But they were all in, and Edward was speeding away.

I drove home slowly, carefully, muttering to myself the whole way.

When I got home, I decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner.

It was a long process, and it would keep me busy.

While I was simmering the onions and chilies, the phone rang.

I was almost afraid to answer it, but it might be Charlie or my mom.

It was Jessica, and she was jubilant; Mike had caught her after school to accept her invitation.

I celebrated with her briefly while I stirred.

She had to go, she wanted to call Angela and Lauren to tell them.

I suggested — with casual innocence — that maybe Angela, the shy girl who had Biology with me, could ask Eric.

And Lauren, a standoffish girl who had always ignored me at the lunch table, could ask Tyler; I'd heard he was still available.

Jess thought that was a great idea.

Now that she was sure of Mike, she actually sounded sincere when she said she wished I would go to the dance. I gave her my Seattle excuse.

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