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What is the WebMidiLink
WebMidiLink is a technology for the sync of multiple web-based synthesizers. Though the HTML5 audio functions allows you to build a web-based synthesizers, they still not have the ability of co-operating each other. WebMidiLink is a very simple protocol of the MIDI message transfer. Web-based host apps can use web-based synthesizers as if they are the plug-in synthesizers by this protocol.
This page is a sample of the WebMidiLink. Load web-based synthesizers by pressing the 'Load' buttons for each Instrument, and can play MMLs.
Chrome is recommended to run demo.
WebSequencer, the Pianoroll sequencer is now in development.
WebMidiLink Specification
WebMidiLink Specification
MML Play MML Stop
URL : | Load | |
g200kg:WebModular aike:WebSynth mohayonao:Timbre.js |
MML : |
URL : | Load | |
g200kg:WebModular aike:WebSynth mohayonao:Timbre.js |
MML : |
URL : | Load | |
g200kg:WebModular aike:WebSynth mohayonao:Timbre.js |
MML : |
MML format
Char | Description |
Tnn | Tempo setting |
A,B,C,D,E,F,G | Note name. following number is duration.If the duration is 0, the note is polyphonic. |
+,#,- | sharp/flat |
R | rest |
Vnn | channel volume (nn=0-15) "midi,bx,7,(nn)*8" |
@nn | prog change (nn=0-127) "midi,cx,nn" |
CHnn | midi channel (nn=1-16) |
Lnn | default note duration |
. | Dotted note |
Onn | Octave |
<,> | Octave shift |
& | tie |
WebMidiLink Supported WebApps
WebMidiLink supported Synths
Author | Name | Description | URL |
g200kg | WebModular | Modular synthesizer | http://www.g200kg.com/webmidilink/webmodular/ |
aike | WebSynth | Mini Moog like synthesizer | http://aikelab.net/websynth/ |
mohayonao | Timbre.js | Scripting synthesizer | http://script-synthesizer.herokuapp.com/ |
aike | Beatonica | Rhythm Toy linking to Twitter | http://beatonica.com/ |
g200kg | WebBeeper | Polyphonic beep test | http://www.g200kg.com/webmidilink/webbeeper/ |
GameSmith | Webitaur | bass synthesizer | http://www.angryoctopus.co.nz/synth16/ |
aike | BitMaker | Virtual 8bit Synthesizer | http://aikelab.net/bitmaker/ |
g200kg | GMPlayer | GM mapped Multi-timbre Synth | http://www.g200kg.com/webmidilink/gmplayer/ |
Takashi Mizuhiki | WebFMsynthesizer | Web FM synthesizer made with HTML5 | http://www.taktech.org/takm/WebFMSynth/ |
g200kg | MidiDevDrive | Local Midi device driver for WebMidiLink | http://www.g200kg.com/webmidilink/mididevdrive/ |
Yuuta Imaya | sf2synth.js | SoundFont Player/td> | http://imaya.github.io/demo/sf2.js/wml.html |
WebMidiLink Host App
Author | URL | Description |
mohayonao | https://dl.dropbox.com/u/645229/webmodular-and-timbre/index.html | timbre.js Rhythm track + WebMidiLink Synth |
tekisuke | http://sketch.txt-nifty.com/blog/chrosspad/chrosspad.html | ChrossPad for chrome |
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