Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM) adds additional security to Protected Mode and includes AppContainer and 64-bit tab processes. Like the Windows UI (Metro) Internet Explorer, AppContainer is now on by default on the desktop Internet Explorer. This prevents pages from reading or writing to the rest of the operating system. You can also use 64-bit tabs on the desktop IE (on 64-bit Windows). Running 64-bit tabs increases security on the desktop IE because 64-bit processes offer better protection against attacks that try to damage memory safety.


This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off 64-bit tab processes for Enhanced Protected Mode inInternet Explorer 11 for your account in 64-bit Windows 764-bit Windows 8, and 64-bit Windows 8.1.


Turn On or Off 64-bit Processes for EPM in IE11 Internet Options

1. Do step 2 or 3 below for how you would like to open Internet Options.

2. Open the Control Panel (icons view) in 64-bit Windows 8, click/tap on the Internet Optionsicon, and go to step 4 below.

3. Open Internet Explorer (for desktop in Windows 8), click/tap on the Tools  button, click/tap onInternet options, and go to step 4 below. (see screenshot below)

4. Do step 5 or 6 below for what you would like to do.

5. To Turn On 64-bit Processes for Enhanced Protected Mode in your IE11

A) In the Advanced tab, check the Enable 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Modebox under Security, and go to step 7 below. (see screenshot below step 7)
NOTE: If you have not already, you will need to also have the Enable Enhanced Protected Mode box checked.

6. To Turn Off 64-bit Processes for Enhanced Protected Mode in your IE11

A) In the Advanced tab, uncheck the Enable 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Modebox under Security, and go to step 7 below. (see screenshot below step 7)
NOTE: If you have not already, you will need to also have the Enable Enhanced Protected Mode box checked.

7. Click/tap on OK, and restart the PC to apply.

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