accessor method & mutator method
import java.time.*; public class MyTest{
public static void main(String[] args){
LocalDate date =;
int month = date.getMonthValue();
int today = date.getDayOfMonth(); date = date.minusDays(today - 1);
DayOfWeek weekday = date.getDayOfWeek();
int value = weekday.getValue(); System.out.println("Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun");
for(int i = 1; i < value; i ++)
System.out.print(" ");
while(date.getMonthValue() == month){
System.out.printf("%3d", date.getDayOfMonth());
if(date.getDayOfMonth() == today)
System.out.print(" ");
date = date.plusDays(1);
if(date.getDayOfWeek().getValue() == 1) System.out.println();
if(date.getDayOfWeek().getValue() != 1) System.out.println();
date = date.minusDays(today - 1); 更改了 date 所引用的对象
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