Python Ethical Hacking - WEB PENETRATION TESTING(1)
- Computer with OS and some servers.
- Apache, MySQL ...etc.
- Cotains web application.
- PHP, Python ...etc.
- Web application is executed here and not on the client's machine.
How to hack a website?
- An application installed on a computer.
- ->web application pentesting
- Computer uses an OS + other applications.
- ->server side attacks.
- Managed by humans.
- ->client side attacks.
- IP address.
- Domain name info.
- Technologies used.
- Other websites on the same server.
- DNS records.
- Files, sub-domains, directories.
- Domains before the actual domain name.
- Part of the main domain.
#!/usr/bin/env python import requests
url = ""
get_response = requests.get("http://" + url)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
Polished Python Code:
#!/usr/bin/env python import requests def request(url):
return requests.get("http://" + url)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
pass target_url = "" with open("subdomains.list", "r") as wordlist_file:
for line in wordlist_file:
word = line.strip()
test_url = word + "." + target_url
response = request(test_url)
if response:
print("[+] Discovered subdomain --> " + test_url)
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