In this lesson, we look at how you can build up complex animations by assigning one shape as the parent of another, creating a branching display tree.

function onGLC(glc) {
// glc.size(400, 400);
// glc.setDuration(5);
// glc.setFPS(20);
var list = glc.renderList,
width = glc.w,
height = glc.h,
color = glc.color; // your code goes here: var Circle = list.addCircle({
x: width / ,
y: height / ,
radius: ,
stroke: true,
fill: false,
rotation: [,]
}); list.addRect({
x: ,
y: ,
w: [, ],
h: ,
parent: Circle
}); }

function onGLC(glc) {
// glc.size(400, 400);
// glc.setDuration(5);
// glc.setFPS(20);
var list = glc.renderList,
width = glc.w,
height = glc.h,
color = glc.color; // your code goes here: var ray1 = list.addRay({
x: ,
y: height / ,
length: ,
angle: [-,]
}); var ray2 = list.addRay({
x: ,
length: ,
angle: [,-],
parent: ray1
}); var ray3 = list.addRay({
x: ,
y: ,
length: ,
angle: [-,],
parent: ray2
}) }

If you don't need the parent to show, you can use Container:

function onGLC(glc) {
// glc.size(400, 400);
// glc.setDuration(5);
// glc.setFPS(20);
var list = glc.renderList,
width = glc.w,
height = glc.h,
color = glc.color; // your code goes here: var parent = list.addContainer({
x: width / ,
y: height / ,
rotation: [,]
}) list.addText({
x: ,
y: ,
text: "EGGHEAD",
rotation: [,],
parent: parent

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