LeetCode OJ--Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II *
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode *next;
ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
}; class Solution {
ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) {
if(head == NULL) return head; ListNode dummy(INT_MIN);
dummy.next = head;
ListNode *prev = &dummy,*cur = head;
while(cur!= NULL)
bool duplicated = false;
while(cur->next != NULL && cur->val == cur->next->val)
duplicated = true;
cur = cur->next;
cur = cur->next;
prev->next = cur;
prev = prev->next;
cur = cur->next;
prev->next = cur;
return dummy.next;
}; int main()
ListNode *n1 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n2 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n3 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n4 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n5 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n6 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n7 = new ListNode();
n1->next = n2;
n2->next = n3;
n3->next = n4;
n4->next = n5;
n5->next = n6;
n6->next = n7;
ListNode *ans;
Solution myS;
ans = myS.deleteDuplicates(n1);
return ;
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