1、先看下整体目录架构 [root@bogon ~]# cd /etc/ansible/
[root@bogon ansible]# tree
├── ansible.cfg
├── group_vars
│ └── all
├── hosts
├── roles
│ └── webservs
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├──
│ ├── tasks
│ │ ├── install_nginx.yaml
│ │ └── main.yaml
│ └── templates
│ ├── index.html.j2
│ └── nginx.conf.j2
├── site.retry
└── site.yaml 6 directories, 11 files 2、初始化一个role [root@bogon ~]# ansible-galaxy init /etc/ansible/roles/websrvs 查看已经创建的role
[root@bogon ~]# ls /etc/ansible/roles/
webservs 把初始化后, role里面没用的目录删除,没有的目录就创建,按照第一步的目录架构来 3、配置ansible.cfg [root@bogon ansible]# cat ansible.cfg
inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts
private_key_file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa 4、配置变量all文件,注意:名字只能写成all,写其他的就报错 [root@bogon group_vars]# cat all
# vars file for /etc/ansible/roles/webservs
worker_processes: 4
worker_connections: 768
max_open_files: 65506 5、配置site.yaml作为执行入口文件,里面定义都对哪些roles操作 [root@bogon ansible]# cat site.yaml
# this playbook deploy the whole application stack in this site
- name: configuration and deploy webservers and application code
hosts: webservers roles:
- webservs 6、配置handlers文件 ,就是触发器,比如满足条件后启动nginx [root@bogon webservs]# cat handlers/main.yml
# handlers file for /etc/ansible/roles/webservs
- name: restart nginx
service: name=nginx state=restarted 7、配置tasks, 这是具体执行操作的yaml文件 [root@bogon webservs]# cat tasks/main.yaml
- include: install_nginx.yaml [root@bogon webservs]# cat tasks/install_nginx.yaml
# tasks file for /etc/ansible/roles/webservs
- name: install nginx
command: yum install nginx -y - name: copy nginx config file
template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
notify: restart nginx - name: copy index.html
src: index.html.j2
dest: /usr/share/nginx/www/index.html
mode: 0644
notify: restart nginx - name: see file
command: ls /root
notify: restart nginx 8、配置templates。 就是准备需要的模板文件,没有就不用准备 [root@bogon webservs]# cat templates/nginx.conf.j2
worker_processes {{ worker_processes }};
worker_rlimit_nofile {{ max_open_files }}; events {
worker_connections {{ worker_connections }};
} http {
server {
listen 80;
root /usr/share/nginx/www;
index index.html index.htm default.html index.php;
server_name loclhost;
location / {
try_files / =404;
} } [root@bogon webservs]# cat templates/index.html.j2
<title>welcome to american</title>
<h1>nginx, confitured by ansible</h1>
<p>if you can see this, ansible successfully installed nginx.</p> <p>{{ ansible_hostname }}</p>
</html> 9、执行部署 [root@bogon ansible]# ls
ansible.cfg group_vars hosts roles site.retry site.yaml
[root@bogon ansible]# ansible-playbook site.yaml
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