
Lecture slices

Lecture video

Reading list

  1. A Probabilistic Framework for Deep Learning
  2. Semi-Supervised Learning with the Deep Rendering Mixture Model
  3. A Probabilistic Theory of Deep Learning

13:49 / 1:30:37


GAN 一定意义上成为了classical statistical hypothesis testing,判断新产生的数据到底属于哪一个model。

CNN vs DRM Model

Weight: dictionaries

Value: sparse coding

Dropout: missing at randam data em algorithm

Back-propagation: m step of generalized em algorithm

Batch normalization: curvature normalization

AutoEncoder: em algorithm with reconstruction

Skip connection: preconditioning

19:30 / 1:30:37 

Lecture starts.



  • 从概率生成式模型 Generative Model入手

提到了Deep Rendering Mixture Model,深度渲染混合模型;可通过该链接初步了解:http://www.sohu.com/a/121834092_465975

Each Layer of the DRMM is a Sparse Coding Model.

Inference in the DRMM yields Deep Convnets

作为一种Probabilistic Framework for Deep Learning,更一般化,貌似convNet成了它的特例?


  • 从动态规划的角度去认识

The Dynamic Programming Algorithm Interpretation of Convnets

Saliency Maps show Selectivity and Invariance are Built up over Layers

Question: How do Convnets build up invariance to background?
Experiment: Visualize saliency maps for active neurons at each layer.

• Neurons in early layers are selective for all detectable features in input, including background.
• Neurons in deeper layers are selective only for small subset of input pixels (those useful for discriminating class)
• Neurons in deep layers are invariant to (almost all) irrelevant pixels e.g. background and below the neck.



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