互联网中有海量的文件,比如电商网站有海量的图片文件,视频网站有海量的视频文件,如果使用传统的模式上传文件,肯定是不可取的。因此需要使用第三方服务器来存储图片 。


​ FastDFS 是用 c 语言编写的一款开源的分布式文件系统。FastDFS 为互联网量身定制,充分考虑了冗余备份、负载均衡、线性扩容等机制,并注重高可用、高性能等指标,使用 FastDFS很容易搭建一套高性能的文件服务器集群提供文件上传、下载等服务。

​ FastDFS 架构包括 Tracker server 和 Storage server。客户端请求 Tracker server 进行文件上传、下载,通过 Tracker server 调度最终由 Storage server 完成文件上传和下载。

​ Tracker server 作用是负载均衡和调度,通过 Tracker server 在文件上传时可以根据一些策略找到 Storage server 提供文件上传服务。可以将 tracker 称为追踪服务器或调度服务器。

​ Storage server 作用是文件存储,客户端上传的文件最终存储在 Storage 服务器上,Storageserver 没有实现自己的文件系统而是利用操作系统 的文件系统来管理文件。可以将storage称为存储服务器。


Tracker:管理集群,tracker 也可以实现集群。每个 tracker 节点地位平等。收集 Storage 集群的状态。

Storage:实际保存文件 Storage 分为多个组,每个组之间保存的文件是不同的。每个组内部可以有多个成员, 组成员内部保存的内容是一样的,组成员的地位是一致的,没有主从的概念。

文件上传流程 :





<!-- 分布式文件系统 -->
<!-- 文件上传组件 -->


# connect timeout in seconds
# default value is 30s
connect_timeout=30 # network timeout in seconds
# default value is 30s
network_timeout=60 # the base path to store log files
base_path=/home/fastdfs # tracker_server can ocur more than once, and tracker_server format is
# "host:port", host can be hostname or ip address
tracker_server= #standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
### emerg for emergency
### alert
### crit for critical
### error
### warn for warning
### notice
### info
### debug
log_level=info # if use connection pool
# default value is false
# since V4.05
use_connection_pool = false # connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
# unit: second
# default value is 3600
# since V4.05
connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600 # if load FastDFS parameters from tracker server
# since V4.05
# default value is false
load_fdfs_parameters_from_tracker=false # if use storage ID instead of IP address
# same as tracker.conf
# valid only when load_fdfs_parameters_from_tracker is false
# default value is false
# since V4.05
use_storage_id = false # specify storage ids filename, can use relative or absolute path
# same as tracker.conf
# valid only when load_fdfs_parameters_from_tracker is false
# since V4.05
storage_ids_filename = storage_ids.conf #HTTP settings
http.tracker_server_port=80 #use "#include" directive to include HTTP other settiongs
##include http.conf


* 图片上传的处理器
* @author Mr.song
* @date 2019/06/09 20:07
public class UploadController {
// FastDFS服务器的ip地址
private String server_url = ""; @RequestMapping("/upload")
public Result uploadFile(MultipartFile uploadFile) {
try {
String fileName = uploadFile.getOriginalFilename();
String exeName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
FastDFSClient client = new FastDFSClient("classpath:config/fdfs_client.conf");
String fileId = client.uploadFile(uploadFile.getBytes(), exeName);
String filePath = server_url + fileId;
return new Result(true, filePath);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Result(false, "上传失败!");


<!-- 配置文件上传解析器 -->
<bean id="multipartResolver"
<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8"></property>
<!-- 设定文件上传的最大值 5MB, 5*1024*1024 -->
<property name="maxUploadSize" value="5242880"></property>



app.service("uploadService",function ($http) {
this.uploadFile=function () {
var formData = new FormData();//上传文件的数据模型
return $http({
transformRequest:angular.identity //对整个表单进行二进制序列化


* FastDFS使用的简单封装
public class FastDFSClient { private TrackerClient trackerClient = null;
private TrackerServer trackerServer = null;
private StorageServer storageServer = null;
private StorageClient1 storageClient = null; public FastDFSClient(String conf) throws Exception {
if (conf.contains("classpath:")) {
conf = conf.replace("classpath:", this.getClass().getResource("/").getPath());
trackerClient = new TrackerClient();
trackerServer = trackerClient.getConnection();
storageServer = null;
storageClient = new StorageClient1(trackerServer, storageServer);
} /**
* 上传文件方法
* <p>Title: uploadFile</p>
* <p>Description: </p>
* @param fileName 文件全路径
* @param extName 文件扩展名,不包含(.)
* @param metas 文件扩展信息
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String uploadFile(String fileName, String extName, NameValuePair[] metas) throws Exception {
String result = storageClient.upload_file1(fileName, extName, metas);
return result;
} public String uploadFile(String fileName) throws Exception {
return uploadFile(fileName, null, null);
} public String uploadFile(String fileName, String extName) throws Exception {
return uploadFile(fileName, extName, null);
} /**
* 上传文件方法
* <p>Title: uploadFile</p>
* <p>Description: </p>
* @param fileContent 文件的内容,字节数组
* @param extName 文件扩展名
* @param metas 文件扩展信息
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String uploadFile(byte[] fileContent, String extName, NameValuePair[] metas) throws Exception { String result = storageClient.upload_file1(fileContent, extName, metas);
return result;
} public String uploadFile(byte[] fileContent) throws Exception {
return uploadFile(fileContent, null, null);
} public String uploadFile(byte[] fileContent, String extName) throws Exception {
return uploadFile(fileContent, extName, null);



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