

class in UnityEngine


The GUI class is the interface for Unity's GUI with manual positioning.

See Also: GUI tutorial.

Static Variables

backgroundColor Global tinting color for all background elements rendered by the GUI.
changed Returns true if any controls changed the value of the input data.
color Global tinting color for the GUI.
contentColor Tinting color for all text rendered by the GUI.
depth The sorting depth of the currently executing GUI behaviour.
enabled Is the GUI enabled?
matrix The GUI transform matrix.
skin The global skin to use.
tooltip The tooltip of the control the mouse is currently over, or which has keyboard focus. (Read Only).

Static Functions

BeginGroup Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.
BeginScrollView Begin a scrolling view inside your GUI.
Box Make a graphical box.
BringWindowToBack Bring a specific window to back of the floating windows.
BringWindowToFront Bring a specific window to front of the floating windows.
Button Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.
DragWindow Make a window draggable.
DrawTexture Draw a texture within a rectangle.
DrawTextureWithTexCoords Draw a texture within a rectangle with the given texture coordinates. Use this function for clipping or tiling the image within the given rectangle.
EndGroup End a group.
EndScrollView Ends a scrollview started with a call to BeginScrollView.
FocusControl Move keyboard focus to a named control.
FocusWindow Make a window become the active window.
GetNameOfFocusedControl Get the name of named control that has focus.
HorizontalScrollbar Make a horizontal scrollbar. Scrollbars are what you use to scroll through a document. Most likely, you want to use scrollViews instead.
HorizontalSlider A horizontal slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.
Label Make a text or texture label on screen.
ModalWindow Show a Modal Window.
PasswordField Make a text field where the user can enter a password.
RepeatButton Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.
ScrollTo Scrolls all enclosing scrollviews so they try to make position visible.
SelectionGrid Make a grid of buttons.
SetNextControlName Set the name of the next control.
TextArea Make a Multi-line text area where the user can edit a string.
TextField Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.
Toggle Make an on/off toggle button.
Toolbar Make a toolbar.
UnfocusWindow Remove focus from all windows.
VerticalScrollbar Make a vertical scrollbar. Scrollbars are what you use to scroll through a document. Most likely, you want to use scrollViews instead.
VerticalSlider A vertical slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.
Window Make a popup window.


WindowFunction Callback to draw GUI within a window (used with GUI.Window).

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