The music is full of  (a, an, the, /) life. It can release your pressure to a large extent, so I enjoy this music very much.




National Day falls on the  (10月1日) when the Chinese people celebrate the day by means of various activities.


考查数词用法。此句意思是:国庆节在十月一号,中国人民通过各种活动来庆祝节日。英式英语中,表示“月日”时用“the+序数词(日)+of+月份”、“ 序数词(日)+月份”或“月份+the+序数词(日)”表达。美式英语中,表示“月日”时用“月份+序数词(日)”表达。所以此处填入1st, October。

 正确答案是: 1st of October|1st, October|October the 1st

It is  (5点20分). We have to be hurry up, otherwise we will be late for the early bus to school.


考查数词用法。此句意思是:现在是5点20分,我们必须快点,否则就赶不上去学校的早班车了。英式英语中,表示时间用“分钟数(30分钟内)+past+时钟数”,而美式英语中常用after表达。如果分钟数超过30分钟,无论英式英语还是美式英语都用to表达。所以此处填入twenty past five。

 正确答案是: five twenty|twenty past five|twenty after five

More than  (五分之三) of the black population live in poverty, which results in the starvation of many children in the African countries.



 正确答案是: three-fifths

He was born in the late  (20世纪70年代) and he gained little education when he grew up.




His mother died when he was in his  (30多岁), which was a great blow to his later life.



正确答案是: thirties|30s

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