135. 数字组合


给定一个候选数字的集合 candidates 和一个目标值 target. 找到 candidates 中所有的和为 target 的组合.

在同一个组合中, candidates 中的某个数字不限次数地出现.


样例 1:

输入: candidates = [2, 3, 6, 7], target = 7
输出: [[7], [2, 2, 3]]

样例 2:

输入: candidates = [1], target = 3
输出: [[1, 1, 1]]


  1. 所有数值 (包括 target ) 都是正整数.
  2. 返回的每一个组合内的数字必须是非降序的.
  3. 返回的所有组合之间可以是任意顺序.
  4. 解集不能包含重复的组合.
class Solution:
@param candidates: A list of integers
@param target: An integer
@return: A list of lists of integers
def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):
# write your code here
result = []
self.dfs(sorted(list(set(candidates))), target, result, path=[], start_index=0)
return result def dfs(self, nums, target, result, path, start_index):
if target == 0 and path:
result.append(list(path)) if target < 0:
return for i in range(start_index, len(nums)):
self.dfs(nums, target-nums[i], result, path, i)

153. 数字组合 II


给定一个数组 num 和一个整数 target. 找到 num 中所有的数字之和为 target 的组合.


样例 1:

输入: num = [7,1,2,5,1,6,10], target = 8
输出: [[1,1,6],[1,2,5],[1,7],[2,6]]

样例 2:

输入: num = [1,1,1], target = 2
输出: [[1,1]]
解释: 解集不能包含重复的组合


  1. 在同一个组合中, num 中的每一个数字仅能被使用一次.
  2. 所有数值 (包括 target ) 都是正整数.
  3. 返回的每一个组合内的数字必须是非降序的.
  4. 返回的所有组合之间可以是任意顺序.
  5. 解集不能包含重复的组合.
class Solution:
@param num: Given the candidate numbers
@param target: Given the target number
@return: All the combinations that sum to target
def combinationSum2(self, nums, target):
# write your code here
result = []
self.dfs(sorted(nums), target, result, path=[], start_index=0)
return result def dfs(self, nums, target, result, path, start_index):
if target == 0 and path:
result.append(list(path)) if target < 0:
return for i in range(start_index, len(nums)):
if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i-1] and i > start_index:
self.dfs(nums, target-nums[i], result, path, i+1)

90. k数和 II


给定n个不同的正整数,整数k(1<= k <= n)以及一个目标数字。    



样例 1:

输入: [1,2,3,4], k = 2, target = 5
输出: [[1,4],[2,3]]

样例 2:

输入: [1,3,4,6], k = 3, target = 8
输出: [[1,3,4]]

class Solution:
@param: A: an integer array
@param: k: a postive integer <= length(A)
@param: targer: an integer
@return: A list of lists of integer
def kSumII(self, A, k, target):
# write your code here
path = []
result = []
self.dfs(A, k, target, path, result, start_index=0)
return result def dfs(self, arr, k, target, path, result, start_index):
if target == 0 and k == 0:
return if target < 0 or k <= 0:
return for i in range(start_index, len(arr)):
self.dfs(arr, k-1, target-arr[i], path, result, i+1)

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