set statistics io on
set statistics time on
--SQL Server 2012分页方式
select * from Production.Product
order by ProductID offset 20 row fetch next 10 rows only
--SQL Server 05/08分页方式
with cte as
select row_number() over(order by productid) as rowNum,* from production.product
select * from cte where rowNum>20 and rowNum<=30
select * from (select row_number() over(order by productid) as rowNum,* from production.product) cte
where rowNum>20 and rowNum<=30 --通用方式
select top 10 * from Production.Product where ProductID not in
select top 20 ProductID from Production.Product order by ProductID
) order by ProductID select top 10 * from Production.Product where ProductID>
select max(ProductID) from (select top 20 ProductID from Production.Product order by ProductID) as temp
) order by ProductID



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