JDK Tools and Utilities

Monitoring Tools

You can use the following tools to monitor JVM performance statistics. The tools described in this section are unsupported and experimental, and should be used with that in mind. They may not be available in future JDK versions.
These tools are supported on all platforms except Windows 98 and Windows ME.

Tool Name Brief Description
jps Experimental: JVM Process Status Tool - Lists instrumented HotSpot Java virtual machines on a target system.
jstat Experimental: JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool - Attaches to an instrumented HotSpot Java virtual machine and collects and logs performance statistics as specified by the command line options.
jstatd Experimental: JVM jstat Daemon - Launches an RMI server application that monitors for the creation and termination of instrumented HotSpot Java virtual machines and provides a interface to allow remote monitoring tools to attach to Java virtual machines running on the local system.

Troubleshooting Tools

The following tools can be used for specific troubleshooting tasks. The tools described in this section are unsupported and experimental in nature and should be used with that in mind. They may not be available in future JDK versions.
Some of these tools are not currently available on Windows platforms.

Tool Name Brief Description
jinfo Experimental - Configuration Info for Java - Prints configuration information for a given process or core file or a remote debug server.
jhat Experimental - Heap Dump Browser - Starts a web server on a heap dump file (for example, produced by jmap -dump), allowing the heap to be browsed.
jmap Experimental - Memory Map for Java - Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory details of a given process or core file or a remote debug server.
jsadebugd Experimental - Serviceability Agent Debug Daemon for Java - Attaches to a process or core file and acts as a debug server.
jstack Experimental - Stack Trace for Java - Prints a stack trace of threads for a given process or core file or remote debug server.

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