1. const和let关键字

const用于定义常量。 let用于定义变量。但是JavaScript中不是已经有变量了吗? 是的,这很正确,但用var声明的变量具有函数作用域,并会被提升到顶部。 这意味着在声明之前就可以使用这个变量。 let变量和常量具有块作用域(用{}包围),在声明之前不能被使用。

function f() {
var x = 1
let y = 2
const z = 3
var x = 100
let y = 200
const z = 300
console.log('x in block scope is', x)
console.log('y in block scope is', y)
console.log('z in block scope is', z)
console.log('x outside of block scope is', x)
console.log('y outside of block scope is', y)
console.log('z outside of block scope is', z)
} f()
x in block scope is 100
y in block scope is 200
z in block scope is 300
x outside of block scope is 100
y outside of block scope is 2
z outside of block scope is 3

2. 数组助手函数




var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']

function print(val) {
} colors.forEach(print)



var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']

function capitalize(val) {
return val.toUpperCase()
} var capitalizedColors = colors.map(capitalize) console.log(capitalizedColors)



var values = [1, 60, 34, 30, 20, 5]

function lessThan20(val) {
return val < 20
} var valuesLessThan20 = values.filter(lessThan20) console.log(valuesLessThan20)



var people = [
{name: 'Jack', age: 50},
{name: 'Michael', age: 9},
{name: 'John', age: 40},
{name: 'Ann', age: 19},
{name: 'Elisabeth', age: 16}
] function teenager(person) {
return person.age > 10 && person.age < 20
} var firstTeenager = people.find(teenager) console.log('First found teenager:', firstTeenager.name)
First found teenager: Ann 



var people = [
{name: 'Jack', age: 50},
{name: 'Michael', age: 9},
{name: 'John', age: 40},
{name: 'Ann', age: 19},
{name: 'Elisabeth', age: 16}
] function teenager(person) {
return person.age > 10 && person.age < 20
} var everyoneIsTeenager = people.every(teenager) console.log('Everyone is teenager: ', everyoneIsTeenager)
Everyone is teenager:  false 



var people = [
{name: 'Jack', age: 50},
{name: 'Michael', age: 9},
{name: 'John', age: 40},
{name: 'Ann', age: 19},
{name: 'Elisabeth', age: 16}
] function teenager(person) {
return person.age > 10 && person.age < 20
} var thereAreTeenagers = people.some(teenager) console.log('There are teenagers:', thereAreTeenagers)
There are teenagers: true 



var array = [1, 2, 3, 4]

function sum(acc, value) {
return acc + value
} function product(acc, value) {
return acc * value
} var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce(sum, 0)
var productOfArrayElements = array.reduce(product, 1) console.log('Sum of', array, 'is', sumOfArrayElements)
console.log('Product of', array, 'is', productOfArrayElements)
Sum of [1,2,3,4] is 10
Product of [1,2,3,4] is 24

3. 箭号函数


var array = [1, 2, 3, 4]

const sum = (acc, value) => acc + value
const product = (acc, value) => acc * value var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce(sum, 0)
var productOfArrayElements = array.reduce(product, 1)


var array = [1, 2, 3, 4]

var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0)
var productOfArrayElements = array.reduce((acc, value) => acc * value, 1)


var array = [1, 2, 3, 4]

const sum = (acc, value) => {
const result = acc + value
console.log(acc, ' plus ', value, ' is ', result)
return result
} var sumOfArrayElements = array.reduce(sum, 0)

4. 类


class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
} toString() {
return '[X=' + this.x + ', Y=' + this.y + ']'
} class ColorPoint extends Point {
static default() {
return new ColorPoint(0, 0, 'black')
} constructor(x, y, color) {
super(x, y)
this.color = color
} toString() {
return '[X=' + this.x + ', Y=' + this.y + ', color=' + this.color + ']'
} console.log('The first point is ' + new Point(2, 10))
console.log('The second point is ' + new ColorPoint(2, 10, 'green'))
console.log('The default color point is ' + ColorPoint.default())
The first point is [X=2, Y=10]
The second point is [X=2, Y=10, color=green]
The default color point is [X=0, Y=0, color=black]

5. 增强的对象字面量

- 定义具有相同名称的变量赋值字段 
- 定义函数 
- 定义动态属性

const color = 'red'
const point = {
x: 5,
y: 10,
toString() {
return 'X=' + this.x + ', Y=' + this.y + ', color=' + this.color
[ 'prop_' + 42 ]: 42
} console.log('The point is ' + point)
console.log('The dynamic property is ' + point.prop_42)
The point is X=5, Y=10, color=red
The dynamic property is 42

6. 模板字符串


function hello(firstName, lastName) {
return `Good morning ${firstName} ${lastName}!
How are you?`
} console.log(hello('Jan', 'Kowalski'))
Good morning Jan Kowalski!
How are you?



7. 默认函数参数


function sort(arr = [], direction = 'ascending') {
console.log('I\'m going to sort the array', arr, direction)
} sort([1, 2, 3])
sort([1, 2, 3], 'descending')
I'm going to sort the array [1,2,3] ascending
I'm going to sort the array [1,2,3] descending

8. Rest和Spread操作符


示例 - 数组的浅拷贝:

var array = ['red', 'blue', 'green']
var copyOfArray = [...array] console.log('Copy of', array, 'is', copyOfArray)
console.log('Are', array, 'and', copyOfArray, 'same?', array === copyOfArray)
Copy of ["red","blue","green"] is ["red","blue","green"]
Are ["red","blue","green"] and ["red","blue","green"] same? false

示例 - 合并数组:

var defaultColors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']
var userDefinedColors = ['yellow', 'orange'] var mergedColors = [...defaultColors, ...userDefinedColors] console.log('Merged colors', mergedColors)
Merged colors ["red","blue","green","yellow","orange"] 



function printColors(first, second, third, ...others) {
console.log('Top three colors are ' + first + ', ' + second + ' and ' + third + '. Others are: ' + others)
printColors('yellow', 'blue', 'orange', 'white', 'black')
Top three colors are yellow, blue and orange. Others are: white,black 

9. 解构



function printFirstAndSecondElement([first, second]) {
console.log('First element is ' + first + ', second is ' + second)
} function printSecondAndFourthElement([, second, , fourth]) {
console.log('Second element is ' + second + ', fourth is ' + fourth)
} var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] printFirstAndSecondElement(array)
First element is 1, second is 2
Second element is 2, fourth is 4



function printBasicInfo({firstName, secondName, profession}) {
console.log(firstName + ' ' + secondName + ' - ' + profession)
} var person = {
firstName: 'John',
secondName: 'Smith',
age: 33,
children: 3,
profession: 'teacher'
} printBasicInfo(person)
John Smith - teacher 

10. Promises



function asyncFunc() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const result = Math.random();
result > 0.5 ? resolve(result) : reject('Oppps....I cannot calculate')
}, 1)
} for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
.then(result => console.log('Result is: ' + result))
.catch(result => console.log('Error: ' + result))
Result is: 0.7930997430022211
Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate
Result is: 0.6412258210597288
Result is: 0.7890325910244533
Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate
Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate
Result is: 0.8619834683310168
Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate
Error: Oppps....I cannot calculate
Result is: 0.8258410427354488


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