LintCode "Find Peak Element II"
Idea is the same: climbing up the hill along one edge (Greedy)! Visualize it in your mind!
class Solution {
* @param A: An integer matrix
* @return: The index of the peak
vector<int> findPeakII(vector<vector<int> > A)
int n = A.size();
int m = A[].size(); int i = , j = ;
while(i < m - && j < n - )
bool up = A[j - ][i] < A[j][i];
bool down = A[j + ][i] < A[j][i];
bool left = A[j][i - ] < A[j][i];
bool right= A[j][i + ] < A[j][i]; if(up && down && left && right)
return {j, i};
if(!down && j < n - )
j ++;
else if(!right && i < m - )
i ++;
} return {-, -};
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