- #!/usr/bin/python
- import re
- def readfa(l):
- col={}
- arr =[]
- sca =''
- li = open(l)
- for line in li:
- if re.match(r'>(\w*)',line):
- match = re.match(r'>(\w*)',line)
- sca = match.group(1)
- col[sca]=arr
- arr =[]
- else:
- without = re.sub(r'\n',"",line)
- arr.append(without)
- return col
- def readgff(l):
- col ={}
- arr =[]
- li = open(l)
- for line in li:
- sp = line.split( )
- if sp[2] == 'mRNA':
- gene = re.match(r'ID=(.*?);',sp[8]).group(1)
- start =sp[3]
- arr=[]
- col[gene]=[sp[3],sp[4],arr,sp[0],sp[6]]
- elif sp[2] == 'CDS':
- gene = re.match(r'Parent=(.*?);',sp[8]).group(1)
- col[gene][2].append([sp[3],sp[4]])
- return col
- def deal_gff(l):
- col ={}
- for key,value in l.items():
- start=value[0]
- end = value[1]
- arr = value[2]
- sca = value[3]
- pos = value[4]
- if pos == '+':
- for single in arr:
- single[0] = int(single[0]) - int(start)
- single[1] = int(single[1]) - int(start)+1
- elif pos =='-':
- for single in arr:
- off= int(end)-int(single[1])
- lon= int(end)-int(single[0])+1
- single[0] = off
- single[1] = lon
- arr.reverse
- col[sca]=arr
- del value[0]
- del value[0]
- del value[2]
- return l
- ###main###
- gff=readgff('gff')
- c=gff
- fa =readfa('fa')
- g=deal_gff(c)
- col = {}
- s=''
- for k,v in g.items():
- sca = v[1]
- if fa[sca]:
- lon=s.join(fa[sca])
- short=''
- for i in v[0]:
- short += lon[i[0]:i[1]]
- col[k]=short
- for k1,v1 in col.items():
- print k1,"\n",v1
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