No Memory Alignment with GCC
method:#include <stdio.h> struct packed
char a;
int b;
} __attribute__((packed)); struct not_packed
char a;
int b;
}; int main(void)
printf("Packed: %zu\n", sizeof(struct packed));
printf("Not Packed: %zu\n", sizeof(struct not_packed));
return 0;
$ make example && ./example
cc example.c -o example
Packed: 5
Not Packed: 8
pragma pack
method:#include <stdio.h> #pragma pack(1)
struct packed
char a;
int b;
#pragma pack() struct not_packed
char a;
int b;
}; int main(void)
printf("Packed: %zu\n", sizeof(struct packed));
printf("Not Packed: %zu\n", sizeof(struct not_packed));
return 0;
$ make example && ./example
cc example.c -o example
Packed: 5
Not Packed: 8Add
to GCC- -fpack-struct[=n]
- Without a value specified, pack all structure members together without holes. When a value is specified (which must be a small power of two), pack structuremembers according to this value, representing the maximum alignment (that is, objects with default
alignment requirements larger than this will be outputpotentially unaligned at the next fitting location.Warning: the -fpack-struct switch causes
GCC to generate code that is not binary compatible with code generated without thatswitch. Additionally, it makes the code suboptimal. Use it to conform to a non-default application binary interface.
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