
  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. """
  3. Created on Mon Dec 12 14:59:46 2016
  5. @author: shenruixue
  7. to calculate size after filter in conv and pool
  8. """
  9. import os.path, time
  10. import exceptions
  11. class TypeError (Exception):
  12. pass
  13. if __name__ == '__main__':
  14. file_srx = open("train_1920_1080.set")#其中包含所有待计算的文件名
  15. line = file_srx.readline()
  16. diff_time_all = 0
  17. while line:
  18. f = line[:-1] # 除去末尾的换行符
  19. print (f)
  20. print ('***********************************************************')
  21. mtime = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(f))
  22. ctime = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(f))
  23. mtime_s = (os.path.getmtime(f))
  24. ctime_s = (os.path.getctime(f))
  25. print "Last modified : %s, last created time: %s" % (mtime, ctime)
  26. diff_time = (int(mtime_s) - int(ctime_s))
  27. diff_time_all = diff_time_all + diff_time
  28. print "diff time is ", diff_time
  29. line = file_srx.readline()
  30. print "diff_time_all is ", diff_time_all
  31. file_object = open('train_1920_1080.txt', 'w')
  32. file_object.write(str(diff_time_all))
  33. file_object.close( )


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