
.text:0040C190 Paint = tagPAINTSTRUCT ptr -44h
.text:0040C190 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:0040C190 hWnd = dword ptr 8
.text:0040C190 Msg = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:0040C190 wParam = dword ptr 10h
.text:0040C190 lParam = dword ptr 14h
.text:0040C190 push ebp
.text:0040C191 mov ebp, esp
.text:0040C193 sub esp, 80h
.text:0040C199 mov eax, dword_431EAC
.text:0040C19E xor eax, ebp
.text:0040C1A0 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:0040C1A3 mov eax, [ebp+hWnd]
.text:0040C1A6 push ebx
.text:0040C1A7 push esi
.text:0040C1A8 mov esi, [ebp+lParam]
.text:0040C1AB push edi
.text:0040C1AC push 0FFFFFFEBh ; nIndex
.text:0040C1AE push eax ; hWnd
.text:0040C1AF mov [ebp+var_4C], eax
.text:0040C1B2 call ds:GetWindowLongW
.text:0040C1B8 mov edi, [ebp+Msg]
.text:0040C1BB mov ebx, eax
.text:0040C1BD mov [ebp+var_46], 0
.text:0040C1C1 cmp edi, 0C000h
.text:0040C1C7 jnb short loc_40C1E6
.text:0040C1C9 cmp edi, 400h
.text:0040C1CF jb short loc_40C205
.text:0040C1D1 test ebx, ebx
.text:0040C1D3 jz short loc_40C1E6
.text:0040C1D5 mov eax, [ebx]
.text:0040C1D7 push esi
.text:0040C1D8 lea ecx, [edi-400h]
.text:0040C1DE push ecx
.text:0040C1DF push [ebp+wParam]
.text:0040C1E2 mov ecx, ebx
.text:0040C1E4 call dword ptr [eax]
.text:0040C1E6 loc_40C1E6: ; CODE XREF: PrevWndFunc+37j
.text:0040C1E6 ; PrevWndFunc+43j ...
.text:0040C1E6 push esi ; lParam

.text:0040C1D7                 push    esi
.text:0040C1D8 lea ecx, [edi-400h]
.text:0040C1DE push ecx
.text:0040C1DF push [ebp+wParam]
.text:0040C1E2 mov ecx, ebx
.text:0040C1E4 call dword ptr [eax]

.text:0040C1A7                 push    esi
.text:0040C1A8 mov esi, [ebp+lParam]


0:000> dd 0012fcd0 L 8
0012fcd0 0012fcfc 77d18734 00010652 00000464
0012fce0 00000001 00000000 0040c190 dcbaabcd


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