InnoDB: Error: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN after 5 attempts
在一台server中以各数据库的备份文件为数据文件启动多个MySQL实例供SQL Review使用。
140505 16:05:59 InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
140505 16:05:59 InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN. Will make 5 attempts before giving up.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 1 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 2 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 3 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 4 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 5 failed.
140505 16:06:02 InnoDB: Error: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN after 5 attempts.
InnoDB: You can disable Linux Native AIO by setting innodb_use_native_aio = 0 in my.cnf
140505 16:06:02 InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot initialize AIO sub-system
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
通过错误日志了解到最早错误发生的地方为 InnoDB: Error: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN after 5 attempts。
这个io_setup() failed with EAGAIN是关键。
io_setup - Create an asynchronous I/O context
io_setup() creates an asynchronous I/O context capable of receiving at least maxevents. ctxp must not point to an AIO context that already exists, and must be
initialized to 0
prior to the call. On successful creation of the AIO context, *ctxp is filled in with the resulting handle.
io_setup() returns 0 on success; otherwise, one of the errors listed in the "Errors" section is returned.
EINVAL ctxp is not initialized, or the specified maxevents exceeds internal limits. maxevents should be greater than 0.
EFAULT An invalid pointer is passed for ctxp.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel resources are available.
EAGAIN The specified maxevents exceeds the user’s limit of available events.
ENOSYS io_setup() is not implemented on this architecture.
看到io_setup用来创建异步I/O上下文环境用于特定目的,错误代码EAGAIN意为指定的maxevents 超出了用户可用events的限制。
最后通过在启动MySQL实例时增加 --innodb_use_native_aio = 0攻克了问题。
cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr能够查看到当前的aio-max-nr的值一般为65536(64k个)
sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr
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