golang 中创建daemon的方法
https://github.com/immortal/immortal/blob/master/fork.go 这个是比较原始的最接近c语言的实现,它里面还有很多原始c语言的东西的golang实现:
// fork.go
package immortal import (
) // Fork crete a new process
func Fork() (int, error) {
args := os.Args[:]
cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[], args...)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Stdin = nil
cmd.Stdout = nil
cmd.Stderr = nil
cmd.ExtraFiles = nil
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
// Setsid is used to detach the process from the parent (normally a shell)
// The disowning of a child process is accomplished by executing the system call
// setpgrp() or setsid(), (both of which have the same functionality) as soon as
// the child is forked. These calls create a new process session group, make the
// child process the session leader, and set the process group ID to the process
// ID of the child. https://bsdmag.org/unix-kernel-system-calls/
Setsid: true,
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return , err
return cmd.Process.Pid, nil
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