scala中的case class是一种特殊的对象:由编译器(compiler)自动生成字段的getter和setter。如下面的例子:

 case class City(name:String, province: String)
case class Address(street: String, zip: String, city: City)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, phone: String, address: Address)
val Peter = Person("Peter Chan",,"",Address("13 baoan road","",City("ShenZhen","GuangDong")))
//> Peter : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13
//| baoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
val John = Person("John Woo",,"",Address("33 fada road","",City("GuangZhou","GuangDong")))
//> John : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(John Woo,43,3602011,Address(33 fa
//| da road,51001,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))
val Ming = Person("Fang Ming",,"",Address("6 jiefang da dao","",City("GuangZhou","GuangDong")))
//> Ming : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Fang Ming,23,3682412,Address(6 ji
//| efang da dao,51012,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))

这里我们可以看到:Person是个多层次对象,包含多层嵌入属性对象(multi-layer embeded objects)。如果需要更改Person类型实例中的任何字段时,我们可以直接用行令方式(imperative style):

 case class City(var name:String, province: String) = "DongGuan"
Peter //> res0: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 ba
//| oan road,40001,City(DongGuan,GuangDong)))

注意:我必须把case class 属性City的name字段属性变成var,而且这时peter已经转变了(mutated)。既然我们是在函数式编程中,强调的是纯函数代码,即使用不可变对象(immutable objects),那么函数式编程方式的字段操作又可以怎样呢?

 al peterDG =           peter.copy(
address = peter.address.copy(
city = = "DongGuan")))
//> peterDG : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(
//| 13 baoan road,40001,City(DongGuan,GuangDong)))
peter //> res0: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 ba
//| oan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
peterDG //> res1: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 ba
//| oan road,40001,City(DongGuan,GuangDong)))

我们可以使用case class的自带函数copy来实现字段操作。但是随着嵌入对象层次的增加,将会产生大量的重复代码。scalaz的Lens type class的主要功能之一就可以解决以上问题。我们先来看看scalaz Lens的用例:

val nameL = Lens.lensu[Person, String]((p,n) => p.copy(name=n),
//> nameL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Person,String] = scalaz.LensFunction
//| s$$anon$5@5f375618
val ageL = Lens.lensu[Person, Int]((p,a) => p.copy(age=a), _.age)
//> ageL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Person,Int] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$a
//| non$5@1810399e
val addrL = Lens.lensu[Person,Address]((p,a) => p.copy(address=a), _.address)
//> addrL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Person,Exercises.LensDemo.Address]
//| = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@32d992b2
val zipL = Lens.lensu[Address,String]((a,z) => a.copy(zip=z),
//> zipL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Address,String] = scalaz.LensFunctio
//| ns$$anon$5@215be6bb
val cityL = Lens.lensu[Address,City]((a,c) => a.copy(city=c),
//> cityL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Address,Exercises.LensDemo.City] =
//| scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@4439f31e
val provL = Lens.lensu[City,String]((c,p) => c.copy(province=p), _.province)
//> provL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.City,String] = scalaz.LensFunctions
//| $$anon$5@5dfcfece
val peter30 = ageL set (peter,) //> peter30 : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,30,4806111,Address
//| (13 baoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
val provCap = provL mod (_.toUpperCase,
//> provCap : Exercises.LensDemo.City = City(ShenZhen,GUANGDONG)
provL get provCap //> res2: String = GUANGDONG
val newCity = cityL set (peter.address, City("ChengDu","SiChuan"))
//> newCity : Exercises.LensDemo.Address = Address(13 baoan road,40001,City(Ch
//| engDu,SiChuan))
cityL get newCity //> res3: Exercises.LensDemo.City = City(ChengDu,SiChuan)

可以看到:我们用Lens.lensu构建了上面那些case class的Lens实例,然后分别用get,set,mod对case class的字段进行了读写操作示范。理论上Lens的基本定义大约是这样的:

case class Lens[R,F](
get: R => F,
set: (R,F) => R



// Lens type aliases
/** A lens that doesn't transform the type of the record. */
type Lens[A, B] = LensFamily[A, A, B, B] // important to define here, rather than at the top-level, to avoid Scala 2.9.2 bug
object Lens extends LensInstances with LensFunctions {
def apply[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] =
} type @>[A, B] = Lens[A, B] //
// Partial Lens type aliases
/** A partial lens that doesn't transform the type of the record. */
type PLens[A, B] = PLensFamily[A, A, B, B] // important to define here, rather than at the top-level, to avoid Scala 2.9.2 bug
object PLens extends PLensInstances with PLensFunctions {
def apply[A, B](r: A => Option[Store[B, A]]): PLens[A, B] =
} type @?>[A, B] = PLens[A, B]


sealed abstract class LensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] {
def run(a: A1): IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2] def apply(a: A1): IndexedStore[B1, B2, A2] =

如上可以这样理解LensFamily的类型参数LensFamily[R1,R2,F1,F2],分别代表操作前后Record和Field的类型。这样又提供了类型转换(type transformation)操作,可以概括更多类型的Lens。Lens包嵌了个Store类型,我们看看Store的定义:scalaz/StoreT.scala

final case class IndexedStoreT[F[_], +I, A, B](run: (F[A => B], I)) {


type StoreT[F[_], A, B] = IndexedStoreT[F, A, A, B]
type IndexedStore[I, A, B] = IndexedStoreT[Id, I, A, B]
type Store[A, B] = StoreT[Id, A, B]
// flipped
type |-->[A, B] = Store[B, A]
object StoreT extends StoreTInstances with StoreTFunctions {
def apply[F[_], A, B](r: (F[A => B], A)): StoreT[F, A, B] =
object IndexedStore {
def apply[I, A, B](f: A => B, i: I): IndexedStore[I, A, B] = IndexedStoreT.indexedStore(i)(f)
object Store {
def apply[A, B](f: A => B, a: A): Store[A, B] =


def put(a: A)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] = def puts(f: I => A)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[B] =
put(f(pos)) def set: F[A => B] =
run._1 def pos: I =

我们看见:如果F = Id的话,put(a) = run._1(a) >>> run._1 是 A => B,函数输入A,返回B,是个setter。pos = run._2 = A,是个getter。但Lens的get,set好像是这样的: get: A => B, set: A => B => A,与Store的A,B刚好相反,不过看看scalaz Lens的构建函数就明白了:scalaz/Lens.scala

trait LensFunctions extends LensFamilyFunctions {

  def lens[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] = new Lens[A, B] {
def run(a: A): Store[B, A] = r(a)
} def lensg[A, B](set: A => B => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
lens(a => Store(set(a), get(a))) def lensu[A, B](set: (A, B) => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
lensg(set.curried, get)

run(A) >>> Store[B,A], 刚好相反。可以说Store的B就是Record类型,A就是Field类型。所以scalaz版本的Lens包嵌的是个Store[F,R]。我们可以用pos和put把获取get和set。看看LensFamily的get和set源代码:

sealed abstract class LensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2] {
def get(a: A1): B1 =
run(a).pos def set(a: A1, b: B2): A2 =


 /** Lenses can be composed */
def compose[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[C1, C2, A1, A2]): LensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2] =
lensFamily(c => {
val (ac, a) =
val (ba, b) = run(a).run
IndexedStore(ac compose ba, b)
}) /** alias for `compose` */
def <=<[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[C1, C2, A1, A2]): LensFamily[C1, C2, B1, B2] = compose(that) def andThen[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[B1, B2, C1, C2]): LensFamily[A1, A2, C1, C2] =
that compose this /** alias for `andThen` */
def >=>[C1, C2](that: LensFamily[B1, B2, C1, C2]): LensFamily[A1, A2, C1, C2] = andThen(that)


 addrL >=> cityL >=> provL get peter               //> res4: String = GuangDong

 val peterFromShanXi = addrL >=> cityL >=> provL set(peter,"ShanXi")
//> peterFromShanXi : Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111
//| ,Address(13 baoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,ShanXi)))
peterFromShanXi //> res5: Exercises.LensDemo.Person = Person(Peter Chan,20,4806111,Address(13 b
//| aoan road,40001,City(ShenZhen,ShanXi)))


 def st: State[A1, B1] =
State(s => (s, get(s)))
abstract class LensInstances extends LensInstances0 {
import LensFamily._
import BijectionT._
import collection.SeqLike
import collection.immutable.Stack
import collection.immutable.Queue implicit val lensCategory: LensCategory = new LensCategory {
} /** Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the viewed portion of the state */
implicit def LensFamilyState[A, B](lens: LensFamily[A, _, B, _]): State[A, B] =


  /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
def mods(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =
IndexedState(a => {
val c = run(a)
val b = f(c.pos)
(c put b, b)
}) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
def %=(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =
mods(f) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value.
* @since 7.0.2
def modo(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =
IndexedState(a => {
val c = run(a)
val o = c.pos
(c put f(o), o)
}) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value. alias for `modo`
* @since 7.0.2
def <%=(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =
modo(f) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
def assign(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =
mods(_ => b) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value. */
def :=(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B2] =
assign(b) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value.
* @since 7.0.2
def assigno(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =
modo(_ => b) /** Set the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its old value. alias for `assigno`
* @since 7.0.2
def <:=(b: => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, B1] =
assigno(b) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value. */
def mods_(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, Unit] =
IndexedState(a =>
(mod(f, a), ())) /** Modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value. */
def %==(f: B1 => B2): IndexedState[A1, A2, Unit] =
mods_(f) /** Contravariantly map a state action through a lens. */
def lifts[C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
IndexedState(a => modp(s(_), a)) def %%=[C](s: IndexedState[B1, B2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
lifts(s) /** Map the function `f` over the lens as a state action. */
def map[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C] =
State(a => (a, f(get(a)))) /** Map the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */
def >-[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C] = map(f) /** Bind the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */
def flatMap[C](f: B1 => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
IndexedState(a => f(get(a))(a)) /** Bind the function `f` over the value under the lens, as a state action. */
def >>-[C](f: B1 => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
flatMap[C](f) /** Sequence the monadic action of looking through the lens to occur before the state action `f`. */
def ->>-[C](f: => IndexedState[A1, A2, C]): IndexedState[A1, A2, C] =
flatMap(_ => f)


 nameL run peter                            //> res6: scalaz.IndexedStore[String,String,Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = Indexe
//| dStoreT((<function1>,Peter Chan))
cityL run peter.address //> res7: scalaz.IndexedStore[Exercises.LensDemo.City,Exercises.LensDemo.City,E
//| xercises.LensDemo.Address] = IndexedStoreT((<function1>,City(ShenZhen,GuangDong)))
val updateInfo = for {
_ <- ageL +=
zip <- addrL >=> zipL
_ <- (addrL >=> zipL) := zip + "A"
_ <- nameL %= {n => n + " Junior"}
_ <- (addrL >=> cityL) := City("GuangZhou","GuangDong")
info <- get
} yield info //> updateInfo : scalaz.IndexedStateT[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.LensDemo.Person,E
//| xercises.LensDemo.Person,Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = scalaz.IndexedStateT$
//| $anon$10@74a10858
updateInfo eval peter //> res8: scalaz.Id.Id[Exercises.LensDemo.Person] = Person(Peter Chan Junior,21
//| ,4806111,Address(13 baoan road,40001A,City(GuangZhou,GuangDong)))


上面例子的 += 是NumericLens一项操作。NumericLens是这样定义的:

type NumericLens[S, N] = NumericLensFamily[S, S, N]
val NumericLens: NumericLensFamily.type = NumericLensFamily
/** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens */
case class NumericLensFamily[S1, S2, N](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N], num: Numeric[N]) {
def +=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] =
lens %= (, that)) def -=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] =
lens %= (num.minus(_, that)) def *=(that: N): IndexedState[S1, S2, N] =
lens %= (num.times(_, that))
} implicit def numericLensFamily[S1, S2, N: Numeric](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N]) =
NumericLens[S1, S2, N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]])


trait LensFunctions extends LensFamilyFunctions {

  def lens[A, B](r: A => Store[B, A]): Lens[A, B] = new Lens[A, B] {
def run(a: A): Store[B, A] = r(a)
} def lensg[A, B](set: A => B => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
lens(a => Store(set(a), get(a))) def lensu[A, B](set: (A, B) => A, get: A => B): Lens[A, B] =
lensg(set.curried, get) /** The identity lens for a given object */
def lensId[A]: Lens[A, A] =
lens(Store(identity, _)) /** The trivial lens that can retrieve Unit from anything */
def trivialLens[A]: Lens[A, Unit] =
lens[A, Unit](a => Store(_ => a, ())) /** A lens that discards the choice of right or left from disjunction */
def codiagLens[A]: Lens[A \/ A, A] =
lensId[A] ||| lensId[A] /** Access the first field of a tuple */
def firstLens[A, B]: (A, B) @> A =
lens {
case (a, b) => Store(x => (x, b), a)
} /** Access the second field of a tuple */
def secondLens[A, B]: (A, B) @> B =
lens {
case (a, b) => Store(x => (a, x), b)
} /** Access the first field of a tuple */
def lazyFirstLens[A, B]: LazyTuple2[A, B] @> A =
lens(z => Store(x => LazyTuple2(x, z._2), z._1)) /** Access the second field of a tuple */
def lazySecondLens[A, B]: LazyTuple2[A, B] @> B =
lens(z => Store(x => LazyTuple2(z._1, x), z._2)) def nelHeadLens[A]: NonEmptyList[A] @> A =
lens(l => Store(NonEmptyList.nel(_, l.tail), l.head)) def nelTailLens[A]: NonEmptyList[A] @> List[A] =
lens(l => Store(NonEmptyList.nel(l.head, _), l.tail)) /** Access the value at a particular key of a Map **/
def mapVLens[K, V](k: K): Map[K, V] @> Option[V] =
lensg(m => ({
case None => m - k
case Some(v) => m.updated(k, v)
}: Option[V] => Map[K, V]), _ get k) /** Access the value at a particular key of a Map.WithDefault */
def mapWithDefaultLens[K,V](k: K): Map.WithDefault[K,V] @> V =
lensg(m => v => m.updated(k,v), m => m(k)) /** Specify whether a value is in a Set */
def setMembershipLens[A](a: A): Set[A] @> Boolean =
lensg(s => b => if (b) s + a else s - a, _.contains(a)) def applyLens[A, B](k: B => A)(implicit e: Equal[A]): Store[A, B] @> B =
lens(q => {
lazy val x = q.pos
lazy val y = q put x
Store(b =>
Store(w => if(e equal (x, w)) b else y, x), y)
}) def predicateLens[A]: Store[A, Boolean] @> (A \/ A) =
lens(q => Store(_ match {
case -\/(l) => Store(_ => true, l)
case \/-(r) => Store(_ => false, r)
}, {
val x = q.pos
if(q put x) -\/(x) else \/-(x)
})) def factorLens[A, B, C]: ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) @> (A, B \/ C) =
lens(e => Store({
case (a, -\/(b)) => -\/(a, b)
case (a, \/-(c)) => \/-(a, c)
}, e match {
case -\/((a, b)) => (a, -\/(b))
case \/-((a, c)) => (a, \/-(c))
})) def distributeLens[A, B, C]: (A, B \/ C) @> ((A, B) \/ (A, C)) =
lens {
case (a, e) => Store({
case -\/((aa, bb)) => (aa, -\/(bb))
case \/-((aa, cc)) => (aa, \/-(cc))
}, e match {
case -\/(b) => -\/(a, b)
case \/-(c) => \/-(a, c) })


 import scala.collection.immutable.Set
val set135 = Set(,,) //> set135 : scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 3, 5)
Lens.setMembershipLens() get set135 //> res0: Boolean = true
Lens.setMembershipLens().set(set135,true) //> res1: Set[Int] = Set(1, 3, 5, 7)
Lens.setMembershipLens().set(set135,false) //> res2: Set[Int] = Set(1, 3) import scala.collection.immutable.Map
val fooMap = Map( -> "A", -> "B") //> fooMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B)
Lens.mapVLens() get fooMap //> res3: Option[String] = Some(A)
Lens.mapVLens().set(fooMap,"C".some) //> res4: Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C)
Lens.mapVLens().set(fooMap,None) //> res5: Map[Int,String] = Map(2 -> B)

以上是针对独立的immutable set和immutable map的操作。与上面的NumericLens示范一样,scalaz还提供了针对包嵌在对象内属性的标准类型操作函数,比如如果上面例子的set和map是case class的字段时该如何操作:

 case class Company(name: String, employees: Set[String], ids: Map[Int,String], breaks: Queue[String])
val titleL = Lens.lensu[Company,String]((c,n) => c.copy(name = n),
//> titleL : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,String] = scalaz.LensFunct
//| ions$$anon$5@385c9627
val empSetLens = Lens.lensu[Company,Set[String]]((c,e) => c.copy(employees = e), _.employees)
//> empSetLens : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,scala.collection.immut
//| able.Set[String]] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@139982de
val idMapLens = Lens.lensu[Company,Map[Int,String]]((c,i) => c.copy(ids = i), _.ids)
//> idMapLens : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,scala.collection.immuta
//| ble.Map[Int,String]] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@682b2fa
val breakQLens = Lens.lensu[Company,Queue[String]]((c,b) => c.copy(breaks = b), _.breaks)
//> breakQLens : scalaz.Lens[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,scala.collection.immut
//| able.Queue[String]] = scalaz.LensFunctions$$anon$5@217ed35e val foos = Company("The Foos Co, Ltd.",
Map( -> "peter", -> "john", -> "susan"),
Queue("breakfast","lunch","dinner")) //> foos : Exercises.LensDemo.Company = Company(The Foos Co, Ltd.,Set(peter, j
//| ohn, susan),Map(1 -> peter, 2 -> john, 3 -> susan),Queue(breakfast, lunch,
//| dinner))
val newCompany = for {
n <- titleL
_ <- titleL := "The New Foo Foo Company"
_ <- empSetLens -= "john"
_ <- empSetLens += "kitty"
_ <- idMapLens -=
_ <- idMapLens += ( -> "kitty")
bf <- breakQLens.dequeue
lc <- breakQLens.dequeue
dn <- breakQLens.dequeue
_ <- breakQLens.enqueue(bf)
_ <- breakQLens.enqueue(lc)
_ <- breakQLens.enqueue("afternoon tea")
_ <- breakQLens.enqueue(dn)
newOne <- get
} yield newOne //> newCompany : scalaz.IndexedState[Exercises.LensDemo.Company,Exercises.Lens
//| Demo.Company,Exercises.LensDemo.Company] = scalaz.package$IndexedState$$ano
//| n$2@2cd76f31
newCompany eval foos //> res7: scalaz.Id.Id[Exercises.LensDemo.Company] = Company(The New Foo Foo Co
//| mpany,Set(peter, susan, kitty),Map(1 -> peter, 3 -> susan, 2 -> kitty),Queu
//| e(breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner))



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    一.String的不可变特性 熟悉Java的朋友都知道,Java中的String有一个很特别的特性,就是你会发现无论你调用String的什么方法,均无法修改this对象的状态.当确实需要修改Strin ...

  3. 深入理解java不可变对象(转)

    深入理解Java中的不可变对象 不可变对象想必大部分朋友都不陌生,大家在平时写代码的过程中100%会使用到不可变对象,比如最常见的String对象.包装器对象等,那么到底为何Java语言要这么设计,真 ...

  4. paip.提升性能----java 无锁结构(CAS, Atomic, Threadlocal, volatile, 函数式编码, 不变对象)

    paip.提升性能----java 无锁结构(CAS, Atomic, Threadlocal, volatile, 函数式编码, 不变对象) 1     锁的缺点 2     CAS(Compare ...

  5. .NET 利用反射将对象数据添加到数据库

    .NET 利用反射将对象数据添加到数据库   一些小型的项目,在不使用其他的框架(LINQ,NHibernate,EF等等框架)的前提下,这时候一些反复的增删改查就会让我们感到极其的繁琐,厌烦,为了避 ...

  6. 关于:1.指针与对象;2.深浅拷贝(复制);3.可变与不可变对象;4.copy与mutableCopy的一些理解

    最近对深浅拷贝(复制)做了一些研究,在此将自己的理解写下来,希望对大家有所帮助.本人尚处在摸索阶段,希望各位予以指正. 本文包括如下方向的探索: 1.指针与对象: 2.深/浅拷贝(复制): 3.可变/ ...

  7. java String不可变对象,但StringBuffer是可变对象

    什么是不可变对象? 众所周知, 在Java中, String类是不可变的.那么到底什么是不可变的对象呢? 可以这样认为:如果一个对象,在它创建完成之后,不能再改变它的状态,那么这个对象就是不可变的.不 ...

  8. 深入理解Java中的不可变对象

    深入理解Java中的不可变对象 不可变对象想必大部分朋友都不陌生,大家在平时写代码的过程中100%会使用到不可变对象,比如最常见的String对象.包装器对象等,那么到底为何Java语言要这么设计,真 ...

  9. python,可变对象,不可变对象,深拷贝,浅拷贝。

    学习整理,若有问题,欢迎指正. python 可变对象,不可变对象 可变对象 该对象所指定的内存地址上面的值可以被改变,变量被改变后,其所指向的内存地址上面的值,直接被改变,没有发生复制行为,也没有发 ...


  1. 大数据平台R语言web UI应用架构 设计与开发

    1. 系统拓扑图 在日常业务分析中,R是非常常用的分析工具,而当数据量较大时,用R语言需要需用更多的时间来完成训练模型,spark作为大规模数据处理框架,采用内存计算,可以短时间内完成大量的数据的处理 ...

  2. WPF中关于自定义控件的滚动条鼠标停留在内容上鼠标滚轮滚动无效的问题

    问题起因:在一个用户控件里放置了1个TreeView垂直顺序放置. 当用户控件中的内容超过面板大小时,滚动条会自动出现 ,但是只有当鼠标指示在右边滚动条的那一条位置时,才支持鼠标滚轴滚动. 点在控件内 ...

  3. MongoDB修改器的使用1

    为什么要使用修改器?     通常我们只会修改文档的一部分,这时候更新整个文档就显得很麻烦,通常是通过原子性的更新修改器来完成. 1."$set"修改器    "$set ...

  4. Uvaoj 10048 - Audiophobia(Floyd算法变形)

    1 /* 题目大意: 从一个点到达另一个点有多条路径,求这多条路经中最大噪音值的最小值! . 思路:最多有100个点,然后又是多次查询,想都不用想,Floyd算法走起! */ #include< ...

  5. MYSQL的深入学习--优化步骤

    MySql优化的一般步骤 1.通过show status 命令了解各种sql的执行效率 SHOW STATUS提供msyql服务器的状态信息 一般情况下,我们只需要了解以”Com”开头的指令 show ...

  6. 你见过吗?9款超炫的复选框(Checkbox)效果

    复选框(Checkbox)在各个浏览器中的效果不一致,因此很多 Web 开发人员会自己重新设计一套界面和使用体验都更佳的复选框功能.下面就给大家分享9款超炫的复选框(Checkbox)效果,纯 CSS ...

  7. linux下core dump【总结】

    1.前言 一直在从事linux下后台开发,经常与core文件打交道.还记得刚开始从事linux下开发时,程序突然崩溃了,也没有任何日志.我不知所措,同事叫我看看core,我却问什么是core,怎么看. ...

  8. Elasticsearch——Date Math在索引中的用法详解

    在elasticsearch中,有时会想要通过索引日期来筛选查询的数据,此时就需要用到日期数学表达式. 更多内容参考Elasticsearch翻译汇总 基于日期数学表达式的索引 模式如下: <s ...

  9. SQL Server代理(5/12):理解SQL代理错误日志

    SQL Server代理是所有实时数据库的核心.代理有很多不明显的用法,因此系统的知识,对于开发人员还是DBA都是有用的.这系列文章会通俗介绍它的很多用法. 如我们在这个系列的前几篇文章所见,SQL ...

  10. 你必须知道的ASP.NET-----IHttpAsyncHandler实质

    一.写在前面 一说到IHttpAsyncHandler,很多人会顾名思义地说'不就是异步IHttpHandler'吗? 但当我发出疑问:"你真知道他们的不同之处?你真会使用它吗?" ...