



using namespace std;
const int N = , seed = , inf = ;
struct data {
int x, y;
data(int x = , int y = ) : x(x), y(y) {}
bool friend operator < (data A, data B) { return A.x < B.x; }
} a[N];
int n, ans, root;
long long c;
pair<int, int> pre, nxt;
int sum[N], fa[N];
struct Treap {
int cnt, P;
pair<int, int> key[N];
int size[N], child[N][], p[N], tot[N];
inline int rand() { P = P * seed + ; return abs(P); }
inline void update(int x) { size[x] = size[child[x][]] + size[child[x][]] + tot[x]; }
inline void rotate(int &x, int t)
int y = child[x][t];
child[x][t] = child[y][t ^ ];
child[y][t ^ ] = x;
update(x); update(y); x = y;
inline void insert(int &x, pair<int, int> o)
if(x == ) { p[x = ++cnt] = rand(); key[x] = o; tot[x] = ; }
if(key[x] == o) ++tot[x];
else { int t = o > key[x]; insert(child[x][t], o); if(p[child[x][t]] > p[x]) rotate(x, t); }
inline void erase(int &x, pair<int, int> o)
if(key[x] == o)
if(child[x][] == && child[x][] == ) { --tot[x]; if(tot[x] == ) x = ; else update(x); }
else { int t = p[child[x][]] > p[child[x][]]; rotate(x, t); erase(child[x][t ^ ], o); }
else erase(child[x][o > key[x]], o);
inline void query_pre(int x, pair<int, int> o)
if(x == ) return;
if(key[x] > o) query_pre(child[x][], o);
else { if(key[x] > pre) pre = key[x]; query_pre(child[x][], o); }
inline void query_nxt(int x, pair<int, int> o)
if(x == ) return;
if(key[x] < o) query_nxt(child[x][], o);
else { if(key[x] < nxt) nxt = key[x]; query_nxt(child[x][], o); }
} treap;
inline int find(int x) { return x == fa[x] ? x : fa[x] = find(fa[x]); }
inline void connect(int x, int y)
int u = find(x), v = find(y);
if(u == v) return;
fa[v] = u;
int main()
// freopen("", "r", stdin);
// freopen("nabor.out", "w", stdout);
scanf("%d%lld", &n, &c);
ans = n;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
int x, y;
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
a[i] = data(x - y, x + y);
a[].x = inf;
sort(a + , a + n + );
treap.insert(root, {-inf, -});
treap.insert(root, {inf, -});
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) fa[i] = i;
int l = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
pair<int, int> o;
while(l <= i && a[i].x - a[l].x > c)
o = make_pair(a[l].y, l);
treap.erase(root, o);
nxt = {inf + , -};
pre = {-inf - , -};
o = make_pair(a[i].y, i);
treap.query_pre(root, o);
treap.query_nxt(root, o);
long long dis_pre, dis_nxt;
treap.insert(root, o);
dis_pre = (long long)a[i].y - (long long)pre.first;
dis_nxt = (long long)nxt.first - (long long)a[i].y;
if(dis_pre <= c && pre.second != -) connect(i, pre.second);
if(dis_nxt <= c && nxt.second != -) connect(i, nxt.second);
printf("%d ", ans);
ans = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) ++sum[find(i)];
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) ans = max(ans, sum[i]);
printf("%d\n", ans);
// fclose(stdin);
// fclose(stdout);
return ;


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