在windows DOS窗口下输入以下内容,输出为未打的补丁信息列表

systeminfo>vul.txt&(for %i in (KB977165 KB2160329 KB2503665 KB2592799 KB2707511 KB2829361 KB2850851 KB3000061 KB3045171 KB3077657 KB3079904 KB3134228 KB3143141 KB3141780)do @type vul.txt|@find /i "%i" || @echo %i vul!!!)&del /f /q /a vul.txt


CVE-2019-0803 [An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory] (Windows 7/8/10/2008/2012/2016/2019)
CVE-2018-8639 [An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory] (Windows 7/8/10/2008/2012/2016)
CVE-2018-1038 [Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability] (Windows 7 SP1/Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1)
CVE-2018-0743 [Windows Subsystem for Linux Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability] (Windows 10 version 1703/Windows 10 version 1709/Windows Server version 1709)
CVE-2018-8453 [An elevation of privilege vulnerability in Windows Win32k component] (>= windows 8.1)
CVE-2018-8440 [Windows ALPC Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability] (windows 7/8.1/10/2008/2012/2016)
MS17-017  [KB4013081]  [GDI Palette Objects Local Privilege Escalation]  (windows 7/8)
CVE-2017-8464  [LNK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability]  (windows 10/8.1/7/2016/2010/2008)
CVE-2017-0213  [Windows COM Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability]  (windows 10/8.1/7/2016/2010/2008)
CVE-2018-0833 [SMBv3 Null Pointer Dereference Denial of Service] (Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2)
CVE-2018-8120 [Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability] (Windows 7 SP1/2008 SP2,2008 R2 SP1)
MS17-010  [KB4013389]  [Windows Kernel Mode Drivers]  (windows 7/2008/2003/XP)
MS16-135  [KB3199135]  [Windows Kernel Mode Drivers]  (2016)
MS16-111  [KB3186973]  [kernel api]  (Windows 10 10586 (32/64)/8.1)
MS16-098  [KB3178466]  [Kernel Driver]  (Win 8.1)
MS16-075  [KB3164038]  [Hot Potato]  (2003/2008/7/8/2012)
MS16-034  [KB3143145]  [Kernel Driver]  (2008/7/8/10/2012)
MS16-032  [KB3143141]  [Secondary Logon Handle]  (2008/7/8/10/2012)
MS16-016  [KB3136041]  [WebDAV]  (2008/Vista/7)
MS16-014  [K3134228]  [remote code execution]  (2008/Vista/7)
MS15-097  [KB3089656]  [remote code execution]  (win8.1/2012)
MS15-076  [KB3067505]  [RPC]  (2003/2008/7/8/2012)
MS15-077  [KB3077657]  [ATM]  (XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/2000/2003/2008/2012)
MS15-061  [KB3057839]  [Kernel Driver]  (2003/2008/7/8/2012)
MS15-051  [KB3057191]  [Windows Kernel Mode Drivers]  (2003/2008/7/8/2012)
MS15-015  [KB3031432]  [Kernel Driver]  (Win7/8/8.1/2012/RT/2012 R2/2008 R2)
MS15-010  [KB3036220]  [Kernel Driver]  (2003/2008/7/8)
MS15-001  [KB3023266]  [Kernel Driver]  (2008/2012/7/8)
MS14-070  [KB2989935]  [Kernel Driver]  (2003)
MS14-068  [KB3011780]  [Domain Privilege Escalation]  (2003/2008/2012/7/8)
MS14-058  [KB3000061]  [Win32k.sys]  (2003/2008/2012/7/8)
MS14-066  [KB2992611]  [Windows Schannel Allowing remote code execution] (VistaSP2/7 SP1/8/Windows 8.1/2003 SP2/2008 SP2/2008 R2 SP1/2012/2012 R2/Windows RT/Windows RT 8.1)
MS14-040  [KB2975684]  [AFD Driver]  (2003/2008/2012/7/8)
MS14-002  [KB2914368]  [NDProxy]  (2003/XP)
MS13-053  [KB2850851]  [win32k.sys]  (XP/Vista/2003/2008/win 7)
MS13-046  [KB2840221]  [dxgkrnl.sys]  (Vista/2003/2008/2012/7)
MS13-005  [KB2778930]  [Kernel Mode Driver]  (2003/2008/2012/win7/8)
MS12-042  [KB2972621]  [Service Bus]  (2008/2012/win7)
MS12-020  [KB2671387]  [RDP]  (2003/2008/7/XP)
MS11-080  [KB2592799]  [AFD.sys]  (2003/XP)
MS11-062  [KB2566454]  [NDISTAPI]  (2003/XP)
MS11-046  [KB2503665]  [AFD.sys]  (2003/2008/7/XP)
MS11-011  [KB2393802]  [kernel Driver]  (2003/2008/7/XP/Vista)
MS10-092  [KB2305420]  [Task Scheduler]  (2008/7)
MS10-065  [KB2267960]  [FastCGI]  (IIS 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, and 7.5)
MS10-059  [KB982799]   [ACL-Churraskito]  (2008/7/Vista)
MS10-048  [KB2160329]  [win32k.sys]  (XP SP2 & SP3/2003 SP2/Vista SP1 & SP2/2008 Gold & SP2 & R2/Win7)
MS10-015  [KB977165]   [KiTrap0D]  (2003/2008/7/XP)
MS10-012  [KB971468]  [SMB Client Trans2 stack overflow]  (Windows 7/2008R2)
MS09-050  [KB975517]   [Remote Code Execution]  (2008/Vista)
MS09-020  [KB970483]   [IIS 6.0]  (IIS 5.1 and 6.0)
MS09-012  [KB959454]   [Chimichurri]  (Vista/win7/2008/Vista)
MS08-068  [KB957097]   [Remote Code Execution]  (2000/XP)
MS08-067  [KB958644]   [Remote Code Execution]  (Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008)
MS08-066  [KB956803]   [AFD.sys]  (Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003)
MS08-025  [KB941693]   [Win32.sys]  (XP/2003/2008/Vista)
MS06-040  [KB921883]   [Remote Code Execution]  (2003/xp/2000)
MS05-039  [KB899588]   [PnP Service]  (Win 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003)
MS03-026  [KB823980]   [Buffer Overrun In RPC Interface]  (/NT/2000/XP/2003)



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