
-n  不打印所有的行到标准输出

-e  表示将下一个字符串解析为sed编辑命令

-f  表示正在调用sed脚本文件


p  打印匹配行

=  打印文件行号

a\  在定位行号之后追加文本信息

i\  在定位行号之前追加文本信息

d  删除定位行

c\  用新文本替换定位文本

r  从另外一个文件中读文本

w  将文本写入到一个文件

y  变换字符

q  第一个模式匹配玩成后退出

{}  在定位行执行的命令组

n  读取下一个输入行,用下一个命令处理新的行



[root@git ~]# cat input
This is a Certificate Request file:

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:

The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


[root@git ~]# sed -n '1p' input                         //加上-n选项只打印第一行
This is a Certificate Request file:
[root@git ~]# sed '1p' input                            //不加-n选项会输出第一行后再输出全文
This is a Certificate Request file:
This is a Certificate Request file:

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:

The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


[root@git ~]# sed -n '3,6p' input
It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:


[root@git ~]# sed -n '/certificate/p' input
The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


[root@git ~]# sed -n -e '/Certificate/=' -e '/Certificate/p' input
This is a Certificate Request file:
Certificate Subject:

[root@git ~]# sed -n '/Certificate/{=;p}' input
This is a Certificate Request file:
Certificate Subject:

<5>在与关键字"file:"相匹配的行后追加内容"We append a new line."

[root@git ~]# sed '/file:/a\We append a new line.' input
This is a Certificate Request file:
We append a new line.

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:

The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


[root@git ~]# sed -n '/.*bus/p' input


[root@git ~]# sed -n '2,10!p' input
This is a Certificate Request file:
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.



[root@git ~]# sed -n '/seugrid/,$p' input

The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


<9>在匹配"file:"字符前插入"We insert a new line."

[root@git ~]# sed '/file:/i\We insert a new line.' input
We insert a new line.
This is a Certificate Request file:

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:


The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


<10>把匹配"file:"的行修改为"We modify this line."

[root@git ~]# sed '/file:/c\We insert a new line.' input
We insert a new line.

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:


The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.



[root@git ~]# sed -e '1d' -e '$d' input

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:


The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.


[root@git ~]# sed -n 's/Certificate/CERTIFICATE/p' input
This is a CERTIFICATE Request file:

<13>把文本中全部的seu替换为njue,如果只想匹配行第一个出现的seu不加g即可sed -n 's/seu/njue/p' input ,只想匹配全文第三次出现的怎么办sed -n 's/seu/njue/3p' input

[root@git ~]# sed -n 's/seu/njue/pg' input
It should be mailed to


[root@git ~]# sed -n 's/seu/njue/w output' input
[root@git ~]# cat output
It should be mailed to


[root@git ~]# sed '/file:/r output' input
This is a Certificate Request file:
It should be mailed to

It should be mailed to

Certificate Subject:


The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.



[root@git ~]# sed 'y/ymj/YMJ/' input
This is a Certificate Request file:

It should be Mailed to

Certificate SubJect:


The above string is known as Your user certificate subJect,and it uniquelY identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-Mail Message into the following file.



[root@git ~]# sed '/Certificate/{s/i/I/g;s/le/99/;}' input
ThIs Is a CertIfIcate Request fI99:

It should be mailed to

CertIfIcate Subject:


The above string is known as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user.$88
To install this user certificate,please save this e-mail message into the following file.



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  2. sed命令 linux

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  5. linux shell 用sed命令在文本的行尾或行首添加字符

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  6. linux sed命令详解

    简介 sed 是一种在线编辑器,它一次处理一行内容.处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时缓冲区中,称为“模式空间”(pattern space),接着用sed命令处理缓冲区中的内容,处理完成后,把缓冲区的 ...

  7. sed命令详解

    搜索 纠正错误  添加实例 sed 功能强大的流式文本编辑器 补充说明 sed 是一种流编辑器,它是文本处理中非常中的工具,能够完美的配合正则表达式使用,功能不同凡响.处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时 ...

  8. Linux安全基础:sed命令的使用

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  9. [转]sed命令详解

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