I stood carefully, and I was still fine. He held the door for me, his smile polite but his eyes mocking.


I walked out into the cold, fine mist that had just begun to fall.


It felt nice — the first time I'd enjoyed the constant moisture falling out of the sky — as it washed my face clean of the sticky perspiration.

这很漂亮——第一次我能感受到天空中连续的雨水—— 它重刷着我脸上黏腻的汗水。

"Thanks," I said as he followed me out. "It's almost worth getting sick to miss Gym."


"Anytime." He was staring straight forward, squinting into the rain.


"So are you going? This Saturday, I mean?" I was hoping he would, though it seemed unlikely.


I couldn't picture him loading up to carpool with the rest of the kids from school;


he didn't belong in the same world.


But just hoping that he might gave me the first twinge of enthusiasm I'd felt for the outing.


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