In Pavlopolis University where Noora studies it was decided to hold beauty contest "Miss Pavlopolis University". Let's describe the process of choosing the most beautiful girl in the university in more detail.

The contest is held in several stages. Suppose that exactly n girls participate in the competition initially. All the participants are divided into equal groups, x participants in each group. Furthermore the number x is chosen arbitrarily, i. e. on every stage number x can be different. Within each group the jury of the contest compares beauty of the girls in the format "each with each". In this way, if group consists of x girls, then comparisons occur. Then, from each group, the most beautiful participant is selected. Selected girls enter the next stage of the competition. Thus if n girls were divided into groups, x participants in each group, then exactly participants will enter the next stage. The contest continues until there is exactly one girl left who will be "Miss Pavlopolis University"

But for the jury this contest is a very tedious task. They would like to divide the girls into groups in each stage so that the total number of pairwise comparisons of the girls is as few as possible. Let f(n) be the minimal total number of comparisons that should be made to select the most beautiful participant, if we admit n girls to the first stage.

The organizers of the competition are insane. They give Noora three integers t, l and r and ask the poor girl to calculate the value of the following expression: t0·f(l) + t1·f(l + 1) + ... + tr - l·f(r). However, since the value of this expression can be quite large the organizers ask her to calculate it modulo 109 + 7. If Noora can calculate the value of this expression the organizers promise her to help during the beauty contest. But the poor girl is not strong in mathematics, so she turned for help to Leha and he turned to you.


The first and single line contains three integers t, l and r (1 ≤ t < 109 + 7, 2 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ 5·106).


In the first line print single integer — the value of the expression modulo 109 + 7.

  1. 2 2 4
  1. 19

Consider the sample.

It is necessary to find the value of .

f(2) = 1. From two girls you can form only one group of two people, in which there will be one comparison.

f(3) = 3. From three girls you can form only one group of three people, in which there will be three comparisons.

f(4) = 3. From four girls you can form two groups of two girls each. Then at the first stage there will be two comparisons, one in each of the two groups. In the second stage there will be two girls and there will be one comparison between them. Total 2 + 1 = 3 comparisons. You can also leave all girls in same group in the first stage. Then comparisons will occur. Obviously, it's better to split girls into groups in the first way.

Then the value of the expression is .

  题目大意 某个学校要开展神奇的选美大赛,然后首先将n个女孩分成x组(x自定,且为n的约数),然后每一组中两两进行比较选出最漂亮的一位参加下一轮选拔。最终剩下的1人是冠军。定义f(n)表示在n个女孩中,选出最漂亮的一位最少需要的比较次数。求











  现在我们希望证明,当d1和d2都是素数的时候,且d1 < d2,那么当f(x)先通过d2再通过d1转移到f(n)比先通过d1再通过d2转移更优秀(意思说如果d不是n的最小质因子,那么我就可以构造出一组转移把它更优秀)。这次我们使用作差法。



  因此若n的最小质因子为d,则f(n)通过f(n / d)比其它任何质因子p,f(n)通过f(n / p)都要优秀。



  1. /**
  2. * Codeforces
  3. * Problem#882D
  4. * Accepted
  5. * Time: 202ms
  6. * Memory: 29300k
  7. */
  8. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  10. typedef bool boolean;
  12. const int moder = 1e9 + ;
  14. int t, l, r;
  16. inline void init() {
  17. scanf("%d%d%d", &t, &l, &r);
  18. }
  20. int num = ;
  21. int prime[];
  22. boolean vis[];
  23. int *f;
  24. inline int C2(int n) { return (n * 1LL * (n - ) / ) % moder; }
  25. inline void Euler() {
  26. f = new int[(r + )];
  27. memset(vis, , sizeof(boolean) * (r + ));
  28. f[] = ;
  29. for(int i = ; i <= r; i++) {
  30. if(!vis[i]) prime[num++] = i, f[i] = C2(i);
  31. for(int j = ; j < num && i * prime[j] <= r; j++) {
  32. int c = i * prime[j];
  33. vis[c] = true;
  34. f[c] = (f[i] + (f[prime[j]] * 1LL * i) % moder) % moder;
  35. if((i % prime[j]) == ) break;
  36. }
  37. }
  38. // for(int i = 1; i <= r; i++)
  39. // cout << f[i] << " ";
  40. // cout << endl;
  41. }
  43. int res = ;
  44. inline void solve() {
  45. int t0 = ;
  46. for(int i = l; i <= r; i++, t0 = (t0 * 1LL * t) % moder) {
  47. res = (res + t0 * 1LL * f[i]) % moder;
  48. }
  49. printf("%d\n", res);
  50. }
  52. int main() {
  53. init();
  54. Euler();
  55. solve();
  56. return ;
  57. }


  • 2017-8-2 21:30 补上证明

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