
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100010;
struct PalindromicTree{
int fail[maxn],len[maxn],son[maxn][26];
int tot,last,n;
char s[maxn];
int newnode(int slen = 0){
memset(son[tot],0,sizeof son[tot]);
len[tot] = slen;
return tot++;
void init(){
n = tot = last = 0;
fail[1] = fail[0] = 1;
s[n] = -1;
int getFail(int x){
while(s[n - len[x] - 1] != s[n]) x = fail[x];
return x;
void extend(int c){
s[++n] = c;
int cur = getFail(last);
int x = newnode(len[cur] + 2);
fail[x] = son[getFail(fail[cur])][c];
son[cur][c] = x;
last = son[cur][c];
char str[maxn];
int main(){
bool flag = false;
for(int i = 0; str[i]; ++i){
pt.extend(str[i] - 'a');
if(flag) putchar(' ');
printf("%d",pt.tot - 2);
flag = true;
return 0;

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