Nmap & ncat



You'll be using Git to download course materials from the Github repository https://github.com/udacity/course-ud303. (You don't need to do this yet.) You'll also use it as part of an exercise on deploying a server to a hosting provider.


You'll also need to install ncat, which is part of the Nmap network testing toolkit. We'll be using ncat to investigate how web servers and browsers talk to each other.

Windows: Download and run https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.30-setup.exe

Mac (with Homebrew): In the terminal, run brew install nmap

Mac (without Homebrew): Download and install https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.30.dmg

Debian/Ubuntu/Mint: In the terminal, run sudo apt-get install nmap

To check whether ncat is installed and working, open up two terminals. In one of them, run ncat -l 9999 then in the other, ncat localhost 9999. Then type something into each terminal and press Enter. You should see the message on the opposite terminal:

python3 & HTTP web server


$ python3 -m http.server 8000


HTTP GET requests

HTTP responses






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