#include <string>
#include <iostream> #include <boost/bimap.hpp> template< class MapType >
void print_map(const MapType & map,
const std::string & separator,
std::ostream & os )
typedef typename MapType::const_iterator const_iterator; for( const_iterator i = map.begin(), iend = map.end(); i != iend; ++i )
os << i->first << separator << i->second << std::endl;
} int main()
// Soccer World cup typedef boost::bimap< std::string, int > results_bimap;
typedef results_bimap::value_type position; results_bimap results;
results.insert( position("Argentina" ,) );
results.insert( position("Spain" ,) );
results.insert( position("Germany" ,) );
results.insert( position("France" ,) ); std::cout << "The number of countries is " << results.size()
<< std::endl; std::cout << "The winner is " << results.right.at()
<< std::endl
<< std::endl; std::cout << "Countries names ordered by their final position:"
<< std::endl; // results.right works like a std::map< int, std::string > print_map( results.right, ") ", std::cout ); std::cout << std::endl
<< "Countries names ordered alphabetically along with"
"their final position:"
<< std::endl; // results.left works like a std::map< std::string, int > print_map( results.left, " ends in position ", std::cout ); return ;

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