• 客户 Client
  • 硬件 Hardware
    PC,巴可投影机30,000流明*2  Barco projector 30,000 lumen*2
  • 软件 Software
    Resolume,ArenaAutodesk Maya,Adobe Aftereffects





In 2018 Yibing Wine Festival Visual, I was leading the design team of projection visual graphics.

We have designed visual effects for three program, a dance, a sing performance,and a recitation performance.

For the dance, we were using the two main element: water and fire. We illustrated the water and fire’s colliding and merging, followed by the chemical reaction with cereal, to explain the wine made process.

For the production process, firstly we take the dancers’ practice video as a reference, as well as the motion changes of the music, to design and render visual effect graphics. While in rehearsal, on the contrary, the dancers took the visual graphics as reference, to modify there positions and movements on  the stage.

The projection area was 16m width with 9m height. For reaching the acceptable brightness, we were using two projectors synchronously, by using Resolume to mix the two projection contents together.

彩排畫面 Video from rehearsal

2018年宜賓美酒文化節浮空投影舞美特效 / 2018 Yibing Wine Festival Visual Effect Projection的更多相关文章

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