private[akka] final case class Create(failure: Option[ActorInitializationException]) extends SystemMessage // sent to self from Dispatcher.register
* Will at least try to process all queued system messages: in case of
* failure simply drop and go on to the next, because there is nothing to
* restart here (failure is in ActorCell somewhere …). In case the mailbox
* becomes closed (because of processing a Terminate message), dump all
* already dequeued message to deadLetters.
final def processAllSystemMessages() {
var interruption: Throwable = null
var messageList = systemDrain(SystemMessageList.LNil)
while ((messageList.nonEmpty) && !isClosed) {
val msg = messageList.head
messageList = messageList.tail
if (debug) println(actor.self + " processing system message " + msg + " with " + actor.childrenRefs)
// we know here that systemInvoke ensures that only "fatal" exceptions get rethrown
actor systemInvoke msg
if (Thread.interrupted())
interruption = new InterruptedException("Interrupted while processing system messages")
// don’t ever execute normal message when system message present!
if ((messageList.isEmpty) && !isClosed) messageList = systemDrain(SystemMessageList.LNil)
* if we closed the mailbox, we must dump the remaining system messages
* to deadLetters (this is essential for DeathWatch)
// 忽略剩余源码
//Memory consistency is handled by the Mailbox (reading mailbox status then processing messages, then writing mailbox status
final def systemInvoke(message: SystemMessage): Unit = {
* When recreate/suspend/resume are received while restarting (i.e. between
* preRestart and postRestart, waiting for children to terminate), these
* must not be executed immediately, but instead queued and released after
* finishRecreate returns. This can only ever be triggered by
* ChildTerminated, and ChildTerminated is not one of the queued message
* types (hence the overwrite further down). Mailbox sets message.next=null
* before systemInvoke, so this will only be non-null during such a replay.
def calculateState: Int =
if (waitingForChildrenOrNull ne null) SuspendedWaitForChildrenState
else if (mailbox.isSuspended) SuspendedState
else DefaultState
@tailrec def sendAllToDeadLetters(messages: EarliestFirstSystemMessageList): Unit =
if (messages.nonEmpty) {
val tail = messages.tail
val msg = messages.head
provider.deadLetters ! msg
def shouldStash(m: SystemMessage, state: Int): Boolean =
(state: @switch) match {
case DefaultState ⇒ false
case SuspendedState ⇒ m.isInstanceOf[StashWhenFailed]
case SuspendedWaitForChildrenState ⇒ m.isInstanceOf[StashWhenWaitingForChildren]
def invokeAll(messages: EarliestFirstSystemMessageList, currentState: Int): Unit = {
val rest = messages.tail
val message = messages.head
try {
message match {
case message: SystemMessage if shouldStash(message, currentState) ⇒ stash(message)
case f: Failed ⇒ handleFailure(f)
case DeathWatchNotification(a, ec, at) ⇒ watchedActorTerminated(a, ec, at)
case Create(failure) ⇒ create(failure)
case Watch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ addWatcher(watchee, watcher)
case Unwatch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ remWatcher(watchee, watcher)
case Recreate(cause) ⇒ faultRecreate(cause)
case Suspend() ⇒ faultSuspend()
case Resume(inRespToFailure) ⇒ faultResume(inRespToFailure)
case Terminate() ⇒ terminate()
case Supervise(child, async) ⇒ supervise(child, async)
case NoMessage ⇒ // only here to suppress warning
} catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒
handleInvokeFailure(Nil, e)
val newState = calculateState
// As each state accepts a strict subset of another state, it is enough to unstash if we "walk up" the state
// chain
val todo = if (newState < currentState) unstashAll() reverse_::: rest else rest
if (isTerminated) sendAllToDeadLetters(todo)
else if (todo.nonEmpty) invokeAll(todo, newState)
invokeAll(new EarliestFirstSystemMessageList(message), calculateState)
protected def create(failure: Option[ActorInitializationException]): Unit = {
def clearOutActorIfNonNull(): Unit = {
if (actor != null) {
clearActorFields(actor, recreate = false)
actor = null // ensure that we know that we failed during creation
failure.foreach { throw _ }
try {
val created = newActor()
actor = created
if (system.settings.DebugLifecycle) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(created), "started (" + created + ")"))
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException ⇒
throw ActorInitializationException(self, "interruption during creation", e)
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
e match {
case i: InstantiationException ⇒ throw ActorInitializationException(
"""exception during creation, this problem is likely to occur because the class of the Actor you tried to create is either,
a non-static inner class (in which case make it a static inner class or use Props(new ...) or Props( new Creator ... )
or is missing an appropriate, reachable no-args constructor.
""", i.getCause)
case x ⇒ throw ActorInitializationException(self, "exception during creation", x)
//This method is in charge of setting up the contextStack and create a new instance of the Actor
protected def newActor(): Actor = {
contextStack.set(this :: contextStack.get)
try {
behaviorStack = emptyBehaviorStack
val instance = props.newActor()
if (instance eq null)
throw ActorInitializationException(self, "Actor instance passed to actorOf can't be 'null'")
// If no becomes were issued, the actors behavior is its receive method
behaviorStack = if (behaviorStack.isEmpty) instance.receive :: behaviorStack else behaviorStack
} finally {
val stackAfter = contextStack.get
if (stackAfter.nonEmpty)
contextStack.set(if (stackAfter.head eq null) stackAfter.tail.tail else stackAfter.tail) // pop null marker plus our context
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