DPA 9.1.85 升级到DPA 10.0.352流程
SolarWinds DPA的升级其实是一件非常简单的事情,这里介绍一下从DPA 9.1.95升级到 DPA 10.0.352版本的流程。为什么要升级呢? DPA给用户发的邮件已经写的非常清楚了(如下所示),DPA 10.0这个版本已开始支持MySQL了,另外它解决了一些Bug,在性能上有所改进、提升。
Our records indicate that you might have Database Performance Analyzer (DPA) 9.0 installed and licensed. If you have upgraded all your DPA servers to a later version (v9.1, 9.2, or 10.0), please ignore this email.
While SolarWinds transitioned Confio customers to a new licensing model in August 2014, it delayed the enforcement of core licenses for Oracle, DB2 and Sybase until November 10, 2015. If you are using DPA 9.0 with core licenses for Oracle, DB2 or Sybase, you should upgrade all your DPA servers to the latest version available in the Customer Portal before November 10, 2015. This will ensure that DPA can be configured to monitor all the databases that are licensed.
What will happen if I don’t upgrade?
DPA will start technically enforcing licenses for Oracle, DB2 and Sybase on November 10, 2015. If you are under your license limit, DPA will continue to collect data from all licensed database instances. If you have exceeded your licensing limit, DPA will unlicense all registered databases and stop monitoring them, and you will have to select which databases you want to monitor up to your license limit.
How many licenses will I have once I upgrade to a later version?
- If you purchased Oracle, DB2 or Sybase licenses before August 1, 2014 and have not purchased more licenses since that time, your licenses were core-based. Core-based licenses have been converted to instances at a 4:1 ratio, and the new license keys in your Customer Portal reflect this converted amount.
- If you initially purchased or bought additional licenses after August 1, 2014, your licenses are instance-based. The new license keys in your Customer Portal will reflect the purchased amount.
What should I do?
We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of DPA available in your Customer Portal and activate your license keys before November 10, 2015. This will correctly align product enforcement with the licenses you purchased.
Are there other benefits to upgrading?
Yes, DPA has made a lot of progress since 9.0 was released:
- 9.1 added support for Amazon RDS databases, excluding SQL Statements from trend graphs and event annotations
- 9.2 added integration with Orion
- 10.0 added MySQL support
- Bug fixes, security updates, and speed improvements
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact customer service at your earliest convenience. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to helping you quickly through this final transition of DPA licensing.
2:解压SolarWinds-DPA-v10.0.352-SR1--Linux-Unix.tar.gz安装包,然后查看 readme.txt,你会看到下面升级指导步骤。强烈建议升级前,先看看reade.txt的UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS。
3:还是建议将指导文档的步骤调整一下,首先停止DPA的服务,禁用任何关于SolarWinds DPA的cron jobs。
[root@lnxmonitor ~]# cd /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/
[root@lnxmonitor dpa_9_1_85]# ls
iwc license.txt shutdown.sh SolarWindsEula.rtf startup.sh
[root@lnxmonitor dpa_9_1_85]# ./shutdown.sh
* If this script fails you can manually stop the program by
* doing the following steps:
* 1) Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your Java installation.
* 2) Add <JAVA_HOME>/bin to your PATH environment variable.
* 3) Go to the <DPA Home>/tomcat/bin directory.
* 4) Run ./shutdown.sh
Catalog exists...
Found java 1.6 or 1.7
JAVA HOME IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/jre_linux
PATH IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/jre_linux/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
IBM Jvm Is Set To NO
Setting the -server option for JVM
JAVA_OPTS is -server -Xss256k -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -Djsse.enableCBCProtection=false -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dnet.sf.ehcache.skipUpdateCheck=true
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/jre_linux
Using CLASSPATH: /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config
* DPA is shutting down.
Exiting script after webserver stopped.
[root@lnxmonitor dpa_9_1_85]#
./dpa_10_0_352_x64_installer.sh 安装过程的一些截图如下所示
[root@lnxmonitor ~]#
[root@lnxmonitor ~]# cd /home/solarwinds/
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# ls
dpa_10_0_352 dpa_10_0_352_x64_installer dpa_9_1_85
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# cp -fr /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/* /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/idc/system.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/idc/repo.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/idc/server.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/properties/sqlformat.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/properties/connection.pool.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/properties/mail.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/analysis/analysis.properties'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/analysis/wait_parameters.xml'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/readme.txt'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/iwc/security/sqlauth.xml'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/oracle_config/name_config_readme.txt'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/registration/massreg_sql_server_template.csv'? y
cp: overwrite `/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/registration/massreg_oracle_template.csv'? y
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# cp -rf /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat/logs/* /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/logs/
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# mv /home/solarwinds/dpa_9_1_85/iwc/tomcat/licensing/ /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/
If you are:
- using LDAPS, or
- using SSL, or
- have changed the default SolarWinds DPA ports,
then also complete the following tasks:
a. Copy the keystore to the new installation.
cp -fr <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/.keystore <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/
b. If you changed default port values or if you are using SSL on 9.1.x or
bellow, open server.xml from both the old and the new installation
directories and then manually copy over the appropriate values. Make
sure that ports on the HTTP and HTTPS connector are not conflicting.
The files are located at:
- <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/server.xml
- <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/server.xml
6: 删除安装文件
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# rm SolarWinds-DPA-v10.0.352-SR1--Linux-Unix.tar.gz
rm: remove regular file `SolarWinds-DPA-v10.0.352-SR1--Linux-Unix.tar.gz'? y
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# rm -rf dpa_10_0_352_x64_installer/
If this script fails you can manually start the program by
doing the following steps:
1) Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your Java installation.
2) Add <JAVA_HOME>/bin to your PATH environment variable.
3) Go to the <DPA Home>/tomcat/bin directory.
4) Run ./startup.sh
5) Bring up the link (http://machine Name:8123
or http://machine IP:8123) in your browser.
atalog exists...
ound java 1.6 or 1.7
AVA HOME IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/jre_linux
ATH IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/jre_linux/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
he server port is 8127
he HTTP port is 8123
he HTTPS port is 8124
PA is not running.
he port 8123 is open
he port 8124 is open
he port 8127 is open
tarting DPA
BM Jvm Is Set To NO
etting the -server option for JVM
AVA_OPTS is -server -Xss264k -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dnet.sf.ehcache.skipUpdateCheck=true
aiting on initialization...please be patient
DPA has been launched, wait one minute then bring up
one of the following links in your browser:
http://<Machine Name>:8123 or http://<Machine IP>:8123
https://<Machine Name>:8124 or https://<Machine IP>:8124
If the link does not work, check <iwc_dir>/tomcat/logs
and make sure a firewall is not running on this machine.
xiting script after webserver launched.
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