Given a binary tree rooted at `root`, the *depth* of each node is the shortest distance to the root.

A node is deepest if it has the largest depth possible among any node in the entire tree.

The subtree of a node is that node, plus the set of all descendants of that node.

Return the node with the largest depth such that it contains all the deepest nodes in its subtree.

Example 1:

Input: [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4]
Output: [2,7,4]

We return the node with value 2, colored in yellow in the diagram.
The nodes colored in blue are the deepest nodes of the tree.
The input "[3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 0, 8, null, null, 7, 4]" is a serialization of the given tree.
The output "[2, 7, 4]" is a serialization of the subtree rooted at the node with value 2.
Both the input and output have TreeNode type.


  • The number of nodes in the tree will be between 1 and 500.
  • The values of each node are unique.




class Solution {
TreeNode* subtreeWithAllDeepest(TreeNode* root) {
int diff = depth(root->left) - depth(root->right);
return (diff == 0) ? root : subtreeWithAllDeepest(diff > 0 ? root->left : root->right);
int depth(TreeNode* node) {
return !node ? 0 : max(depth(node->left), depth(node->right)) + 1;

上面的解法其实并不高效,因为对于每个结点,都要统计其左右子树的最大深度,有大量的重复计算存在,我们来尝试提高时间复杂度,就不可避免的要牺牲一些空间。递归函数需要返回一个 pair,由每个结点的最大深度,以及包含最深结点的最小子树组成。所以在原函数中,对根结点调用递归函数,并取返回的 pair 中的第二项。

在递归函数中,首先判断结点是否存在,为空的话直接返回一个 {0, NULL} 对儿。否则分别对左右子结点调用递归函数,将各自的返回的 pair 存入 left 和 right 中,然后先分别在 left 和 right 中取出左右子树的最大深度 d1 和 d2,之后就要建立返回值的 pair,第一项为当前结点的最大深度,由左右子树中的最大深度加1组成,而包含最深结点的最小子树由 d1 和 d2 值的大小决定,若 d1>d2,则为 left.second,否则为 right.second,这样我们就把原本的两个递归,揉合到了一个递归函数中,大大提高了运行效率,参见代码如下:


class Solution {
TreeNode* subtreeWithAllDeepest(TreeNode* root) {
return helper(root).second;
pair<int, TreeNode*> helper(TreeNode* node) {
if (!node) return {0, NULL};
auto left = helper(node->left), right = helper(node->right);
int d1 = left.first, d2 = right.first;
return {max(d1, d2) + 1, (d1 == d2) ? node : (d1 > d2 ? left.second : right.second)};

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