TPO-16 C2 Reschedule the medieval history test

第 1 段
1.Listen to a conversation between a Professor and a Student.
第 2 段
1.Jeff, I'm glad you drop by, I've been meaning to congratulate you on the class leadership award.

drop by 顺便来访

第 3 段
1.Thanks Professor Bronson, I was really happy to get it and a little surprised.
第 4 段
1.I mean, there were so many other people nominated.
第 5 段
1.Well, I know the award was well deserved.
第 6 段
1.Now, what can I do for you today?
第 7 段
1.I needed to talk to you about the medieval history test, you know, the one scheduled for Friday afternoon.
第 8 段
第 9 段
1.Well, there is this trip that my French class is taking.
第 10 段
1.We are going to Montreal for the weekend.
第 11 段
1.Montreal? That's my favorite city.
第 12 段
1.What'll you be seeing there?
第 13 段
1.Uh, I'm not sure yet. Well, the reason, the main reason I wanna to go is that we'll be rooming with French speaking students there, you know, so we can get a chance to use our French to actually talk with real French speakers.
第 14 段
1.It sounds like a great opportunity.
第 15 段
1.But then, there is that test.
第 16 段
1.Yeah... but.. well, the thing is the bus leaves right in the middle of when our history class meets this Friday.
第 17 段
1.So, well, I was thinking maybe I could take the test on a different day like Monday morning during your office hours?
第 18 段
1.Eh... Monday morning... um... that would not be... oh wait, let me just see one thing.
第 19 段
1.Aha, okay. That's what I thought. So, for your class, I was planning a take-home exam, so you could just take the test along with you.
第 20 段
1.Let's see, I guess you could come to class Friday just to pick up the test.
第 21 段
1.That way you'd still make your bus, and then find some quiet time during your trip to complete it and you can bring it to class Wednesday when I'll be collecting everyone else's.
第 22 段
1.Hmm... um... during the trip, well, I guess I could.
第 23 段
1.So I should plan to take my books and stuff with me.
第 24 段
1.You'll definitely need your class notes.
第 25 段
1.I'm giving you several short essay questions to make you think critically about the points we've discussed in class, to state... uh state and defend your opinion, analyze the issues, speculate about how things might have turned out differently.
第 26 段
1.So, you see, I don't care if you look updates and that kind of thing.
第 27 段
1.What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.
第 28 段
1.Does that make sense?
第 29 段
1.Yeah, I think so.
第 30 段
1.You are looking for my point of view.
第 31 段
1.That's right. The mid-term exam showed me that you know all the details of who, where and when.
第 32 段
1.For this test, I want to see how you can put it all together to show some original thinking.
第 33 段
1.That's sounds pretty challenging, especially trying to work it into this trip.But, yeah, I think I can do it.
第 34 段
1.I'm sure you can.
第 35 段
1.Thank you, Professor Bronson.
第 36 段
1.Have a great time in Montreal.

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